Eastern Unit Controllers Stage Function
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. Some 50 R.H.O. Officials and Guests Enjoy Complimentary Dinner to Mr. J. W. Calvert, the Divisional Road Haulage Officer ON August 8 the area road haulage officers and unit -controllers of the Eastern Division, , M 0.W.T Road Haulage Organization, gave a corn. plimentary dinner to Mr. John W. Calvert, the Divisional Road Haulage Officer, on his additional appointment, in a similar capacity, to the London Di v isiou.
Preceding this was a reception held at the R.H 0. offices, Cambridge, to -give unit controllers an opportunity of meeting each other and of Offering 'their congratulations to-Mr. Calvert. . The chairman at this and at the dinner was Mr. A. E. Ivatt
Chelmsford). Amongst those present, in addition to every unit controller in the Division, were Sir Alfred Faulkner, C.B., C.B.E Eastern Region); Messrs. A. D. Scudamore, M.13.E. (thief assistant to the R.T.C.);
-H. G Sweetland -(A.D.R. fi .0., Eastern Division);G. W. Irwin (secre-tary, R FLA.); F. H. Alpe (Divisional Staff Officer: R.H.0.); G. Mackenzie
unne r, F.R:S.A., M.I.A.E., M. I .R .T . E. (Editor, ." The'. Commercial Motor "); H. W. Tidd,(County Transport Manager, Meat Section, R.H2O.,• Canffiridge); A. 0. Ridout (Staff Officer • (Emergency), R.T.C. Office, Cambridge); L. Merton Cambridge); C. F. Haywood (Editor, " Motor Transport "); J P. Lattimor (k.R.H.O., Ipswich); C. F. Mapper (Assistant Editor, Modern Trans
port "); F. Dean (A.R.H.O., Noswich); J. A. C. Bain (A.R.H.O., Bedford); W. A. Beagrie (A.R.I1.0., St. Albans); J. G. Farrar (D.T.O., Cambridge); A G, Johnson (D.T.O., Bedford); G. Bradford '(D.T.O., Norwich ) ; B. -A A. Read ( D.T .0., Ipswich); H. W. Derbyshire (D.T.O., St. Albans); J. 0, Rymer (D.T.O., Chelmsford); A. Porter (late Senior A.R. H .0 , Eastern Division)
• a18 Mr, Ivatt, proposing the toast to Mr. Calvert, said that many of them knew him before his appointment as D.R.H.0 Eastern Division. They had hoped for the best and were not disappointed. They had always found him sympathetic and understanding of their problems. It was a unique distinction for Mr. Calvert to be put in charge of two Divisions. ,
Replying, Mr. Calvert said the position was that he had assumed responsibility for. ,DiVision 5 in addition to 4, and Mr. Sweetland from headquarters had been appointed A.D.R.H.0 for as long as this arrangement continues. He thought the cheerful appearance of unit controllers, despite a spate of circulars, instructions, etc., was a .tribute to the resilience of the road-transport industry.
He particularly thanked Sir Alfred Faulkner and Mr. Scudamore for the ready and Valuable co-operation which they and their staff had at all times extended to the R.H.O.
Mr. Calvert gave striking figures concerning the working of the Organization. During 1944 the Eastern Division had handled 750,000 tons of controlled traffic and 1,250,000 tons of excluded traffic, representing 6.75 pei, cent. and 4.02 per cent., respectively,of the national total (excluding meat and coal) for 1944. For the first six months of this year, the figures for the Division were some 410,000 tons of controlled traffic. and about 850,000 tons of excluded, showing an increase over -the similar period of 1944. Total ton
nage carried by the R.H.O. for 1944 was nearly 54,000,000, and for the first six months of 1945, over 28,000,000. Vehicle turnround on controlled traffic in the Eastern Division was the best.
As regards particular movements it might be mentioned that while they were heavily engaged in delivering gun man to Kent they were called upon to send large quantities of petrol to London for _shipment to the Continent, although the docks were under VI and rocket fire. Another was caused by a potato • shortage in Bristol. This involved sending 10,000 tons from Wisbech over 10 weeks.. Recently, to help the 1)1.0.F., the Division had to transport, mostly by night, 5,000;000 lb. of strawberries from Wisbechto such places as Aintree, , London .and Bristol, all • _requiring delivery within 24 hours of picking.
• He • had" been fortunate in, having
• such a lOyal team, and he asked them to accept :his grateful thanks for the way in which they had . carried out their-respective functions, referring particularly to Mr. A. Porter. •
Sir Alfred Faulkner, replying to the toast of " The Guests " proposed by Mr. S. G. Carrell, expressed his • pleasure at meeting so many operators.
The whole dompany then went to a performance • at the Arts Theatre. After this they returned to the R.11:0. offices and a running buffet, when a • coloured film of the M.O.W.T, Second Overseas Unit, lent by Mr. P. J. R. Tapp, Director. of Road Haulage, was shown, followed by another most interesting film entitled " Reclamation— The Earth in the Fen," made by Mr. H. G. Pledger.:
The proceedings' closed ,with a vote of thanks to those who had assisted in the arrangements, particularly. Messrs. L. Merton, F: H. Alpe and H. G. • Sweetland. •