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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rans."--John Beattie Crozier. .
Dunlop Profits.
The report and balance-sheet of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., shows an increased profit for the year 1927, the net amount, after providing for depreciation. being £2,793,951, as against £2,711,418 in the previous year. After providing for interest on debenture stock, income stock and loans, and bringing into account the sum brought forward, there is available for distribution an amount of £3,044,959, out of which the directors have decided to transfer to general reserve £386,970, which, with the premium on the shares issued during the year, increases the reserve to 12,600,000. Dividends on the three classes of preference share absorb £375,000, whilst the dividend now declared on the ordinary shares at the rate of 25 per cent. absorbs 11,704,408. This dividend declaration is 5 per cent, better than In the previous year. The balance left to be carried forward is £578,5811 Spencer-Moulton Developments.
Arising from the removal of the solidtyre works of G. Speneer Moulton and Co., Ltd., from Littleborough, a new company, under the title of the Trowbridge Tyre and Rubber 'Co., Ltd., has been formed to carry on the manufacture of Speucer-Moulton tyres. The new concern will have its awn factory equipped with up-to-date machinery and plant at Trowbridge, about 2i miles from the company's factory at Bradfordon-Avon. G. Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd.,. has the largest share interest in the new company and is represented on the board. Mr. Lionel Caswell, formerly of the company, has been up; pointed managing director of the new concern, the London service and fitting 'station of which will be at 10, Wliteher Place, Rochester Road, Camden Town, NAVA.
Restrictive Free State-border Rua Regulations.
Although Free State buses may remain in Northern Ireland for long periods, the Dublin Government refuges to permit buses from Ulster to remain in its territory for more than 48 hours without paynient of fall duty. The Belfast Omnibus Co. is organising a number of bus tours during the forthcoming months, and in order that the itineraries might include Free State -wateringplaces some relaxation of the restrictive cross-border regulations was saught. The company offered to have some of its vehicles taxed in the Free State and pointed out the advantages to Free State shopkeepers of such tours. The revenue cointniAioners, however, refused to be moved and any buses which remain in the Free State longer than the statutory period, must pay import duty.
Will Interest Caravanners.
Those of our readers to whom caravanning, makes a strong appeal will be interested in a particularly Well-produced handbook which has just been :lamed by the Holiday Caravan Co., Ltd., of Oxford. It deals with the subject of caravanning in a very exhaustive man cal
nor and gives details of the .various types of equipment that are available, not only so far as complete caravans are concerned, but also trailer outfits.
The numerous illustrations which are included breathe of the open air and clearly convey the joys of a holiday on the open road. Apart from the descriptions dealing with caravan outfits and the equipment necessary when engaged on a caravan holiday, much' otheruseful information is embodied, this including details of the cost of such a holiday, general information for caravanners, and particulars of vehicles which are available for hire, • Of Interest to Large Bus Concerns.
We know of a man who has had many years' practical experience in the commercial-motor industry, who is desirous of obtaining a post in the south of England or within 50 miles north of Lanian as assistant engineer to a bus-operating concern, or one in which he can take charge of docking, general maintenance or depot inspection work. He has had 14 years' experience in the repair and upkeep of most of the leading makes of vehicle and has been associated with several important bus concerns. Letters addressed " W.," care of the Editor, will be passed on to the proper quarter.
Bournemouth to Birmingham Daily.
As from April 5th, the Link Safety Coach Co., of Westover Garage, Bournemouth, has been running a daily service from Bournemouth to Birmingham, via Reading and Oxford, and vice versa. A vehicle leaves the company's headquarters in Bournemouth and 9, Dale End, Birmingham, at 9 o'clock each raorniog. The fare for the single journey is 16s., the return charge being 26s.
More Long-distance Services from Glasgow.
We understand that the Imperial Motor Co. is shortly to run a daily service from Glasgow which will be continued through Carlisle to Liverpool, and the Lowland Motor Co. is to commence a daily service from Glasgow to Manchester, also passing through Carlisle. • Albion Increased Profits.
