The Next Subsidy-Trial Regulations.
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Officially-communicated Particulars of the "Trials of Lorries to Qualify as Type Vehicles Suitable for Earning the War Department Subsidies."
Manufacturers of petrol lorries are invited to enter for trials, which will take place under the followims condition :—
1. Entrants.—Entries will be received from manufacturers who in the opinion of the Mechanical Transport Committee can ti how adequate facilities for manufacture on a (simmer• mat scale, and are in a position to supply to owners likely to come into the subsidy scheme at least 30 vehicles, identical with the one submitted for trial, within a period of one year, :should their trial vehicle be certificated. Entrants may only submit fur trial one example of each of the two classes of lorries; enumerated below. The War Department reserves to itself the right to refuae any entry without assigning a reason.
2. Date of triaL—All vehicles which are entered for these Trials must be presented for the first part of the trial ready for running on the road to be inspected by a member ef the Alechanical Transport Committee not later than Monday. 15th September, 1913, at 11 a.m., at such place as may be appointed by the War Department. The second part of the trial commences at Alderehot on Wednesday, 8th October, 1913, when vehicles will be presented for final inspection. The first run under observation will take place on Friday, 10:11 October, 1913.
3. Dole of entry.—Latest date of entry is 1st July, 1913. but entries should be made as soon as poesible. in order that drawings may be passed at an early date, ride 4, under.
4. Drawings.—lief ore an entry can be finally accepted, manufacturers must send drawings of their vehicles for approval by the Mechanical Transport Committee. Such draw:age, must be sufficiently detailed to enable the construction of all parts to be clearly seen.
These drawings should he sent for early approval in case alteration have to be made to meet the War Department requirements.
5. Trials are of a qualifying and not of a competitive net me.
6. The two classes of vehicle designated as Class A and Class B are required to carry useful loads—irrespective of body weight—of 3 tons and 30 cwt. respectively.
Owing to the military requirements, however, time gross loads to be carried on the chassis (as defined below) are 4 tons 10 cwt. in the ease of Class A vehicles, and 2 tons 15 cwt. in the case of Class B vehicles. These will be the loads to be used in the trials, in order to ensure that, the vehicles are capable of carrying any loads that they may reasonably be expected to carry.
The chassis weight is taken with the tires fitted, with body brackets in place, with all tanks and radiator full, with head, side and tail lamps, and with acetylene generator fitted. These chassis weights are not to exceed 3 tons in Class A and 2 tons 5 cwt. in Class B.
N.B.—The number of entries of type vehicles of Class B that will be accepted is limited, and the number of those which will be certificated is also strictly limited.
7. Bodies to be used on the trial vehicles to conform to the specification given in the latter part of amendment issued to ('lause 37 of Technical Appendix A„ which is reproduced in full on page 4 of these Regulations.
8. No entrance fee will be charged for vehicles that are entered for the trial on or before let duly, 1913.
9. All vehicles must comply in every particular with the details of Technical Appendix A, Specification fur Petrol Lorries, as amended in March, 1913. No vehicles which do not fulfil this condition can be tested.
10. The War Department will supply all petrol, oil, grease, carbide, etc., required.
11. Subject to fair prices for the supply during five years 4)f the necessary spare parts being agreed upon between the War Department and the firm concerned, the War Department will purchase all such vehicles as in the opinion of the Mechanical Transport Committee come up to the prearranged standard of excellence and successfully pass through the trials, at the following prices :—
Class A ... 800 Class B 700 These prices to include the supply without extra charge of the following spare parts for each vehicle in addition to the list if toole, accessories and spare parts mentioned in Clauses 9, 43. 49 and 50 of Technical Appendix A :—
One fan belt and fastener.
One inlet valve, complete with spring washer and cotter. One exhaust valve, complete with apring washer and cotter.
One small oil can (Kayes's new leak-proof).
One petrol squirt (Keyes's seamless steel force feed). One folding canvas bucket for water (Brown's col. lapsible canvas with spout).
Thf., price is also to include -the supply and fixing of—
Two lettered number plates.
One Lucas King of the Road horn (with extension if necessary).
