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With the introduction of carburetters for the .atonlization and vaporizing of petrol, there have not been wanting many men of an luventive turn of mind who foresee the ultimate elimination of all petrol trouble by the introduction of a suitable jet. Many weird devices have been from time to time brought forward, all of which have claimed to achieve this desired object. Few of them have been so successful, however, as to receive general recognition,
The jet, of which we reproduce a line drawing herewith, would seem to have many points in its favour. The only apparent disadvantage which occurs to us, without. an actual trial of the device, is that it is somewhat more complicated and expensive than the usual type of straight-through bore jet.
As will be seen, the device consists of an outer casing, which. is preferably of gunmetal, Entering at, the base, the petrol runs into the smaller orifice at the top. Here it is partly split up by a small grub screw, and, passing along, is divided into still finer particles by contact with a collar holding a series
of fine wires, fitted with thicker tubes at the top, the whole of which fornis a. circular metal brush. Passing the collar. the petrol runs lip the wires, which are in a, constant state of vibration when the engine is running, and is still more finely • separated, thus being atomized ror the Fourth tune, The inventor claims that the fuel is completely broken up when it finally issues from the brush. There is little, it seems to us, to go wrong in the appliance, and a point in its favour is the fact that it is less readily choked than is the ordinary
type of jct. Several large users are giving the appliance a test, and amongst these we note the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., which tested one of these appliances alongside the ordinary jet as used on the B-type engines. The following are the figures which the inventor claims were shown as the result of this test.