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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is py the roughness of The roads Over which it rams,' —John Beattie Grosisr, Projected Regulations for Passenger Vehicles.
Whilst the Ministry of Transport has probably no power to issue regulations Which will make for greater safety in the operation of motor coaches and motorbuses on country services, it is considering the advisability of taking some action towards this end and, if necessary, of securing Parliamentary sanction.
It is greatly to be hoped that the legal department of the Ministry will find that it is possible to issue the regulations is an order, and to get them out quickly. We believe that what the Ministry has in mind is the use of a central gangway for passengers, with large exits and entrances which are not obstructed in any way. Another point that will be dealt with will be the question of ade quate brakes The laying down of a standard specification which will enable local authorities to insist upon an inspection of passenger-carrying vehicles prior to licensing will be all to the good.
Petrol Prices Down.
As we broadly hinted in cur issne for August 26th, the price of motor spirit has been reduced. The new prices took effect from September 4th, and the following are the current figures for petrol in England and Wales:— Aviation is. 11 per gallon.
No. 1 . is. 7i No. 2 ... • 1s. 5i
The retail prices for Scotland are id. per gallon more and in Ireland 2d. per gallon more.
The last reduction in the price of petrol was made in September last year, but art increase of 40. per gallon took place in February of this year.
The new retail price for National Ben. sole mixture is 1s. 7id. per gallon, and for National Benzole Is. lid. per gallon.
Tenders for Motor Spirit Wanted.
The South African Railways and Harbour authorities are inviting tenders for the supply of motor spirit during the period from January 1st, 1925. to June 30th of the same year, and tenders have to he presented in Johannesburg by October 20th. Those concerns who are in a position to offer British-refined motor spirit can obtain full particulars of the contract on application to the Department Of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.L.
Farm Tractors in Ireland According to the returns recently issued by the Irish Free State Governmeat 95 agricultural tractors, valued at £11,605, were imported into the country during the five months ended May last. The major portion of the machines-81, of a value of 27,11r—were attributed to the United States, Great Britain being credited with 14 (24,494). During the same period 21 tractors, valued at 23,891 and described as of Free State manufacture, were exported.
To Sell Morris Commercial Models.
We learn that Mr. C. F. LawrenceKing has been appointed sales manager of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Birmingham, in which capacity he will form a notable addition to the staff which Mr. W. Cannel], the general manager, has associated with him. Mr. Lawrence-King was at one time a con suiting engineer and worked in close connection with S. Smith and Sons, Ltd., whose carburetters and accessories are used on the various productions of the Morris Co.
Replacing Ford Bands in Bali-an-Hour.
We are informed that a highly successful trial of the Glover detachable transmission band for Ford vehicles has recently been completed by the Royal Automobile Club.
The device is of a very simple type, consisting in each band of a detachable lug working in conjunction with the band on the stud and keyhole slot principle. The novelty of the design is that the loose end of the band fits on the top of the base of the detachable lug, thus allowing the operator, when fitting the band, to hold this end in place and to see that the studs engage properly.
In the trial the brake band was removed and replaced in less than 15 minutes, and all three bands were dealt with in a similar manner in less than 34 minutes. Iii each case the time included the removal and replacement of the inspection plate and all adjustments, and the changes were carried out by the driver, alone, without any special tools.
Arrangements are being made to place the device on the market, and the price provisionally fixed is £1. 15s.per set, which includes a spars band, whilst the cost of fitting is anything between 10s. and 20s., according to the circumstances.
It is claimed that, once fitted, these bands should show a saving of nearly 20s. every time they require relining, and for commercial vehicles as much as 100 per cent., if the saving of time be considered.
We shall deal mare fully with the device and illustrate lt in our next issue.
Slippery Road Surfaces.
In view of complaints which have reached the Minister of Transport regarding the slipperiness of certain kinds oF road surfaces in some state of the weather, the Minister recently invited representatives of the principal concerns associated with these types of paving to meet officers of the Roads Department for a general discussion of the question. As a result of this meeting a small committee has been set up, on which the Roads Department is represented, to undertake Immediate investigations and experiments, which, it is hoped, will lead to a solution of the difficulty.
The Severn Road Bridge Scheme Held Up.
The scheme for erecting a road bridge across the River. Severn, to which we have made several references in our columns, is not to be proceeded with for the moment. The Minister of Transport has notified the local authorities concerned that an agreement has been reached by the Ministry of Transport and the directors of the Great Western Railway Co., whereby the scheme will be held up pending the result of the investigations into the Severn barrage scheme in which the Goverrseent is interested.
