Passing Comments
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The Police are Now EIROM personal observation, Reviving Old time I confirmed by "hard-boiled "
Customs taxi drivers, it appears that the
police in the Metropolitan Area are resuming their pre-war activities against drivers of motor vehicles. These seem to be particularly concerned with such "'offences " those of exceed ing the speed limits and of parking in places where one should not, but Where one could, without the danger of a summons, during the war years; You have been warned!
How Gas Suppliers THE part played by gas in Met. the War Needs I the war effort formed the of Industry . . . subject of a recent paper read before the Institution of Gas Engineers. The author, Mr. H. R. Hems, A.M.Inst.Gas E., pointed out that the contribution of the gas industry to the war effort has been of vital importance and has helped, in no small degree, the huge production of munitions. Before the war cornmenced, undertakings serving industrial areas observed increases in consumption by certain factories, and the industry, as a whole, was fully alive to the need for maintaining adequate supplies. It was also appreciated, in the early months of the war, that it might he found difficult to maintain supplies, particularly during cold weather', and a lowering of gas pressures would be necessary. 'It was also antici
pate a that bombing might reduce pressure or stop supplies of gas for an indefinite period., To meet flip first trouble, experiments showed that the majority of gas furnaces and industrial equipment could be operated at a much lower pressure, provided adequate piping was available to supply the volume, and steps were taken to adjust the apparatus accordingly. In the area of one London company, some 300 factories were serviced in this way. To meet stoppages of supplies, high-pressure gas in cylinders was made available for vital requirements, but for longer stoppages producer-gas plants were considered to be the most satisfactory alternative, and these were rapidly made available. Many examples of the applications of industrial gas were given.
A Coincidence in A CURIOUS incident or, Connection with curred last week in con
Atomic Bombs . . nection with our leading article on future engines and power. We wrote this before the holiday and included a reference to the possibilities of obtaining power from the splitting of the' atom, giving some details of how this had been done in the past by electric bombardment, and stating that the Germans had hoped to produce bombs of great power and shattering effect. Much of this matter had to be brought up to date in view of the startling, announcement made on. the following Sunday.
National Savings of A S a whole, the motor and B.E.T. Bus Group r-kallied industries ha v e
Employees . . . achieved much in the way of National Savings. In this connection, it is interesting to learn that the total for the employees of the bus companies of the B.E.T. group amounts to well over three-quarters of a million pounds.
Bus Operators SugTHECouncil of the Public
gest ,New "Season" Transport Association is Regulation . . perturbed 'at the number of season-ticket -frauds on p.s. vehicles. To assist in coping with them, it has asked the M.O.W.T. to give consideration to the possibility of amending the existing Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations, 1936, so as to prohibit the use of expired or defaced period and season tickets. The present position is that a passenger, when asked for his fare, may say " Season," without actually producing a ticket. If he be required to show it, and it be found that the validity has expired, he may merely tender the fare due and probably make some excuse, which may be untrue but cannot be disproved at the time.
Suggestion to Award THAT very active president Artisans National of the M.A.A., Mr. George Merit Certificates. . W. Lucas, has been telling Hendon Rotarians that national awards Should be offered to those who attain proficiency in their various spheres of industrial activity. Such awards, he considers, have for too long been confined to the professional and the academic, and in future we must set a target for the natural ambitions of the ordinary artisan. The award of higher wages does not, and never will in itself, .prove to be an incentive to better work. This new form of encouragement is one of the 'objectives of the plan to grant National Craftsman's Certificates to those who prove themselves competent mechanics in the motor-vehicle retail and repairing trade.