Operating Aspects of
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Interesting Comparisons of Receipts and Mileages in 1933 and 1934 DESPITE the fact that the number of vehicle-miles run by bus services wholly within the Irish Free State during June, this year, was snialler than in the same month of 1933, the number of passengers carried and the gross receipts showed an appreciable increase. The shrinkage of traffic on cross-border services, which has been noticeable since the beginning of the present year, continues.
The number of vehicle-miles run on wholly internal services was 2,587,000, as compared with 2,641,000 in June, 1933. The number of passengers carried was 7,782,000, an increase of 615,000 on last year's figure, and the gross receipts at £100,713 represented an increase of £1,522.
The number of vehicle-miles run on cross-border services was 187,000, whilst 161,000 passengers were carried and the gross receipts totalled £5,536. These results compare with 198,000 bus-miles, 183,000 passengers and £8,623 receipts for the month of June last year. The
revenue from coach services in June, 1934, amounted to £2,557, a decrease of £645 on the figure for June, 1933.
A survey of the official statistics for the half-year ended June 30, this year, shows that, without exception, the figures for wholly internal bus services represent an increase on last year's results. Cross-border traffic and coach services show a decline in receipts—over 35 per cent. in the former case.
Vehicle-mileage run on wholly internal services was 14,675,000, as compared with 14,577,000 for the corresponding period of 1933. The number of passengers carried amounted to 44,274,000 and gross receipts £529,249, the figures for 1933 being 39,801,000 and £494,307 respectively. On crossborder servicts, this year, vehiclemileage fell to 781,000 from 1,115,000 in 1933, the number of passengers de
dining from 999,000 to 886,000 and the gross receipts from £45,201 to £27,468.
The total receipts from coach services amounted to £7,399 for the JanuaryJune period this year, as compared with £8,086 for the same six months of 1933.
The aggregate mileage of roads on which bus services were operated in• the Free State during the first half of the present year was 5,046, as compared with 4,984 miles for the first six months of last year. During the past six months, 41 new public-service vehicles were registered and licensed, as compared with 23 for the corresponding period last year.
The number of buses and coaches for which licences were current on June 30, 1934, Was 809, with a total seating capacity of 21,767 (811 and 21,104 respectively in 1933). During June last there were 75 bus-service licensees, and the gross receipts totalled £106,249, against 92 and £106,814 respectively in 1933.