The repert and balance-sheet of the falbian Motor Car Co., Ltd., is once again an extremely satisfactory document It shows a net profit, after providing for depreciation, income tax, interest on debenture stock, directors' remuneration and bonus to employees of /117,896, which is more than £15,000 better than in the previous year. With the sum brought forward, there is available for distribution £132,439. The general reserve fund is to be increased to £210,000 by the transfer of an amount of £50,000 front the sum available. A sum of £5,000 is transferred to the benevolent fund, and £2,000 to the fuud for the provision of a recreation genund. The dividend on the preference shares for the year absorbs £8,032, and the directors now propose an improved dividend of 12i per cent. per annum on the ordinary shares (as against 10 per cent for 1926). This absorbs the sum of 145,999, and leaves to be carried forward to the next year £21,407. During the year the company has purchased and cancelled £3,400 of debenture stock.
The paid-np capital of the Albion Motor Car .Go., Ltd., is £501,862, and the debenture stock amounts to £84,560. With the' reserve fund, the capital liability of the company is thus £746,422, and a net profit of nearly £118,000 is therefore an excellent return upon this capital.
The Paris Fair: Industrial Vehicle Section.
When the reinstatement of the Salon de Poida Lourd was anuounced in January last it was at first thought that the inclusion of a commer6al-vehicle section in the annual Foire de Paris might be discontinued. A friendly agreement has been come to, however, between the Paris Fair officials and the organisers of the Grand Palais Show, and the lorry and tractor section of the Foire de Paris is to be retained and improved.
The section will, indeed, be quite an important one this year, as practically all French constructors of any importance are exhibiting, and the vehicles will be shown under cover, instead of in the open air as was the case last year. A fine new hall with a surface area of 6,000 sq. metres is being erected to house the section and this building is already nearly completed. Incidentally, all but 200 sq. metres of the stand space has been applied for.
Passenger vehicles (coaches, buses, etc.) are again barred, as at last year's Foire to Paris, but this is to some extent made up for by an increased entry of lorries, tractors, municipal and other vehicles for special purposes. Gasdriven lorries and tractors and gasgenerators for automobile work in general will again be a strong feature of the exhibition. The Foire to Paris opens on May 12th and closes on May 28th. It is held in the Pare deg Expositiong at the Porte de Versailles.
Scarborough Town Council has decided that in future it will not grant licences for buses fitted with solid tyres to ply for hire in the town.
A Fuel Research Motorvan.
In the recently issued report for 1926-27 of the Government Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, it is stated,that the Fuel Research Board has purchased a motorvan which has been fitted with a special sampling machine to allow specimens of commercial grades of coal, as obtained from the different collieries, to be taken with a minimum expenditure of time and labour. The examination of such samples has been started in the South Yorkshire area, and is to be extended to other districts.
This Year's World Transport Congress. We have just received preliminary details relating to the programme for the next World Automobile Congress, which is to be held in Rome from September 25th to 28th next ; it will be followed by a trip to Milan and Turin. On the opening day an inaugurating address will be delivered, after which a speech xvill be made by the president of the Congress on " The Influence of the Progress of Motor Transport on National Progress." Other subjects which will teceive attention are the use of motor vehicles by Governments, motor fuel and fuel economy, road improvement and its finance, and co-operation between road and rail transport. The programme for the receptions, banquets and other social functions will be published later. '
London-Torquay Road Expresses.
Torquay Watch Committee has granted applications made by Elliott Bros. (Bournemouth), Ltd., for licences in respect of 24 motor coaches to be used on express through services from London to Torquay and to Modern Travel Services, of London, for licences in re speet of seven vehicles to be used on a similar service from London, through Torquay, to Plymouth. The licences were grankted subject to insurance being made against third-party risks.
"Northern General" Long-distance Services.
The Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., of Chester-le-Street, is now taking steps to inaugurate the long-distance bus-service programme which, as recorded in a recent issue of The Coettnercial Motor, it has had in view for some time past, On May let the company will start a daily service between Newcastle and Manchester and Liverpool, via Darlington,
Catterick, Harrogate, Leeds, Huddersfield and Qld ha m. Convenient connections will be made with routes worked by the company to Sunderland, South Shields and other big north-country centres. The single fare from Newcastle to Manchester will be 12s. and to Liverpool 14s., and vehicles will leave the company's new touring office in Westgate Road each morning at 8.30 and depart from Liverpool at the same hour, The company has also just commenced a daily coach service between the district of Tyneside and the town of Keswick.
The Police Fleet of Paris.
According to an article in a recent issue of Le Poids Lourd, the municipal polite authorities of Paris have now in service a total of no fewer than 200 motor vehicles, these comprising 51 cars for the use of the inspectors in the various districts, 65 light ears and motorcycle combinations for patrolling Purposes, CO lorries and police-carrying buses, nine prison vans, one motor lorry equipped with a crane for the removal of disabled motor vehicles from the middle of the roadway, three vans for the removal of injured horses and other animals, five vans for the collection and removal of dogs, two vans provided with measures and scales to assist in the detection of fraud and four vehicles equipped with wireless telegraphy apparatus which has a wide range of operation. Transporting New Cars.
An interesting method of transporting new cars by road is adopted at the various plants owned by General Motors, of America, that is, wh!en it is not desired to send the vehicles by rail or drive them under their own power: Special types of motor lorry and trailer termed " driveaway vans" are employed and, as the accompanying illustrations show, they permit four cars to be carried at one time. It might be thought that, by reason of their length, it would be extremely difficult to manteuvre the carrying units on the road, but we are assured that this is not the case, and that it is possible to travel at a speed of approximately 40 m.p.h. with safety.
As might be expected, loads of this kind are mostly transported at night when the roads are carrying little traffic. This arrangement is employed for giving deliveries up to 150 miles from the works, and the company tells us that the cost works out to practically the same as the rates charged if the
cars were sent by railway. There are several advantages claimed for the road method of transport, for not only is delivery made in less than a third of the time taken to send the new cars by rail, but the vehicles are delivered at the dealer's door, whilst the cars are received free from scratches and dents, whieh is not always the ease when they are sent by rail.
Chile Needs Steam Wagons.
A report issued by the Department of Overseas Trade, dealing with the industrial and economic situation in Chile, draws attention to the fact that two well-known makes of British steam wagon have made their appearance in the country during the past year. They have given most satisfactory results, not only in transporting minerals and coal, but as refuse collectors in the large towns. It would appear that they have been particularly welcomed as consumers of coal, which is a national fuel, and the import duty on them has, in consequence, been specially reduced. Stress is laid upon the fact that a large market exists in Chile for steam wagons burning both coal and wood fuel.
A Ford Taxicab.
A new taxicab designed by Mr. Ethel Ford, and known as the Luxford, has lately been on view at the Ford Motor Co.'s depot in New York. The interior seat of the vehicle is wide enough to accommodate three passengers.
More Leeds Services.
Leeds Watch Committee has granted the following applications :— .
The Kippax and District -Motor Co. for licences for motorbuses to ply for hire within the city in connection with a proposed service between Leeds and Cawood, via Whitkirk, East Garforth, Saxton, Barkstou Ash, and Church Fenton.
Messrs. Barrett and Thornton for permission to withdraw one journey per day from the service between Leeds and Otley.
Messrs. Ledgard, Cole and Tate for permission to augment motorbus services between Leeds and Otley, and Leeds and Ilkley via Otley.
More Vehicles in Denmark.
According to a Danish contemporary, there are now 920 motorbuses in use in Denmark, as against 805 four years ago. An addition of 115 vehicles is quite insignificant when compared with the growth in the number of buses in use in this country during the same period. In the course of these years the number of motorvans and lorries in service in the country increased from 9,836 to 15,548.
A New Illuminated Sign.
What is claimed to he an entirely new form of day-and-night illuminated sign, embodying several novel features, has just been patented by the General Electric Co., Ltd. It takes the form of a three-sided or V-shaped box sign, which functions during the day by natural lighting and after dark by means of artificial illumination. The lettering or design on the front panel is brightly illuminated and uniform at all times, whether the sign be functioning by normal daylight or artificial means. The changing over from daylight illumination to artificial light is effected by a device which governs the position of the specially designed reflecting mirror in the interior. This device is controlled by a simple chain-pull attachment.
