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Many A licence-holders in the Yorkshire Traffic Area have found that, under the new licensing regulations, they are worse off, instead of better off, so far as the length of the currency period is concerned, In numerous instances the Yorkshire Licensing Authority has re-granted A licences for a period of only 13 months, as compared with two years under the old regulations.
It is contended that even if a case can be made out for the granting of A licences with currency periods shorter than the five years which is permissible wider the new regulations, so as to give a " spread-over " of future renewal applications in the interests of smooth working in the traffic courts, this does not justify the reduction of the currency period to such an extent as in the cases quoted.
A number of Yorkshire B.-licence applicants has also had the licences re-granted for 13 months, as compared with two years.
New A.E.C. Spare Parts Depot.
From October 1 the premises of the Associated Equipment Co.. Ltd., at North Road, London, N.7, will be closed and replaced by a new spare parts depot at 12-13, New Wharf Road, King's Cross, London, Ni. The new depot will be in a more central position than the original buildings at North Road, and will, moreover, be within easy access of the main-line termini on the north side of London. The depot will operate from 8 a.m. to S p.m. daily, except Sundays.
Latils at Paris Salon.
Laths will be showing two interesting novelties at the Paris Salon, from October 7-17. One is a road-or-rail tractor, which will have a Latil-Gardner oil engine and is stated. to be capable of hauling 10 tons on the road or 100-250 tons on the railway, with a maximum speed of 32 m.p.h. The machine has duplicated driving scats. The pneumatic tyres of this tractor are kept in position on the rails by small, flanged cast-iron jockeys, and when running on rails the differential can be locked.
A second LatiI novelty is a snowplough tractor. This machine carries a rotary excavator and is capable of clear ing 2,800 cubic m. of snow per hour. The machine drives and steers on all four wheels and has eight forward and eight reverse speeds.
Oil " Finds " in U.S.S.R.
Many new oil and mineral resources are being discovered by the 3,200 geological expeditions which have been sent out this year to prospect in various parts of the Soviet Union. New oil deposits have, it is stated, been found in Yakutia, the Soviet republic in Eastern Siberia. Prospectors here apparently struck oil at a depth of only 656 ft. "LORRIES FOR ANYONE" SUGGESTION.
That there were not enough lorries on the road was the view expressed by Captain A. R. M'Dougal, Blythe, in a reference to road transport at a special conference of the West Berwickshire Area of the National Farmers' Union and Chamber of Agriculture of Scot land, at Earlston, last week. Taxation was "frightful," said Captain M'Dougal, and the present restrictions were against any farmer doing his own contracting and at the same time helping a neighbour. Any man who wanted a lorry should have one, provided he had a roadworthy vehicle, paid the right wages, and worked proper hours.
Belgian Tractor Imports Higher.
Official figures, lately to hand, show that 6,798 cwt. of tractors, valued (at 143k francs to the R.) at £35,268, were imported into Belgium during the six months ended June last, compared with 5,638 cwt. and £28,358 in the corresponding half of 1937. Of the total, the largest quantity (2,980 cwt.) is attributed to the United States, followed by 1,988 cwt. to Germany, and 1,050 cwt. to Great Britain, Maudslay Progress.
We reproduce on this page a picture of a batch of chassis passing through the production shops of the Maudslay Mptor Co., Ltd., Parkside, Coventry, that in the foreground being one of a consignment for a we Lancashire distributor.
Amongst recent orders received by the company is one from Neath and Cardiff Luxury , Coaches, Ltd., Neath, for four Maudslay Magna passenger chassis The company tells us that, as a result of experiments initiated by its works manager, Mr. H. G. Ellis, a considerable improvement has been effected in the company's four-cylindered petrol engine, which results in better performance and economy.