News of the Week
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WHEEL EQUIPMENT • FOR GAS TRAILERS THE Directorate of Vehicle Mainten ance and Alternative Fuels has given consideration to the question of the appropriate number of spare tyres and wheels which should be provided by p.s.v. operators for any producer trailers allocated to them.
• It has .been decided that an appropriate figure is 10 per cent, of the total number of tyres to which the operators are entitled in respect of tyres and tubes, and 5 per cent, for wheels.
• Tyre Control has advised the Directorate that operators should obtain these spares through the normal channels. If any difficulty be experienced, the Directorate will do everything it can to expedite deliveries, provided that the matter he brought to its attention.
AN interesting report covering the years 1938-43, and . entitled " The First Five Years," has been issued by the British Coal Utilization Research Association, Experimental Station, Rickett Street, ' West Brampton, LOndon, SAV . 6 . • It explains how the Association came into existence and grew to its present -importance. Its main purpose is, of course, to promote the better use of British coal, and the matter which interests us chiefly is in Part 3, dealing with certain achievements, of which one of the most important was the production of the B.C.U.R.A. centraldraught portable gas producer, which formed the basis of a scheme put . forward jointly by the Association and Imperial Chemical Industries for the equipirtent of 50,000 vehicles with an' estimated annual saving of 150,040,000 gallons of petrol. However, as is pointed out, the Government preferred its own scheme.
LAST week, a meeting of Hauliers Mutual Federation was held in Leeds, when Mr. Rogers, of Hudclers
' field, took the chair. He ,stated that the meeting had been organized to outline the expt, position of the small haulier to-day.
Mr. Kirby, of Leicester, who was the 'chief speaker of the evening, said that he saw little prospect in the future for the individual haulier. Throughout the country, he added, there is a great feeling of unrest amongst hauliers, and he said that it had started when it Was realized that the country's resources were being wasted. He went an to point out certain deficiencies in the industry and stressed the importance of securing the right kind of leadership. Later, Mr. Rogers intirriated that there were about 900 members in the Federation, and it waS decided that a Leeds group should be started. The following were elected :—Mr. W., Lye (chairman), Mr. A. Tiffany (vicechairnian), Mr. Ingham (secretary), whilst the following comprise the com mittee : e s s.r s. Cobb, Yardley, Foster, Ingwell, H. Tiffany, and Walker. DENNIS PAYS 125 PER CENT.
DIVIDEND MET profit of Dennis Bros., Ltd., in
74 the year ended September 30 last, was £128,240, which is slightly-lower • than for the previous year. The trading' balance came out at £132,804, compared with £151,998. The rtividend is maintained at is. 3d. per Is. share (125 per cent.) and takes"' £93,905. Renewals account receives £25,000, whilst £5,000 is added to the employees' benevolent land. The amount to be 'carried forward is £175,563 as against £171,227.
TEHE North-Eastern Division of the M.O.W.T. Road • Haulage Branch is understood to be using the Yorkshire' schedule of haulage rates, put. forward by the Road Panel of the Yorkshire •• Road and Rail Regional Committee, as a suggested basis for national stabilization of 'road rates. It is gathered that the schedule is being applied with the goods classification which, as repOrted in our last week's issue, has been formulated by the Yorkshire Road Panel.
THE proposal was made, last week, in the House of Commons, by Mr. Purbrick that one-way traffic regulations in London' should be abolished with a view to-reducing travel distancesand stoppages and thus-curtail petrol
_ consumption, The reply of Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker; Joint Parliamentary Secretary, M.0,W.T., was that every oneway traffic scheme in London has been reviewed, and that twO-way working has been restored wherever it was considered that the balance Of advantage was in favour of so doing.
You will recognize that, in some ' place?, two-way working might cause traffic congestion, might increase.. the,
• risk of accidents, and might require more police control," added Mr. "Noel Baker.. '
riCTRING the year ended October 2 1-../ last, the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £328,852, the amount available being £350,759 .after adding the balance brought forward (£11,908) and a provision froin• last year's trading account no now required (£10,000). Provision for taxation'is listed at £288,1.72, A final dividend of 4 per cent., plus a bonus of 3 per cent., less tax, is to be paid. on the ordinary shares (a 3 per cent. interim has been paid) which Will take • £10,389, and after • deducting the preference dividend, a contribution of
• £4,000 to the pensions fund and an item of £4,655 in respect of the War Damage Act, there remains a balance of R3L590 to be carried forward, NO SPECIAL ROAD SERVICES AT CHRISTMAS
K10 special road services . will be NI operated to facilitate holiday travel during,, the Christmas period, and, in general, those provided will be on the same basis as in the past year. Arrangements are, being made • to cover all services for essential workers.
Any organization which is' closing down. during the Christmas or New
Yea.r period should notify its transport contractors (both passenger and goods). This, of course, applies mainly to regions outside the Metropolis, at least, so far as such notification is concerned.
