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One Hears— That Taskers sell a lot of trailers.

17th April 1913, Page 3
17th April 1913
Page 3
Page 3, 17th April 1913 — One Hears— That Taskers sell a lot of trailers.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

That " Gearless " is surely a misnomer.

That tar-road makers generally chew the pitch. That all the L.G.O. members of staff want to be 65.

That Dover coal at present seams hardly worth while.

Of a four-year-old Bolls-Royce running as a taxi in Sheffield.

That we're to be asked to do even more inspections in future.

That Ludwig Loewe, Ltd., of Berlin, ia paid a dividend of 18 per cent. for 1912.

That it would pay to give a little more encouragement to first-aid men at some garages.

That it would not do any harm to their appearance if the Central bus drivers were put into uniform.

That the City and South London Tube is promptly simplifying its ticket-clipping tangle—at our suggestion.

That they'll give you a shovelful of herrings in Folkestone fish market if you're a steam-wagon driver.

That Lacres of Letchworth and Gieens of Leeds are likely to be kept busy with street-weeper inquiries and orders.

That life must he a series of scares at 15, North Street, Folkestone, and that some day a steam wagon will garage in the .dining room.

That Sir George Riddell is a director of the Western Mail, Ltd., News of the World, Ltd., George .Newnes, Ltd., and the Ladies Field, Ltd.

That Mr. R. G. L. Markham, M.I.Mech.E., will spend a considerable amount of time at his firm's new Southampton branch.

That East Ham U.D.C. made its purchase of a Mann steam roller, owing to the receipt of excellent reports from the Chertsey U.D.C.

From Mr. T. H. Pilling. of the Sefton Garage, Bentley Road, Liverpool, that Charron and Darracq taxicabs are also very well known in Manchester.

That people who looked for revelations in cornicetion with the recent inquiry into the use of motorcabs by Birmingham officials have been disappointed.

That Mr. John F. Walker, of the Simplex Rubber Co., has gone through a successful operation at a nursing institution and will be about again in a few days.

That the duration of each speech at the L.G.O. staff dinner at the Cecil was officially clocked by stop watch by a member Of the committee, and that all the choruses were sung in B-flat. _ That the motor is always made the scapegoat. That headlights have by law to be hooded in Burma.

That the latest affliction of conscience is traffic remorse.

That the best way to get a new idea is not always to dig up an old one.

That there has been a lot of Pick woik on figures. for the Select Committee.

That not every member of a staff is Craning or craving for the superannuation date.

That the United States is now out, to encourage the development of substitutes for gasoline.

That a motor-bicycle is at last no longer permitted. to make more noise than a steam wagon.

That the catalysis of naphthalene may be undertaken with a view to the production of benzine.

That 2000 F.I.A.T. lorries were bought for the Tripoli war, and that on one occasion they all worked. together.

That more companies might with advantage be run by common sense, lair play, and the milk of human. kindness.

That wintry conditions are relaxed in Scotland, but that they appear to have gripped parts of England and Wales.

From Chicago, that one firm got an order for.C1,233,000 worth of motor lorries at the last Show held there. • That some statements about the largest single order are occasionally not far removed from the largest single story.

That whilst the L.G.O.C. way to a beatific future is up the motorbus staircases the latter have not yet got steps of gold.

That 23 members of the Inst. A.E. will go to the U.S.A. next month, and that there will also be four ladies in the party.

That not every man who finds himself in an embarrassing position can find a graceful way out, but that it comes as nothing to Mr. Albeit H. Stanley.

That Mr. John Dennis, of Guildford, was recently seen lost in admiration for a grey streamline touring• car, but that he still sticks to the " old bus," as he terms it.

That the Brooklands \iitorrbabile Racing Club. means to give the use of benzole a, fillip on Whit Monday. but that most of its own membership is still' going strong on petrol.

That if long names could restore to the horse some of its lost prestige, the choice in the U.S.A. of " TheNational Association of Allied Interests Pertaining to the Horse" should help.