Our "Campaign Comforts " Fund.
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Royal Automobile Club Gives Proceeds of Concerts—Early Acknowledgments from the Front-17,907 Individual Gifts Already Delivered, or on Their Way.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. S. S. Long (wife of the Director of S. and T.), Mrs. Bagnall-Wild (wife of a former Sec. 14LT.C.),, Mrs. W. E. Donohue (wife of the C.I.M.T.), and Mrs. H. N. Foster (wife of the D.A.D.T.)
We ask readers of this page to refer also to the first page of the issue. Our "Campaign Comforts " Fund, as the only official fund for the benefit of the Mechanical Transport Columns of the Army Service Corps, makes steady progress. We record with. particular gratification the receipt, through Mrs. Long, of 240 from the Army Service Corps Canteen, at Aldershot, per Colonel Gaming. This officer also kindly forwarded the individual donation of 25 from General Sir Edward Morris, K.C.B., of the Commissariat and Transport staff.
• The assistance of the Royal Automobile Club, with ine proceeds of one concert (included in this week's list) and a promise of further help of the kind, is particularly appreciated by us: it furnishes yet another proof af3f the bond of sympathy which exists between motorcar owners and the heavier transport branches. Two personal notes call for inclusion. One is that we should congratulate Mrs. Donohue, a member of the Ladies Committee, upon the proilaotion of her husband to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Lieut.-Colonel Donohue, who is the Chief Inspector of Mechanical Transport, has for more than 15 years devoted hiniself almost exclusively to the welfare of mechanical transport for the British Army ; he has, indeed merited the advance in rank, which was gazetted on the 8th inst. The other matter is the pleasure with which we learned that Mrs. Foster, wife of Capt. H. N. Foster, A.S.C., the Deputy Acting Director of Transport, had, on the invitation of the Ladies Committee, joined that committee. Mrs. Foster has assured us of her deep interest in the work which we are carrying on. This interest is being displayed with characteristic energy by all the members of the Ladies Committee. They will hold their next meeting at our offices this (Thursday) afternoon.
Fifth List of Gifts in Kind.
There are already indications of a distinct response to our appeal of last week for more woollen gifts. Each such gift is, of course, acknowledged by a personal letter, either from the Editor or Mrs. Long, and we are pleased to observe that many of the letters of advice contain;promises of repeat parcels. The present campaign is one which is not going to end quickly: our fund is no Christmas affair, but is a fund which will require to be maintained, by definite help and work, for an indefinite period.
Mrs. Addle and maids, Richmond Hill (5 scarves).
Miss Black, Coldingham (2 shirts, 4 jerseys, 2 scarves).
Miss C. Butler, Addle-stone (2 pairs socks, I pair mittens, 4 pairs cuffs, 6 pipes, 6 tins tobacco).
niss Ca,rew-Robinson, l'siewnham (7 pairs gloves, 2 pairs cuffs). Mrs. K. A. Chandler, East Preston (3 pairs pants, 2 vests).
Mrs. %and.. Miss Davies, Bognor (3 pairs socks, 3 pairs Mittens).
Mrs. H. de la Rue, Newmarket (4 pairs socks, 1 helmet, 2 body belts). Mrs. Dugall and friends, Acton (2 scarves, 2 pairs mittens, 4 pairs socks). Miss Fawtres, South Kensington (1 jersey, 2 scarves, 4 pairs socks). Mrs. G. Green, NVoudford (1 sweater, 1 tin sweets, chocolate). Mrs. M. Haley, Halifax (1 scarf). P. It. Harrison, York (1 sweater). Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hawes, Shrewsbury (2 vests). W. Maxwell, Stirling (4 Nests, 3 pairs pants). Mrs. Mayell, South Woodford (2 shirts, 1 pair mittens, 2 pairs socks, 2 jerseys, 1 body belt, 7 lb. sweets). Mrs. Mossop, Southsea (24 pairs mittens, 1 body heft). Mrs. N. S. Newmegen, Kew (3 vests). Mrs. A. J. Scott, Thetford (1 pair socks, 3 mufflers). Miss M. A. Waeher, Broadstairs (1 helmet, 1 body belt, 4 handkerchiefs). Mrs. Edmund Wood, Aldershot (1 waistcoat, 6 scarves).
Donations in Cash to Monday Last.
