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We have pleasure in giving a summary of the official rulings concerning men, who were under 41 years of age on the 24th June, 1916, and who, on offering themselves for enlistment, have be-en rejected as medically unfit on any date since the 14th August, 1915. Rejection by a Medical Board will be held to exempt any man from the liabilities to which we now refer :— (1) Should the Army Council so decide, he will be liable to be re-examined after the 30th September.
(2) If so, anotice will be sent to him before the 1st September.
(3) It will be open to him to apply to the Tribunals for exemption between the 1st and 30th September.
(4) It is open to him to apply for examination by a Medical Board before the 1st October, in order that he may know whether he will be called up. Instructions have been issued to recruiting officers to exercise with discretion the power of summoning for re-examination suck men. Recruiting aficers have further been instructed that the following classes of men are not to be summoned for re-examination :—
(1) Those who are recorded in the military register as having been rejected at the primary military examination. (2) Those who are recorded in the military register as having been rejected by -a Medical Board. (3) Those who voluntarily present themselves for re-examination and are found by the Medical Board -to be unfit for any service. (4) Those concerning whom the recruiting officer is satisfied that there is no possible doubt.
A man who is liable for re-examination is not liable to be called up under the Military Service Acts before the 1st October, 1916, whether he presents himself, or not. for medical re-examination before that date. It is, however, open to such a man to attest voluntarily at any time up to and including the 21st inst. We require a minimum contribution of Is. to our Campaign Comforts Fund to accompany each letter of inquiry Anent the foregoing. The Fund has, during the last few months, been aided in this manner to a not-inconsiderable extent. The queries have, of course, not been very numerous of late, seeing that most points of difficulty have been removed.