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Stuart Thomas gives us his regular round-up of the way the newspapers have covered the transport industry this week.
Eyes pop out after MAD explosion
The Yorkshire Post gets full marks for one of the more inventive transport-related headlines we encountered last week: "Why motorists explode over roadside eyes."
The title conjures up images of carnage and flying body parts which any tabloid writer would be impressed with. Yet on closer examination the story was not (thankfully) related to a gruesome road traffic accident.
Why motorists explode over roadside eyes
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He told the Yorkshire paper that some of his members got "a bit excited" in February (snow sometimes does that to people) and actually blew up a Gatso on the A605. He told the paper: it's a loose organisation and we can't keep everyone on the straight and narrow."
This could be translated as: "I have created a monster that's out of control -for God's sake, someone help me."