Profits on Keighley's Passenger Vehicles.
Keighley Corporation Tramways Department, which has just issued its report for the year ended March 31st last, made a profit of 27,565 on its passenger-vehicle services during the year, and after meeting all current charges a net surplus of 21,764 remains.
Profits were shown on each of the accounts for the three forms of passenger transport, that on the buses being 21,992, on the tramways 22,534, and on the railless services 2456. The total number of passengers carried on the motorbuses was 300,611, and on the Tailless vehicles 453,193.
During the year extensive preparations were made for the conversion of the tramway system to operation by railless vehicles and, in consequence, little outlay was incurred on track repairs, which would have been essential if the council had intended to continue its tramways seriices.
Aftermath of the Nuneaton Bus Accident.
As a result of the recent motorbus disaster at Nuneaton, the watch committee of the Leicester Corporation has decided that the renewal of bus licences will in future be conditional upon the provision of a rear emergency door. It is stated that the buses run by the Corporation are fitted with fire extinguishers, although they are not piovided with emergency exits at the rear.
That this regrettable accident has given many municipal authorities cause to think is evidenced by the fact that the Bishop Auckland Urban District Council has written to all bus companies operating in its area asking them to provide emergency exits on their vehicles, and it is pressing the Ministry of Transport for regulations to ensure increased safety on such vehicles.
The tramways committee of the Burton Corporation has also decided that the rear seats covered by emergency doors on the Corporation's buses shall be removed so that the exit of passengers may be facilitated in case of need.
Folkestone Against Coaches.
A resolution has been adopted by the Folkestone Council in which objection is taken to the use of the normal type of motor coach for ordinary street traffic, and it has, therefore, resolved that no additional licences for vehicles of this type shall be granted. The authorities in Folkestone 'undertake
licensing for the district, and the Hythe Council has not received the resolution with general approval. Some members have stated that the motor coach is more popular with visitors than the omnibus, and that by putting the resolution into force many small owners will be deprived of their present means of livelihood.
The Australian All-British Show.
The commercial vehicles displayed at the recent all-British Motor Show held in Melbourne included examples of the A.E.C. Albion Burford, Dennis, Hallford, }farrier, Leyland, Thornycroft and Vulcan models.
Thornycroft's in Australia.
As a result of the steadily increasing sales of Thornycroft industrial vehicles, Thornycroft (Australia), Ltd., are considerably extending their service station at Pyrmont, which, when completed, -will be one of the largest 'in the Commonwealth.
Freeing Toll Bridges.
A possible extension of statutory powers hi treeing bridges from tolls is foreshadowed in a communication which has been received by the Gainsborough Council from the Ministry of Transport, the authorities of the Lincolnshire town having been long concerned in an effort to abolish the inordicetely high tolls which are levied for crossing the River Trent in that area.
It was pointed out that there is no power at the present time which would enable the Ministry to make grants from the Road Fund towards the cost of freeing toll bridges. It was officially intimated, however, that the matter is receiving the attention of the department and that, so soon as the necessary authority is conferred by Parliament, applications of local authorities concerned will receive every attention, The announcement will he hailed with general satisfaction, and the Gains' boroughCouncil may reasonably claim credit for having stimulated official action in regard to a matter which has an important bearing in relation to traffic throughout the country.
A Barimar Booklet.
" Send to Barimar " is the title of a. little booklet which Barimar, Ltd., of 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, Vv-.C.1, have just issued. It deals fully with the company's repair service and clearly depicts by illustration and text matter the various classes of scientific welding repair which have been successfully carried out.
Glamorganshire Roads.
The Ministry of Transport has advised the Glamorgan County Council that in connection with -its disbursement of £5,000,000 for the improvement of the trunk roads for the country the council should put in hand before the end of October the work of improving that section of the London-Fishguard road which passes through the county. The work is already proceeding on that ,stretch of the road between Evrenny and Broadcastle, and it has been resolved to consult the Penybont Council in connection with the Ministry's suggestion.
• Further road improvements are now in progress in Glamorgan, and other schemes are to be put in hand at an early date. For instance, on the main Cardiff to Swansea road the Neath Urban District Council and the Glamorgan County Council are diverting the main road at Briton Ferry so as to cross the River Neath, thus reducing the road mileage to certain districts.
