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Passenger Transport
The Proceedings at a Meeting Held Last Week ; Enthusiasm Shown by Those Present JAST Tuesday the second preiliminary conference Of the National Advisory Council of Public Service Vehicle Owners Associations was held in London, under the auspices of the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association. Mr. Logette, of the latter body, was in the chair.
The business of the meeting was .(1) to confirmAthe minutes Of the preliminary conference.held on January 13th; (2) to consider the draft rules of the council; (3) formally to constitute the National Advisory Council of Public Service Vehicle Owners Associations under the auspices of the 11.E(.0.S.M.; (4) to elect officers for the ensuing. yettr• and (b") to discuss and arrange procedure.
Those persons attending comprised coach, operators and delegates from various local organizations. Mr. C. Dobbs, of the Skylark concern, champion of the independent coach operators and a member of the M.H.C.S.A., was one of the former class.
The local associations represented were the Blackpool and District Motor Coach Owners Association, the Motor Omnibus Association (South Wales), Northampton Motor Owners Association, Mansfield and District Omnibus Owners Association, Medway District Owners Association, and the Eastbourne • Cortch Owners Association.
It was stated that the Brighton and District Coach Owners Association and the Avon Valley Association were not yet able to join the National Advisory Council, but the Northern Road Transport Association had signified its willingness to become a member.
Mr. Logette mentioned, for the benefit of the uninitiated, that the object of the council is to link up the independent passenger-vehicle interests—operators and local organizations—throughout the country.
The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed, and the draft rules were modified in certain respects and passed. It was found necessary, however, owing to insufficient support, to hold over proceedings to such time as further organizations agree to join, when a further conference will be convened.
It seems to be a great pity that such a deserving both should suffer through lack of interest, but it is anticipated that further members will be forthcoming in the near future.