The public is advised to-stay at home for the holidays,, and thus give but _ crews, who have-, been working hard during the whole ofthe year, an opportunity of taking a well-earned rest. GUY MOTORS MAINTAINS, PROFIT
ANET profit of £41,241 (approximately the same as for the previous year) was made by Guy Motors, Ltd., in the year ended June 30 last, after providing for depreciation, taxation and all charges except debenture interest. A dividend of 15 per cent., less tax, is to be paid on the ordinary stock—this has been done for seven years in succession— which will absorb £14,873, whilst £9,500 is transferred to the reserve for staff profit-sharing bonus, £7,000 to the sinking fund for debenture redemption, and £5,000 to the reserve for obsolescence and deferred repairs. The amount to be carried forward is £10,901.
MR. R. A. Mrets, M.I.Mecer.E., has been appointed sales manager of the National Fire Protection Co., Ltd.
Me. A. H. RICHES has been appointed transport engineer to Whitbread and Co., Ltd., the welt-known brewery concern, Britannia Street, London, W.C.1, in succession • to Mr.. H, A. Beardall.
MR. C. OWEN, of J. Owen, Ltd., 282, Torquay Road, Preston, Paignton, has been appointed the new secretary of the Torquay, Paignton and Brixham Sub-Area of A.R.O., following the resignation of Mr. C. H. Boreor.
M. C. F. LAWRENCE KING, M.I.A.E., Assoc.lese.T., after eight years as general manager to that well-known finance concern, the British Wagon Co.. Ltd., has been elected to a seat on its hoard. Be was for many years associated with road transport.
I N the period. ended July 31 last, Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., made a profit. of -R77,674, compared with £114,302 in the previous period. Taxation takes £68,500, and a dividered of 10 per cent, less tax (the same as for the previous year) is to be paid. The amount to be carried forward is £6,997.
WHEN Mr, A. Edwards asked in the .." House,", last week, what is the percentage of empty vehicles running under Ministry direction since the M.O.W.T. took control, and the corresponding figure for each of the previous years, Mr. • P. J. Noel-Baker regretted that the information could not be' obtained without the expenditure of a
vast amount of labour, for which man power was not available.
I T is well known that, unless precau
tions be taken, there is every chance that great difficulty may be experienced in removing a tyre from the rim, owing to the formation of rust on the latter. This means that the tyre has to be removed by methods which are likely to damage the bead and in other ways cause it to suffer ill-treatment.
A way of preventing this is to apply a preparation known as Tyreprim to the rims, 'which will not be unfamiliar to many of our readers. Before application the rims should be thoroughly cleaned, all rust being previously removed with the 'aid of a scratch brush, or by other suitable means. The preparation is then applied with a flat pair brush to provide a firm coating: The tyres can be fitted at once as Tyreprim .does" not dry. Further information may be obtained. from T. R. Parry and Co., Ltd.,/ Castor Street Oil Works, West India Dock Road, London, £.14.
AFTER deducting all items chargeable against revenue, including provision for taxation and depreciation, and after tranSferring '£10.,000 to general reserve; the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd:, made a profit on the year's ckorking to September 30 last ofe£51,094, the amount available after adding £23,587 brought in, being £74,681. From this amount, £9,750, representing the dividend on the preference sharesfor the nine months ended June 30 last, has to be deducted. _The dividend oh thnse shares forthe. remaining three months will take £3,250, and • a dividend at the rate Cif 8 per cent, on the ordinary shares will absorb £36,000, leaving £25,681 to be carried forward.
ARRANGEMENTS are being made for an early meeting between Middlesbrough and Stockton Transport Committees to discuss the merging of.
the two undertakings. The Teeside Railless Traction Board is also to participate. in the matter.. FIXING THE ECONOMIC LIFE OF OIL-FUEL BUSES '
FURTHER consideration has been given by Stockton-on-Tees Transport Committee to the reorganization of. the transport undertaking. It has been agreed that an accelerated replacement plan fol. oil-driven buses should be prepared for putting into operation immediately after the war. The plan will includethe fixing of a limited
economic life for each bus. It has been agreed to appoint a rolling-stock engineer, and superintendent. Con6 sideration is also to be given to extendMg the garage and maintena:nce shops.
IT is 'of the utmost importance' that fire pumps should be protected from damage by ,frt. In connection with this matter memiiars of the N.F.S. and others responsible for the maintenance of Coventry Climax trailer 'fire-fighting apparatus, should get into touch with Coventry Climax' Engines, Ltd., Coventry. This concern 'is issuing a _coloured chart (publication .0/34) which gives all the information needed to .guard against daniage to the unit. Application should be made on official notepaper, when the chart will be supplied free. In other cases a charge of 6d. per chart will he made.