We are obliged, for want of more space, for the first time not to repeat the name of individual donors back to October last. It appears probable that we shall complete the,first £1000 some two months earlier than we originally anticipated, but as to this we write
elsewhere (page 281).
'17,907 Gifts Handled So Far.
Pressure on our purchasing, packing and despatching staffs becomes greater as the weeks go by, but the willingness and enthusiasm of the voluntary helpers make light work of the task. Most of the classifying and packing is actually done at night-time. Subscribers to the Fund,and those who have sent so many useful gifts in kind for despatch, are entitled to know that their money is being expended carefully and promptly, that no pains are being spared to ensure that only the most-suitable gifts are obtained, and that, thereafter, they are actually, within all human possibility, certain to arrive to the hands of the men we all have in mind. Perhaps the best evidence of the work that has been done so far is forthcoming from the following figures : total number of woollen and other individual gifts received and despatched, 1311 ; total number of pairs of gloves ordered to date, 2476; total number of 2-oz. packets of tobacco despatched to date, 5447; total number df packets of cigarettes to date, 12,508. Amongst other gifts which have already been sent out are 5428 books of cigarette papers, 74 gross boxes of matches, large numbers of automatic lighters, ortins of boracic ointment, of leather bootlaces, and 12,000 "Want Cards." The total number of cases of tobacco and cigarettes which have actually been -despatched is 52, so that, in all, an approximate estimate of the total numbers of individual gifts which have been purchased or acquired by the Fund, and which are either already in the hands of the A.S.C., M.T., or on their way to them is 17,907. Negotiations are in hand for further considerable purchases of suitable types of .gloves, new patterns of which will have to survive our somewhat difficult test, which includes soaking in water and oil for -a definite period, mst as in the case of those gloves which we have already approved and purchased. We are also proposing to
send out consignments of such homely domestic supplies as soap, candles, condensed .milk,---and we are already considering tenders for that kind of gift. Considerable quantities of boiled sweets have already been purchased, and these, made up in suitable tins, will be included in some of the next cases to be sent out.
A Few Acknowledgments of Comforts Received.
" I have to thank you, on behalf of my men, for the kind gift of gloves, which they much appreciate. I shall take care that an equitable distribution is made.
"In conclusion, please accept my own thanks and those of my officers for your kindness to on.men." Captain G. B. Dartnell, 0.0., Meerut Sup. Col.
"I beg to acknowledge receipt of your advice note, and to inform you that the case containing the woollen goods has been received. The motor drivers, mates and mechanics greatly appreciate these gifts, and wish me to convey theii. thanks through you to the subscribers to the Campaign Comforts Fund for the gifts you have already sent out. These articles are of great. use during the inclement weather we have been experiencing." Capt. L. D. Inglefield, 0.0., No. 1 Sec., 1st Cav. Div. Sup. Col.
" I have to thank you for your letter of advice of the 30th ult. The first case which you referred to has now arrived, and I shall distribute the contents amongst the men as far as possible. The strength of this unit is about --, but this fluctuates, rarely varying from that number by as many as 10. The 'Want Cards' will prove very useful to the drivers.
" Wishing the 'C.M.' and the Campaign Comforts Fund every success, and again thanking you."Lieut. W. Holum, 0.0., 2nd Div. Sup. Col., A.S.C.
"I have to-day received two cases containing woollen goods and 'Want Cards.' I am much indebted to you and the good ladies who are doing such good work. The goods have been distributed amongst the men under my command, and are much appreciated. The strength of my column at the time of writing is —. I do not know whether all A.S.C. columns are as fortunately situated as mine at present, but my chief requirements are not so much woollen goods as articles such as chocolates, sweets, preserved fruits, cigarettes, and plum puddings for Christmas." Capt. J. L. Lawson, 74 M.T. Co., A.S.C., 8 Div. Sup. Col.
"I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter advising us of the despatch of one box of comforts to the men of the column under my command. This case has arrived, and the contents have been distributed between — N.C.O.s and men. I wish to thank you and the subscribers to your fund on behalf of ray men, who highly appreciate the gifts, which are most acceptable during the bad weather which we are experiencing out here. Our present strength is --N.C.O.s and men. The officers, N.0.0.8 and men of this column take this opportunity of wishing THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR and its readers the compliments of the season."—Lieut. J. C. Armstrong, 1 Div. Sup. Col., A.S.C.