Utility Motors in France.
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It is confirmed, in Paris, that the next Road Congress will be held in Brussels.
Encouragement for Agricultural Motors.
The Automobile Club du Centre, of France, which was responsible for the organisation of the recent exhibition of agricultural motors at Bourges at the end of September this year, seems to have been so gratified with the results obtained and with the beneficial effects that have accrued to the makers from the publicity secured on that occasion, that it has decided to award a prize of 5,00o francs to the agricultural motor, or tractor, which shall give the best all-round results at the next exhibition. It has also been tentatively decided that this event shall take place in 191 1, and there is every hope that entries will be very numerous.
An Enquiry from Antwerp.
The following enquiry has been received by our French contemporary " Le Poids Lourds," and, as it may be of interest to English manufacturers, we reproduce it in full herewith :-
" The undersigned company will be pleased to consider whatever offers for the supply of certain vehicles may reach them. The conditions of service which the machines will have to undertake are as follow :—
" The roads are in first-class order; maximum gradient is seven per cent.; the length of each trip is 220 kilometres, and the time allowed is IT hours (of which 9 hours are required for the journey, and the remaining 2 hours are for halts in dereits) :
" The first experimental order will consist of 14 closed vehicles, to carry six or eight passengers and about too
kilos of luggage; • "Tenders should be addressed to La Compagnie Tndustrielle at Commerciale d'.Ativers, 19, rue Kipciorp, Antwerp." Considerable activity is being displayed by the administration of the French Post Office in the matter of the employment of commercial motor vehicles for the carriage of mails. Services recently inaugurated include those between the railway at MonsempeonLibos (Lot-et-Garonne) and Montaigndu-Quercy in the snow department ; between the railway at Marmande and Sainte-Foy-la-Grande; both of which are in Lot-et-Garonne ; and between the railway station at Gate and Gisors, via
A proposal has reached the Municipal Council of Paris, from the Prefect of the Seine, that future concessions to those who would wish to run motorbus services in the streets of Paris should involve the submission of competitive tenders on the basis of schedules of fares, and an agreement to be drawn up by the Couna. The prefect would invite candidates to formulate their proposals within a month, with due regard both to motorbus services and those of the network of tramways. Amongst other • conditions, • which those who wish to tender will be asked to agree, will be : substantial references as to their financial resources ; an
agreement to find security up to ti sum of a million francs ; full technic particulars of the vehicles it is propos, to employ ; and a description of t! services and rates proposed.
Transport of Racehorses by Rog Motor.
We illustrate, on this page, a Dr raeq-Serpollet van which is used France for the transport of racehors between their training quarters and f various racecourses upon which the at mals have to fulfil their engagemere The chassis is of the standard 3o-4oh. Darracq-Serpollet pattern, and is sin lar to those machines which are ha died in this country by the Darracq-Sc pollet Omnibus Company, Limited, Amelia Street, Wahvorth Road, S. The wheels are all of 900num diamett The body is of quite unusual desig and an examination of the photogra which we reproduce reveals the devic that have been adopted to render t transhipment of the horses as easy matter as possible. The vehicle has commodation for two horses, which r kept separated bv a low partition. T entrance is at the back of the vehic by means of a small slope that is form by the tail hoard, which may be lo ered to the ground for that purpo The exit is arrarozed on the near si of the vehicle, and the slope is form in a similar way by the lowering large side doors. These slopes ramps, are operated by an ingenic system of blocks and cords, and a sm winch. Mats are fixed to the side the body, and these come down I enough to avoid the accidental bruisi of the animals while they are enteri or leaving the machine. A wide pl form is placed at the back of the driv to allow an attendant to keep his e3 on the horses during the journey. T horse now has motor conveyance Ix in life and death.