In connection with other roads in the county the Pontypridd and Rhondda Urban District Councils are holding a conference on a projected new road to connect Pontypridd with Porth, and two routes which have been proposed are being considered. The Ogmore and Gawr District .Council also is urging the Ministry to expedite its grant towards the construction of the new road from Lla_nglinor to Blackmill, so that communications between adjacent mining districts can be facilitated.
Transport Development in Span. In spite of the bad state of the roads in Spain, which do not appear to have • been very-much improved of late years, transport by motor vehicle has increased enormously during the past two years. Large numbers of motorbus services are now in operation and, in some cases, particularly where outlying villages are linked up, they are proving serious competitors to the railways. This is not 5urprising when one considers that many of the railway stations are situated at considerable .distances from the villages and, moreover, apart from the fact that the road vehicles run right into the mitres of population, the fares which are charged are lower than those ruling on the railways.
According to a recent Departmeet of Overseas Trade report, it is thought likely that the picturesque feature of Spanish village life, i.e., the old mule cart and the diligence, will soon die e28 appear, for motor vehicles are now being very largely used for conveying market produce to distributing centres. The most popular type of light lorry in Spain is the Ford, and it is interesting to note that hardly a village in the country is without its Ford agent.
Boy Bus Conductors.
Wakefield City Council has refused to agree to the application of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., that the age limit for boy bus conductors be reduced from 16 to 14 years.
German Show Postponed.
The annual German Motor Show, which was to have been held in Berlin from • September 26th to October 25th, has been, we learn, put off until December, the precise dates not having yet been announced.
Wide Roads for Newport.
Newport (Mon.) Borough Council is proceeding with its policy of constructing wide roads. In this connection a thoroughfare, 70 ft. wide, is being constructed on the north side of Clarence Place. The completion of this scheme will synchronize with the widening of the Usk Bridge, to which the new road will afford an easy approach. Another road of a similar width which is being built in the council's area is that -which approaches the Great Western Railway station.
Uniform Licensing Conditions.
Otley Urban District Council expresses its willingness to arrange with neighbouring councils for a general and uniform system of regulating and licensing motorbuses.
Vuicans on Manoeuvres.
In our article dealing with the Army Transport Services, which appeared last week, we referred, in a caption to two Vulcan vehicles as being 20-cwt. machines. This should, of course, have read 30-cwt.
Wakefield Traffic Census..
Wakefield City Council has authorized the city surveyor to arrange for the taking of a trafAc census in Alverthorpe. Batley and Thornes roads and Thomas Lane, with a view to the making of an application to the Ministry of Transport for the classification of such roads.
The Manchester Parade. •
The Commercial Motor Users Association (Manchester area) and the Manchester Transport (Owners') Association, Ltd.—a joint organization—are holding their fourth annual commercial motor parade on Saturday next. The parade will take place in MoseleyRoad, Fallowfield, and the scheme of awards will be on similar lines to that of previous years. Challenge cups will be awarded to the best teams of petrol and steam vehicles and also to the best vehicles on parade. There are 10 different classes in which vehicles will compete, these including sections for steam wagons, petrol vehicles, steam tractors and passenger-carrying vehicles. The parade will be fully reported in our issue for September 30th, in which the list of •prize-winners, will also appear.
A New Windscreen Wiper.
Tn damp and wet weather when moisture is likely to accumulate on the windscreen, a wiper forms a very useful accessory for enabling the driver to clear the screen so that his view of the road ahead is not impeded.
One of the latest devices of this type to be marketed is that produced by Bowden Wire, Ltd., of Victoria Road, Willesden Junction, London,N.W.10. It forms one of the most recent adaptations of Bowden wire mechanism and the device is most simple and can he easily fitted. It is of the squeegee pattern and operates effectively when the pressure on the glass is just sufficient slightly to bend the rubber strip which is carried in an arm parallel with the screen. The movement of a doubleaction lever induces the rubber arm to pass through a half circle so that an adequate area of the screen is readily cleaned.
Bus Services in China.
A road transport company was i recently organized in Yangchow, n the province of Kiangsu, to operate motorbuses to Chingkiang, a city on the opposite side of the Yangtze river. By water this trip occupies from three to seven hours; by motorbus the journey can be made in 50 minutes, including ferrying overthe river. Five 10-seater motorbuses are in use, the fare being 80 Chinese cents. The route passes through a fertile and densely populated country, and, if it be preyed that it can be successfully operated, will be extended to Tsingkiangpu, a large city 110 miles to the north, as well as to Tungchow.
