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High-level Aid for Leyland

17th December 1954
Page 46
Page 46, 17th December 1954 — High-level Aid for Leyland
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OBSERVATIONS made by one of the company's field service engineers. who last year crossed the Andes in a Super Beaver, have helped Leyland Motors. Ltd., to meet a Mint. order from Bolivia. The demand is for almost 100 Super Beavers and Comets which will be required to operate at over 10,000 ft. above sea level. An air-bottle device is being incorporated in the vehicles to counter irregular delivery of fuel by the injection pump caused by the severe drop in barometric pressure. Extra servo braking will be provided and payloads slightly reduced. Tipping and special-purpose vehicles are included in the order, which is for four leading operators. One is the municipality of La Paz, which requires 20 Comet refuse collectors with Lewin I0-12-cu.-yd. compressing bodies. The city is 12,000 ft. above sea level.

Apart from 10 Comets for Direccion

Forestal, a government forestrydevelopment organization, the remainder of the vehicles will serve Bolivia's mining industry. All the tippers will have Edbro--B. and E. three-way tipping bodies. The National Iranian Oil Co.. Ltd.. are continuing the policy of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., in taking delivery of 60 Leyland Super Hippo tankers, worth over L200.000. AngloIranian introduced Leylands to Persia 25 years ago. Twenty of these vehicles, with Steel Barrel 3,000-gallon tanks, are now going east. The vehicles have not the normal 55-gallon fuel tank, but a 110gallon tank incorporated in the main load-carrying tank. Further orders from Persia arc for 26 Super Hippos and 18 Comets for longdistance transport. They will have extra fuel tanks to give them a range of 1,000 miles.