Bristol's Report.
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The report of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., for the year ended December 31st last shows that revenue amounted to £1,209,558 and
working and e expenses and renewals to £1,54,751, leaving, with the balance brought forward from the previous year, a net revenue of £159,085. Of this sum, interest for the year on the 4 per cent. mortgage debenture stock, 44 per cent. mortgage debenture stock and deposits and bank interest accounts for £34,039, whilst a dividend for the year on the 4 per cent. preference shares absorbed £20,000, and an interim dividend of 4 per cent. on the ordinary
• shares, £40,000. It is now proposed to pay a final dividend of 6 per cent, on the ordinary shares, making 10 per cent. for the year, which will account for 160,000 and leave £5,045 to be carried forward.
During the year the receipts of the tramways department showed a decrease of £10,934, and those of the carriage department an increase of 113,672. The number of passengers carried on the company's buses and trains was 124,521,351, as compared with 117,838,722 in the previous year.
New Servicing Equipment.
• Liquid Measurements, Ltd., Hammond Works, Victoria Road, London, N.W.10, advises us that it -is now in a position to supply a complete range of servicing equipment for motor vehicles, including .jacks, brake-testing apparatus, lifts and air compressors for all purposes. The company's petroldispensing plant is already well known, and the new range of appliances which is being offered will extend the company's activities in commercial-vehicle spheres.
Ferriage of Business Motors.
The Liverpool Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association held its 13th annual general meeting last Thursday. Amongst the matters dealt with in the annual report are the charges for the ferriage of business motors across the River Mersey. It was brought to the committee's notice that, whereas Wallasey Corporation passed on the relief obtained under the De-rating Act, 1929, proportionately to all commercial users, Birkenhead-Corporation gave relief only where monthly accounts of at least £5 were opened and when prepaid freight tickets were bought. The C.111.T.J.A. took up the matter with the Birkenhead authority, which has now agreed to issue tickets in minimum amounts of £1. The committee had raised with the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board the question of maximum permissible loads on the floating roadways at Liverpool and Birkenhead. It was pointed out that the limit of 18 tons did not permit of full advantage being taken of the laden weights allowed by law and that
The restrictions constituted a severe handicap to commercial-motor users of the ferries. It thentranspired that the maximum weight of 18 tons -allowed on the floating roadways had received the approval of the Minister of Transport, who had agreed with the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board that the weights allowed could not with safety be increased.
A Publicity Manager Available for Engagement.
It comes to our notice that a thoroughly experienced publicity manager is now available for engagement. For 34 years he has been in charge of the advertising and general-publicity de pertinent of a well-known concern in the commercial-motor industry, prior to which, for a period of three years, he was publicity manager of an electrical company ; in this capacity he handled a large advertising appropriation and was entirely responsible for his company's Participation in the Wembley Exhibitions of 1924 and 1925. Letters addressed to " Publicity Manager,".care of the Editor, will be forwarded at. once. to the proper quarter.
An American Reference Book.
The "Branham Automobile Reference Book," published in America, is available in this country in limited numbers at 6s. per single copy (post free), or at 5s. 6c1, per copy for one dozen or more. The sole agent for Great Britain is Mr. Thomas P. Swann, F.I.M.T., 34, London Wall, 110.2. The book contains a great deal of information with regard to past and present chassis of commercial vehicles and motorcars. A useful feature is the data enabling a reader to ascertain the date of manufacture of a particular vehicle from its chassis number.
Preventing Injuries Due to Backfires.
In our issue dated November 26th, 1929. we dealt with the construction of the Hepworth patent starting handle, which is designed to prevent injury to the operator due to the engine backfiring when it is being started by hand.' Since that date -the design has been developed and the sole manufacturing rights are now held by T. S. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., of Heckmondwike, Yorkshire. This company will demonstrate the device at the British Industries Fair at Birmingham on stand 21F/3. Price lists and descriptions of the starting handle can be obtained from the concern in question. The Hepworth design now contains no springs, ratchets or slipping clutches. It has but two working parts.
Morris-Commercial Price Amendments.
We are advised by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Soho, Birmingham, of various recent amendments to prices of passenger chassis. Readers should make the necessary amendments in the list of passenger chassis oh the British market appearing on pages 906 and 907 of our Special -Passenger Vehicle Number, dated February 10th. The amended details are as follow :
In the 15-20-passenger category, the Viceroy chassis, type Y with a 14-ft. wheelbase and designed to carry a 20seater body, is priced at £575. In the 20-26-seater class, the Viceroy, with a 15-ft. 6-in, wheelbase, will carry a 24
• seater body and 'is priced at £595. In the 27-32-seater category is the Dictator model, the price of which is now £950 for the normal-control type and £985 for the machine controlled from the forward position.