One Elliott gear-driven speedometer of latest pattern. Two Lucas King of the Road side lamps.
One Lucas tail lamp.
Two Rushmore 7-in, plain front head lamps.
One No. 2 Rushmore square-type generator, all piping and connections for the same.
Lock and key (in duplicate) for tool-box.
One driving mirror.
The prices quoted above are calculated on a basis to cover trial expenses of entrants, and will be given on this occasion cnily. Other arrangements will come into force for types submitted subsequent to 15th September, 1913.
Vehicles which are not considered by the Mechanical Transport Committee to come up to the standard required will not be purchased by the War Department.
12. Those vehicles which come through the trials successfully will be passed as types suitable for earning the War Department subsidy, and will be granted the War Department certificate entitling similar vehicles to be enrolled under the Subsidy Scheme up to such numbers as are approved by the War Department for each make when their purchases are approved by the War Department.
Certificates to hold good for a period not exceeding two years from date of issue.
13. The first part of the trial will be run by the makers from their own works, and will consist of three weeks' running unobserved, during each of which at least 200 miles must be run.The second part of the trial will be under the observation and control of the War Department, will last ahout four weeks, and will take the form of about 18 daily runs of the following approximate average lengths :— Class A ... ... 80 miles.
Class B ... 90 milee.
Some of these runs may be in convoy.
One or two days will be occupied in preliminary weighing and examination of the vehicles, and two or more days at the finish in dismantling them and examining their condition.
14. Tires.—Must be of approved make, and carry a 10,000mile guarantee valid for two years. A certificate must be handed in by entrant with the tire rnannfacturer'e endorsement on it, to state that the tires have not run more than 800 miles before the commencement of the second part of the trial.
15. Vehicles will be parked at Aldershot or Woolwich. according to whichever is the centre for the time being, and will return to the depot for each night. One week of the trial may. however, be devoted to running in the Midlands. The lorries will be filled with petrel and oil on such evenings as may be directed after the day's run. and after being made ready for the next morning's start, for which purpose threequarters of an hour will be allowed every night, and an extra 15 minutes; when petrol and oil are added, will be put away under guard for the night. They will start at (say) 7 a.m. each morning, only five minutes being then allowed without penalty for starting the engine, etc. Each vehicle shall make a voluntary atop of three-quarters of an hour daily for meals
16. Observe r.—All observers will be military officere. Each vehicle will carry a military observer, and entrants will supple their own mechanic in addition to the driver. By permission of the Committee other passengers may be carried in lieu of an equivalent load.
17. Publicity.—The trial not being competitive, the War Department will not publish individual figures and results. The War Department may, however, at their discretion publish average figures and average total results at the conclusion of the trials.
18. Judges.—Ifembers of the Mechanical Transport Committee, who shall have power to add one or more civilians to their number.
10. The Mechanical Transport Committee, on behalf of the War Department, will decide all questions connected with the trials, and its decision will be final. By entering, coinpetitors agree to abide by the judges' decision.
20. Appendix L (see page 4 of these Regulations).—Clauses added to " Technical Appendix A, Specification for Motor Lorries,' for vehicles submitted for this trial. The headings are as under :—
Materials for body.
Inspection during manufacture, and guarantee. Workmanship. Detail drawings.
Engine tests.
21. Appendiic M.—System of marking.
22. Appendix N.—Detailed instructions as to loads, etc., and competitors' instructions.
23. Append ix 0. —Observers' instructions.
24. Appendix P.—Routes.
These are lettered and the routes to be taken on different days will be communicated later. They are divided up into " main " and " hilly " routes.
25. Appendix Q.—Headings under which information re each vehicle entered must be given when entry is officially made.
N.13.—Appendicee 31, N and P will be issued to entrants only. Appendix Q will be issued on application to intending entrants.
In addition to conforming to all the particulars of Technical Appendix A, vehicles must conform to the following addi• tional clauses :— Body—Body to be as per arneuded Specification issued in March, 1913. Clause 37.