Encouraging Buses:
The value of the numerous motor omnibus services which have recently been instituted in the Sunderland neighbourhood to local tradesmen was commented on by the Mayor of Sunderland at a meeting of the Durham and North Yorkshire Federated Chambers of Trade, a very. important North-country traders' organization. He advised traders and others not to discourage .buses, as was the line of ,action taken in some, parts of the country, but rather to do all they could to foster the extension of such facilities. The new bus services around Wearside, he added had been the means of bringing thousands of. people to Sunderland, with the result that traders had benefited immensely. They had, he .said, been the salvation of tradesmen in Sunderland_during a-particularly bad period
of industrial depression. .
A New Portable Drill.
The B.E.N. Patents, 100, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, have just marketed a portable electric drill which should prove of interest to engineers and those engaged in workshops and garages. One of the outstanding features of this drill is its light weight. The drill body is made from a single steel stamping and is sufficiently strong to withstand rough usage. The motor is efficiently cooled by means of a fan, and the drilling spindle is provided with a ball thrust. Other features of the drill include a 'trigger switch, a pistol. grip handle and a length of rubber. covered flex and an adapter which enables it to be operated from any form of lighting switch. The weight of thedrill is 5 lb., and the type U.L.A. sells at £5 5s.
Enterprise at Dartford.
J. C. Beadle, Ltd. of Spital Street, Dartford, have recently sent us a copy of a neat little folder which they have just issued. Its object is to show the various classes of bodywork which the company undertake, not only for touring cars, but also for business vehicles as represented by goods and passenger models. Some idea of the company's activities can be gathered from an excellent illustration which shows the commercial-vehicle body shop, in which
is fitted a travelling crane capable of lifting bodies from the benches and depositing them upon the chassis. The total floor space of the shop is, incident. ally, 21,000 sq. ft.
It may be known that the company are not only concerned with bodybuild
ing, for they are agents for a number of well-known commercial vehicles and are well equipped to undertake complete overhauls of petrol or steam vehicles.
Copies of the folder will be sent to all those interested on application to the above address.
Losses on Workmen's Buses.
It was reported at a recent meeting of the Bed was and Machin Urban District Council that the receipts from the council's workmen's bus services havefallen very considerably, and that at the present time a loss of £300 per year is being incurred. The. council has resolved to conduct an inquiry into the operations of the services with a view to remodelling them on lines which will enable the vehicles to be remunefatively run.
Road Accidents in Bradford.
According to statistics which have recently been issued, the number of persons killed or injured by motor vehicles in Bradford has increased layj 173 per cent. since 1914, although an considering this fact it must be borne in mind that the number of vehicles registered or licensed in the same period has risen by 1,225 per cent.
The remarkable indications of the growth of motor traffic an Bradford can be gleaned from the fact that 706 'vehicles were licensed in 1914, whereas 9,355 motor vehicles were registered or licensed in the city nine years later.
Pump Attachments or Trailers?
At a meeting of the Sleaford Urban District Council it was reported that, in response to advertisements inviting tenders for a pump attachment to the existing motor lorry, no offers had been received, but that various manufacturers, including the company who had previously suggested the purchase of a pump attachment, had recommended that it would be much preferable to purchase a separate trailer pump, the chassis of the motor fire-tender presenting difficulties in the fixing of a pump attachment, which, it was urged, would prove to be unsatisfactory for uSe at country fires where the , motor lorry could not be taken to ponds or across ploughed fields in had weather. It was also reported that :Martins, Ltd., of Stamford, had sent to Sleaford two of their :trailer fire pumps and had given a demonstration, before several members of three joint councils and the Sleaford Fire Brigade with very satisfactory results. • After _the captain of the fire brigade had given his opinion of the pumps the council decided to recommend to the other two councils that the three joint bodies should purchase a trailer motor fire pump at an estimated cost of £400, 'and that tenders be advertised for and submitted at a further meeting.
A.B.M.M. Move Their Headquarters. We are informed that the new address of the Association of British Motor Manufacturers, Ltd., as from to-day, September 16th, will be at 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
Rochdale's Bus Proposals.
The tramways Committee of the Rochdale Corporation is to seek Parliamentary powers to run motorbuses in Rochdale, and in the surrounding districts by consent of the local authorities. It is also proposed to link up portions of the town and neighbourhood with the existing tramcar service, and this provision is being incorporated in an omnibus Bill which the town council intends to promote next session.
Duckham's New Activities.