This new type of sign is particularly suitable.for use on all types of transport vehicle, as it will fruiction with' 12-volt I2-watt Osram motor-vehicle lamps. It is strongly constructed throughout in ordinary sheet-metal, which can be painted to choice, or it can be supplied in polished brass or with a bronze finish. Special brackets fix the sign rigidly and coloured lamps can be used to give novel effects.
" The Motor Scores.
A report of the parks superintendent of the Torquay Corporation dealing with the cost of the present cart-horse hire, as compared with the proposed use of mechanical haulage over a period of five years, shows a saving in favour of the latter system over the space of time in question of WOO. A Tip for Taxi Drivers.
Daylight luminous signs have been put to many novel uses and, in this connection, we recently observed a London taxicab with a small fitment of this nature, about 1 ft. wide and 4 ins. deep, mounted in the centre of the canopy over the driver. The wording " For Hire" showed up clearly in a bright shade of yellow, and could be seen from quite a considerable distance. A neat shutter in the form of a metal flap was fitted to the fronb of the device and arrangements had been made so that the driver could open or close it at will. The sign certainly seemed to catch the eye far more quickly than the normal type of metal indicator placed on top of the taximeter.
Books for the Motor-vehicle User.
The Motor Book and Map Co., 66, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, has just issued a list containing the names of 300 modern publications on motor engineering, maintenance, equipment, touring, etc., and this is available free to readers who write to the above address. Many, of the books which are listed have a direct interest to the commercial-motor user.
Buyers of Thornycrofts.
Orders for passenger vehicles have just been placed with John I. Thorny. croft and Co., Ltd., by the China Bus Co., Ltd., of Hong Kong, which is buying ten 20-seater bus chassis ; the Kowloon Bus Co., also of Hong Kong, which has ordered ten 32-seater bus chassis; the tramways department of the Aberdeen Corporation, which has indented for three 30-seater bus chassis ; and the City of Santos Improvements Co., Ltd., which is buying two 20-seater single-deck buses. Orders for the latest Thornyeroft six-cylinder type-A6 motor coach chassis have been placed by Pat
theson and Moffat, Ltd., of Durham ; H. and J. Tetlow, of Flixton •' Surrey Motors, Ltd., of Sutton; and the Pitlochry Motor Co.
In addition to passenger vehicles the company has also received a number of orders for goods-carrying vehicles, amongst which 2-tanners and 3-tonners figure largely. Overseas orders call for the shipment of 20 other chassis to Thornycroft branches in Australia, South Africa and the Argentine.
American Buses for Norway.
The American Car and Foundry Co., of New York, has recently supplied a fleet of 39 motorbuses for a new service which is being started in Oslo, the capital of Norway. The vehicles are of the single-deck type and are fitted with six-cylindered engines.
Personal Pars.
We publish a portrait on this page of Mr. Ewalt Guy, who has just been appointed sales manager of Guy Motors, Ltd., of Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. Another interesting item in connection with the company's personnel is that Mr. A. H. Coldicott is taking over the sales of passenger vehicles to private undertakings, as well as acting in an advisory capacity in this direction.
In view of the interesting developments which are taking place in connection with the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., reference to which has been made in our columns recently, it is appropriate that we should draw attention to the part played by Mr. Sydney E. Garcke, the chairman of, the company, in the new enterprise.
Mr. Garcke designed and operated one of the earliest types of omnibus to be used in London. He has,a particularly wide knowledge of transport and kindred subjects, acquired not only by constant touch with the motor movement in this country but as a result of extensige travelling in Europe, Canada and the United States. He is a member of the first council of the Institute of Transport and a holder of the gold medal issued by that organization. During the war he was the officer commanding the Berkshire R.A.S.C., M.T., and held the rank of major. Mr. Gareke is the prospective Conservative candidate for the Kingswinford division of Staffordshire, and has been largely responsible for the development of many of the rural bus services which are now in operation in various parts of the country.
