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A Precis of the Rules, Issued by the Minister of Transport, Concerning• Public-service Vehicles, which Came Into Force on February 10th IN dealing with the Public Service Vehicles (gonditions of Fitness) Regulations, 1931, dated February 6th, and contained in Statutory Rules and Orders, 1931: No. 62, we have adopted our usual procedure in reducing the various clauses to the, smallest dimensions practical4e, and have retained the original. numbers, except for one or two.
2. (Date). (ii) Regulations 4, 5, 8, 9,, 10, 12, 13, 28, 29 (c), 33 (a and b) and 35 (a) do not apply to vehicles registered by -January 1st, 1932. (iii) Regulations 11, 19, 21, 24, 20 (d) and 40 come into force on January. 1st, 1932.
3. (Definitions). " Vehicle " means _for public-service. "Overall length" is exclusive of starting handle and hood when down. "Overall width" is that between parallel planes through extreme , projections exclusive of driving mirror. "Seating capacity" is that calculated under Regulatikl 3 of the Hackney Motor Vehicles (Seating Capacity) Regulations, 1927. (c).
4. (Overall length, etc.). Maximum length four-wheeled double-decker, 26 ft.
5. (Maximian height). Double-decker, 15 ft. ; singledecker, 10 ft. 6 ins. ; maximum height ground to lower-deck roof donble-deeker, 9 ft. 3 ins.
6. (Laden weight). In four-wheeler maximum sum of weights of all wheels is 10 tons in case of double-decker and 9 tons for single-decker. Maximum weight on any two wheels in line transversely, two-thirds of total, weight Corresponding figures for vehicle with more than four wheels, 12 tons and 4i tons. Additions to weight of complete vehicle with full supplies of water, oil and fuel at the rate of 140 lb. for driver, conductor (if carried) and every seat
7. (Stability). Leaded stability single-decker, and of double-decker with full complement of passengers on top deck only, must be such that' if surface on which vehicle stands be tilted to either side 28 degrees from horizontal, point of over-turning would not be passed. For vehicles registered by duly,1st, 1931, angle is 27 degrees. 8. (Turning circle). Maximum turnitig circle 60 ft. for overall length of 26 ft, 66 ft. longer vehicles. Diameter is measured to outer edge of wheel track at ground level. 9. (CleTara ace). Minimum clearance 10 ins., Allowance must be made for Wear, settling springs, etc. Clearance to extend from front 14 ft 6 ins, in four-wheeler, and 13 ft. in six-wheeler ; if driving axle less than these respective figures, clearance up to, but not including said axle. Width of clearance at either side of centre line of vehicle one-third distance between centre lines of tracks of front wheels.
10. (Wheel tracks). Distance between centre lines of tracks of front,wheelg and Aar,wheels'not less than 72,11er cent, overall width double-deckers, and 69 per cent. singledeekers. Measurement between centre lines of tracks of front wheels not less than corresponding measurement for rear wheels. Measurements horizontally atwheel centres.
11. (Guard rails). Guard rail or ruuning board within 9 ins, of ground if clear space more than 2 ft. between nearest points and wheels.
12. (Side overhang). In stage carriage maximum lateral. projection 6 ins, beyond outer faces of rear outer tyres.
13. (Springs). (a) Transverse springs permitted only as supplemental to longitudinal. Body sway must be moderate. (b) Rear longitudinal springs to bear on axle as near wheels as possible. Measurement outside to outside not less than 50 per cent, overall width. If vehicle has only transverse spring or springs at front, this rear measurement must be 53 per cent. minimum. (c) Longitudinal springs at front should be wide apart as possible. Space from outside to outside minimum 42 per cent. overall width double-deckers, 37 per cent single-deckers; if distance outside to outside of rear 53 per cent. reduce minimum 1 in.
14. (Braket). All brakes to act directly on wheels. Not applied to registrations by January 1st, 1933. 15. Pedal required for one braking system. 16. (Steering). (a) Steering overlock must be impossible; wheels must not foul any part. (b) No painting or plating for steering arms. (c) Ball and socket joints must not be pendant. (d) Dust covers which prevent ready inspection must not be fitted. (e) Nut-locking devices essential. Heads of bolts and pins to be uppermost.
17. (Tyres). In all new registrations, pneumatic tyres.
18. (Hub.projection)..„No part of any wheel or fitting to project more 'than n iiis. beyond tyre. 19. (Fuel tanks, etc.). To be suitably encased or screened; not located under gangway within 2 ft. of any entrance or exit on single-decker, or of lower deck of double-decker.
20. No fuel overflow may fall on woodwork or accumulate where it can be ignited. Fuel cock, with handle accessible outsideivehicle, necessary. Fuel filler outside body. Filler cap to be securely fixed. Vent hole protected from penetrathin by fire and fuel splashing prevented.
21. No fuel from carburetters, etc., to fall upon any part or fitting capable of igniting it or where it might accumulate.
22. Exhaust pipe position to agree with No. 21. Outlet on off-side rear.
23. Electric leads to be insulated..
24. Exposed transmission shafts to be bridled.
25. In all working parts and those subject to severe vibration which are connected by bolts, studs, etc., nuts must be effectively prevented from working loose.
26. Body to be securely fixed to chassis. Floorboards strong and well fitted ; sunklifting devices where necessary.
27. (a) With uncovered top deck, top of side-guard rails at least 3 ft. from roof battens at sides, and 1 ft. 6 ins. above highest part of seats. (Here seat back not deemed part of seat.) Front and back rails to follow camber of roof, and at least 3 ft. 3 ins. high. (b) In ,single-deckers without permanent top, height sides from floor, 2 ft. 4 ins.