We are informed that whilst Alexander Duckhant and Co., Ltd., have up to the present been concerned only with marketing lubricating oil, greases, etc., for the Trinidad Central Oilfields, Ltd., they Al in future act as their sole selling organization, and that in that capacity they will be in a position to supply motor spirit, gas oil and other products. The sales department of the Trinidad Central Oilfields, Ltd., will, therefore. cease to exist as a separate department.
A Haulier's Karrier.
Karrier Motors, Ltd., often receive testimonials from users of their machines which indicate the reliability and durability of their products, even after machines have seen a number of years' service. In this connection the letter which the company have recently received from Messrs. J. Ilosker and Co., of Widnes, is of interest, in so far as it deals with a Karrier machine supplied to them in the early part of 1920.
The users speak in glowing terms of the capabilities of the Karrier, and especially refer to a record hill-climb achieved by the vehicle with a load a 6 tons 15 cwt. The hill successfully negotiated was that in Eathcote Street, Kidsgrove, which has a gradient of one in five in the steepest part. The vehicle effected the climb in second gear with ample power in hand. A descent was also made of the same hill, and the scotch was only brought into use on one occasion. The vehicle was brought to a halt on the steepest part of the hill with ease and without any strain on the brakes and gears.
Mr. Hosker, who is a haulage contractor, drives the vehicle himself and indicates that he is often called upon to undertake lone journeys by referring to three trips which were undertaken in one week to York from Liverpool with loads of 5L tons. The average weekly mileage standing to the credit of the vehicle is close on 650..
New Zealand Import Duties.
On the ground that they are provided with a front seat suitable for carrying a passenger, in addition to the driver, the Customs authorities at some of the ports in New Zealand have been imposing on
Commercial vehicles not only the usual import duty, but the additional body tax leviable on imported complete cars. The matter was taken up by the New Zealand Motor Trade Association with the Commissioner øf Customs, who has now given a ruling that commercial vehicles are not subject to the body tax.
Production in America.
In the month of July 25,224 commercial vehicles were produced in the United States, as against 27,874 vehicles of a similar type in the previous month.
Buses in Carlisle.
Having regard to the number of motorbuses now licensed to ply for hire in Carlisle, the watch committee considers it desirable that intending applicants for further licences should ascertain whether they are likely to be granted before ordering vehicles.
Local Proceedings.
Tredegar (Mon.) Urban District Council has purchased a new Leyland motor fire-engine.
Bolton Corporation Tramways Committee has inspected and tested a new typo 40-seater Leyland motorbus.
Eastbourne Corporation has decided that no vehicle shall occupy a parking place for longer than two hours at a time.
Plymouth Corporation has decided to purchase two Dennis vehicles at a cost of .k.1,560 and two Thornycroft convertible wagons at a cost of 22,360.
Sheffield Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of eight motorbuses from the Associated Equipment Co., Lid., at £1,695 each.
Ossett Town Council has given permission to J. Bullock and Sons, Ltd., motor engineers, Wakefield, to establish a bus service between Ossett and Leeds_ The Ministry of Health has sanctioned new by-laws for hackney motor carriages at Plymouth, providing for fares at is. 8d. per mile instead of is. 4d, per mile.
The Glasgow Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of 50-cwt. chassis suitable for carrying a lorry body, and "these must be lodged by September 18th.
Newport (Mon.) Corporation proposes to seek Parliamentary powers for the extension of motorbus services to many routes beyond the present boundaries of the borough.
Penzance Town Council has been informed that the Home Office will not object to the proposal to appoint police pensioners as temporary constables for traffic duty during the summer season.
Carlisle Watch Committee has decided _that motor omnibuses which do not maintain a Sunday service on the routes for which they are licensed be not permitted to -ply for hire on other' routes on Sundays.
The highways committee of the Eastbourne Corporation has considered the desirability of the corporation motorhna undertaking bearing some part of the extra expense of making up roads for bus traffic, but decided to take no action.
The cleansing committee of the Carlisle Corporation has considered the question of refuse removal by horse and motor transport and adjourned its decision pending information as to the utilization of motor vehicles in other towns.
In view of all the circumstances connected with the proposed extension of the tramway track through Milton and Cocnen, the Portsmouth Corporation has asked the tramways committee to reconsider the matter, especially in regard to the possibilities of other forms of transport.
A Wakefield Appeal.
The Ministry of Transport has held an inquiry regarding the appeal of the C.M.U.A. on behalf of its members against the refusal of the city council to grant licences to ply for hire with omnibuses to Smethurst and Son, Ltd., Mr. W. R Bingley, and Mr. J. J.• Granter.