Identifying Carlisle's Buses.
in order to overcome the difficulty experienced by passengers in locating buses, particularly at night-time, the Carlisle Watch Committee has just in troduced an interesting system of route numbering similar to that employed in London. In the past, individual owners have attempted to assist passengers by displaying coloured lights and by illuminated destination boards, but these devices have not thoroughly tided the intending patrons.
The watch committee has allocated to each proprietor a definite number in respect to each route, so that passengers, besides being able to locate the correct service—and the correct direction—are able, if they have a preference where competitive services are worked, to identify vehicles owned by each undertaking working the route. The number is mounted over the driver's cab, and will be illuminated at night-time. A list issued by the watch committee for the guidance of messengers contains the service number, company, starting point, route and destination of 60 separate services. :fudging by the success of such schemes in London, this one should prove popular.
" Safety First" Awards.
At the headquarters of the Royal Scottish Automobile Club, Mr. R. S. Smith recently presented to ten drivers of commercial vehicles, eight employed by Robert Graham and Co. and one each by Bryant and May,'!Ltd., and Alexander Miller, Junior, and Co., diplomas awarded to them by the National • "Safety First" Association under its freedom-from-accidents com
petition. In presenting the certificates, Mr. Smith congratulated the recipients on their clean driving records, and made some appripriate remarks with regard to the driving of vehicles.
American Tractor Exports.
Returns just to hand show that no fewer than 6,289 farm tractors, of a value of £804,606, were exported from the -United States during January last, as compared with 1,741 tractors (£176,738) in the corresponding month of 1927. Of the total exports, 6,103 tractors were wheeled machines and 186 of the track-laying type.
A Fleet on Timber Haulage.
Mr. William Denty, who is in charge of the transport arrangements of the company, is very satisfied with the service which the machines are giving, and thinks that the Ford tanner fitted with an extension unit is particularly valuable to timber merchants by reason of the fact that
c24 it gives 15 ft. body space on a chassis having a carrying capacity of 3O cwt.
Protecting Accrington's Trains. Accrington Corporation has collected data on the regular has services in and out of Accrington; these are eight in number. Conditions are to be imposed and endorsed on all bus licences issued in future for minimum fares of 3d. to the ifuncoat boundary (the corporation tram fare is 10.), 5d. to the Clayton-le-Moors boundary (tram fare 3d.), and 10d. to Haslingden.
Lifts for the Garage or Factory.
Our attention has lately been directed to the merits of the lifts constructed by Herbert Morris, Ltd., of Loughborough, Leicestershire. In the wide range of Morris lifts suitable for many different trades and purposes is included a number which should prove especially attractive to manufacturers of commercial motors and their component Parts.
The lifts are mostly operated by electricity and are notable for their strength of construction. They are comparatively simple to operate, and it is claimed that their working costs are low.
The concern is in a position to build lifts suitable for carrying vehicles or bodies from one floor to another of the garage or factory, and this fact should also prove of special interest to bodybuilders. The company also makes a special overhead, electric hoist block, which should be of great use in the factory.
Polish Lorry Construction.
'We have made several references in our columns to the fact that works for the production of motor lorries in Poland have been established at Czechowice, near Warsaw, by the Ursus Co.. Although specimen vehicles were completed some few months ago, we learn from a Polish correspondent that the works have not yet been put in full operation, and that Ursus vehicles will not be ready for the market before July next. The works have been equipped with British machine tools and plans are in progress for the production during the first 12 months of about 750 1j-ton and 3-ton lorries, It is said that the vehicles will be largely based on certain well-known French and Italian designs, be fitted with fourcylindered engines of about three-litre capacity and have high clearance so that they are suitable for use on the bad roads which prevail in Poland.
The same correspondent informs us that at the commencement of the present year there were 3,973 taxicabs, 1,544 motorbuses, and 3,494 motorvans and lorries registered in Poland, the largest number being in operation in the province in which the capital city of Warsaw is located.
Co-operative Bus Action..