28. Lowest step for ordinary entrance, when empty, maximum height 1 ft. 5 ins.; minimum 10 ins. Non-slip tread for every step. Minimum width of fixed step, 9 ins. Steps must not project laterally beyond front wings. 29. In double-deckers (a) minimum length rear platform 2 ft. ; otherwise than rear, 2 ft. 6 ins. (b) Closed risers and non-slip treads required. No aperture permitted at top landing board. (c) Horizontal distance from top-step riser to vertical plane passing through back of rearmost seat on side of vehicle (exclusive of grab rail not projecting more than 3 ins, from back of seat) not less than 2 ft. 2 ins. (d) Outer stringer on outside staircase to act as screen. Minimum height outer guard rail, 3 ft. 3 ins, above treads.
30. (Entrances. and'exits). (1) In single-deckers with permanent tops or lower deck of double-decker (a) not less than two means for entry and exit on different sidei of vehicle. (Front or back to be regarded as side for this purpose.) One such exit may be restricted to use in emergency. In stage carriage, normal entries or exits On near side; and on off side for emergency only. In vehicle having doorless opening connecting lower deck with rear platform it will be sufficient if there be access from both sides. (b) Emergency exit door to be accessible from inside, also to persons of normal height standing on ground level outside vehicle ; controls to be operable in each case. (c) No flap or other seat to be fitted to any door or to obstruct access to exit.
(2) In double-decker with permanent top and enclosed staircase, alternative means for exit necessary from upper deck, not at normal-exit side of vehicle. Where exit upper deck coincides with lower, minimum width joint exit 3 ft.
(3) Direct access required to driver's seat from off side, whea seats for passengers are at his left side.
(4) Door controls must not become dislodged or Tendered inoperative by accidental handling. If handles be at top or on inside doors, double locks, safety catches, guards or straps to be provided. Exit doors to open by one operation. (5) Grab handles required for doorways.
(6) Minimum width of exits not less than 1 ft. 9 ins., provided that (a) in the case of an emergency exit the width of doorway is 1 ft. 9 ins. and there is a clear space leading to it not narrower than a gangway. (b) Where under 3 (a) of this Regulation, in lieu of emergency exit, access is provided by real platform of vehicle, minimum space necessary, 1 ft. 6 ins. (c) Where under paragraph 2 alternative exit is provided, minimum size is 5 ft. by 1 ft. 6 ins.
, (7) Emergency doors to open downwards; operation to be dearly indicated.
(8) Paragraphs (1) (a and b), (2), (6) and (7) of this Regulation do not apply to vehicles registered by January 1st, 1932, if there be one entrance and exit on the near side and behind rear wheels, and width clear opening 1 ft. 6 ins.
31. (Gangways). Unobstructed accessibility necessary to every seat from some entrance. In stage carriage with permanent top, also accessibility to every seat.
82. Minimum width of gangway 1 ft. up to height of 2 ft. 6 ins. from floor level, then 1 ft. 2 ins.
33. (a) In permanent-top single-decker and lower deck of double-decker, interior height at centre line of gangway from top of battens to lower edge of hoopsticks not less than 5 ft. 3 ins. for 14 seats, and 5 ft. 10 ins, bigger vehicles. (h) In double-decker, minimum interior height 5 ft. 8 ins.
(c) Single-decker without permanent top, minimum height to hood from floor, 5 ft. at centre, except over driver's sear.
34. (Seats and seating capacity). Seat supports to be firmly fixed. Passenger allowance at least 1 ft. 4 ins.
35. With longitudinal seats, minimum distance between facing seat squabs, 4 ft. 6 ins. With transverse seats (a) when facing same direction minimum space in front of back of each seat, 2 ft. 2 ins. (b) When facing seats, minimum space of 1 ft. 7 ins, front one seat and any part of other. 36. (a) Seats over wheel-arches must not cause discomfort,
(b) All seat backs to be closed to prevent pocket-picking.' 37. Total seat capacity and thatfor each deck to clearly marked in letters 1 in. high onoutside, either at rear or at near side, and in interior of lower deck.
38. (Hoods and side curtains). In single-decker without permanent top (a) hoods to be efficiently stayed and easily adjustable, (b) adequate transparent back light required, (c) side curtains (if any) to be fitted with transparent lights. 39. (Lighting). Adequate artificial lighting essential for any deck with permanent top. In double-decker without permanent top, at least one lamp near top of staircase.
40. (Ventilation). Adequate ventilation without need for opening main windows.
41. (Driver's seat or compartment). To give adequate leg and headroom. Controls,to be easily reached and quickly operated. Adequate protection required during inclement weather, with efficient ventilation ,without opening front screen. Interior lighting not to incommode driver. • 42. Steering pillar -at off side of vehicle. Driver to be able to give traffic signals by hand.
43, (a) No seat at right of driver. (b) Where passengers are at left of driver, at least 1 ft. 6 ins, fromcentre Of steering column to left shall be reserved to driver and divided from passengers by solid .partition at least 9 ins, from seat
level and extending whole depth of seat. • 44. Windscreen must open and have automatic wiper.
45. Effective means for passengers to signal to driver.
46. Complete vehicle to be soundly and properly constructed of suitable materials, well finished and in serviceable condition, and of a design capable of withstanding loads and stresses met with in operation.
The full Regulations are obtainable at the price of 3d. from H.M. Stationery Office or through any bookseller.