" Bodies to have fixed fronts about 6 ft. high ; movable side, 2 ft. 6 in. high. Hinged tail boards, 2 ft. 6 in. high. The sides are to lift out vertically and fit into steel sockets, stanchions to be taper and steel shod. Fastening of tail board to be of approved design. Timber for both sides and ends to be as near as possible 1 in. thick when finished. Sides not to be continuously boarded, two battens being omitted as shown in drawing No. 113a.
" Three ridge poles to be provided, of which the centre one is to be 6 ft. above flour of vehicle. This is to be fixed at both ende to a steel frame which is independent of the tail or side boards, and which, if necessary, can be detached.
"Provision is to be made under the body for a rack with bar and padlock to carry three standard two-gallon petrol tins on each side and two drawers for carrying kits as shown in drawing No. 113a. A wooden box approximately 12 in. by 14 in. by 101 in. to be provided in one of the racks as shown in drawing."
Materials for body.—All timber to be thoroughly seasoned and of the hest quality, free from shakes and warp, rap and wane, knots, faults or blemishes.
Frame of body to be ash.
Sides and floor to be deal, the latter being at least 1 in. thick when finished.
In amplification of Clause 38, Technical Specification A.
Driver's seat.---Back of driver's seat to be suitably padded. Cushions to be covered with pegamoid or leather cloth of firstclass quality. Seat to be made thorcmghly comfortable for
driving. A curved dash, or extension of the same, to be fitted so as to protect the men on driver's seat efficiently from the weather, and allow of an apron being used, if so desired, without fouling the steering wheel. Folding Cape cart hood, constructed of waterproof material, to be provided. Hood to come sufficiently low to assist in affording real protection, and to be of approved design. Sick doors required on both sides.
Painting and lettering.—To consist of stripping, preparing, and at least tficee coats of finished colour, which is to match the sample supplied by the War Department. Contractor is to put on such lettering as may be directed by the Inspecting Officer.
Inspection and guarantees.—The Inspecting Officer or his representatives shall have free access to the works of the manufacturer at all reasonable times ; he shall he at liberty to inspect the manufacture at any stage, and to reject any material that does not conform to the terms of the specification.
Those parts of the vehicle which are tested in detail shall he guaranteed for one year ; those parts which are not tested in detail shall be guaranteed for two years from date of acceptance of the vehicle.
Any parts failing within the guaranteed time through faulty design, material or workmanship are to be replaced and refitted by the contractor free of all cost to the War lkpartment.
Workmanship, etc.—The workmanship throlighnlit shall be first class, and shall be in every respect to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer, and the contractor shall provide, without extra charge, all means necessary to enable that officer to ascertain-that the dimensions, numbers, weights, etc., are as specified, and that the work generally is in accordance with the contract.
The contractor shall supply the material required for testing free of charge, and shall supply labour and appliances for such testing as may be carried out on his premises in accordance with this specification. Failing facilities at his works for making the prescribed tests, the contractor shall bear the cost of carrying out the tests elsewhere. The Inspecting Officer to be informed when the material is -ready fur teeting.
Firms, when entering, are required to state prices at which they will contract to replace portions of the vehicle as may he required by the War Department from time to time within five years from the date of placing the order. Those articles which will be kept in stock shall be indicated. Interchangeability to be assured. Identification sheets of all component parts of engine and chassis in duplicate, showing numbers and prices, to be supplied with the vehicle.
Detail drawings.—Two sets of detailed drawings per vehicle will be required.
Tests.—Engine tests.— Before erection in the chiseis, the following tests will be carried out in the presence of the Inspecting Officer.
Cylinder castings to be submitted to the following hydraulic tests :— Inside of cylinders ...
Water jacket .„
... 500 lb. per sq. in. ••• 50 2,
The cylinder castings must be sound and show no weeping under test.
Engine.—Bench test for three hours at normal full speed and maker's full rated load, which must not be less than that given by the Royal Automobile Club rating. Engine to be fitted with its own carburetter and magneto, and, if the water pump and fan are not lased, a suitable allowance will be deducted from the horse-power actually recorded on the brake. Engine will also be tested on load on bench to prove its flexibility.
Inspecting Officer in this case is Secretary, Mechanical Traneport Committee, War Office, Whitehall, S.W.