Sunderland Corporation is proposing to open up another omnibus service in the borough area with the co-operation of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., which is already providing two well-patronized services.
Bettws-y-Coed Protects Local Bus Owners.
Bettws-y-Coed (North Wales) Council has decided to adhere to its policy of protecting local motorbus owners from outside competition. Outside bus companies running to Bettwsy-Coed are not allowed to accept passengers for purely local journeys. At the April meeting of the council, Messrs. Brierley Bros., of Llandudno, who proposed to institute an express service With motor coaches between Llandudno and Bettws-y-Coed, made an unsuccessful application for licences. Mr. J. R. Williams, who opposed,granting the licences, said that were the council to acquiesce, the service maintained by the concern running the Royal Blue coaches, of Llandudno, which gave regular winter facilities, might be jeopardized. The latter concern asked for two additional lieenees for its allseasons bus services and the were granted, as were eight bus licences to the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., and six to Bangor Blue Motors, Ltd.
A Novel Type of Traffic Beacon.
A new traffic beacon has lately been erected by Korting and Mathiesen Electrical, Ltd., 711-715, Fulham Road, London, S.W.6, at the junction of Gloucester Road and Old Brompton Road, Kensington, to the instructions of the Ministry of Tritnsport.
The device consists of the company's well-known Throlite safety-first lantern, upon which is mounted a separate fitting comprising one or several triangles of box section with glass fronts, each illuminated by a 100-watt lamp. The fronts of the triangles are of twoply glass, white opal on the inside and bright red on the outside with a black triangular centre, so that the danger sign is clearly displayed during the day. When illuminated at night, the triangular sign stands out clearly in red, thus providing a universally recognized danger signal.
The safety-first device is made throughout of sheet copper and fits snugly over the lantern. The glass fronts are hinged at the bottom so that they can be easily opened for the inspection or changing of the lamps. In the case of the new traffic beacon referred to above a 200-watt lamp is used for the centre light and a lamp of 100 watts is employed in each of the triangular flashing danger signs.
A Big Albion Bus Fleet.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, has just received a repeat order from the -Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., for 16 32-seater buses of the forward-control, rearentrance type. When these machines are delivered this important passengertransport concern will have a fleet of 91 Albions. The company is one of the largest bus operators in the country, and its services include a number of limited-stop runs on which the Albion vehicles are employed.
A Comprehensive Spare-parts List.
Some of our readers wha may be desirous of obtaining chassis replacement parts would do well to obtain a copy of the Seal-Tite Piston Ring Co.'s latest price list. The booklet gives the essential details of a most comprehensive range of parts of various kinds from front-spring shackle bolts to rearaxle fittings for many diverse makes of chassis. A copy of this informative booklet can be obtained from the company's office at 70, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2.
A Useful Guide and Handbook for Road Users.
The 1928-1929 edition of the Royal Automobile Club Guide and Handbook, which has just been issued, contains over 800 pages, and is undoubtedly a valuable book for the road user. It contains a list of the R.A.C. appointed and listed hotels, garages and official parking places and features of interest in nearly 2,000 towns and villages in Great Britain and Ireland. It also embodies 60 plans of the largest towns showing the main through routes for road traffic.
The handbook also contains a 32page, coloured road atlas, particulars of ferries, toll gates, gradients and lengths of well-known hills, lighting-up timetables, articles on motor laws and regulations, and useful hints on first-aid. In addition, there is a number of useful statistical and conversion tables and illustrated articles on the rules of theroad, driving and police signals. The price of the handbook to members and associate members of the club is is. 6d. and to the general public 3s. 6d.
Chile's Import Trade.
The annual imports of complete motor vehicles into Chile during the years 1925 and 1926 were valued at £300,000, and for the first eight months of last year 904 vehicles, of a value of £192,000, were imported. The business is distributed in the proportion of 80 per cent. to the United States, 9 per cent. to Italy and '8 per cent. to France. The 'total number of motor vehicles in Chile is 18,000, the principal towns in which they are in use being Santiago, Valparaiso, Villa del Mar and Antofagasta. The light buses and commercial vehicles in service are mainly of American make.