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have noted the comments nade about Mr Russell and the 1HA and we endorse these :omments, especially as the ates recommendation being icrapped was accepted without fight. I cannot think why we .hould sit back and accept as aw what some little dictator in he Government thinks up.
I appeal to all owner-drivers o band together to form issociations within an area of heir own, and affilitiate ogether, so that we can form )ur own union, and sponsor an OP to act for us in Parliament, ind fight for our cause.
With affiliated associations ve can open and work from our )wn freight offices on a
-iational basis ensuring the ight rate for the job, instead of Iccepting a low rate just
aecause it is a return load, as it :osts just as much to take one way as the other.
An example of a co-op office s the Owner Drivers Freight 3ervices, at 327 Hedon Road, tel: 0482 226341/2,
So please, owner-drivers, wake up to the situation, for as )n individual you are and will ;ontinue to be treated as lothing and abused. As a block amity, we are something to be -eckoned with, as we in Hull lave found out.
Going back to the RHA: can anyone say that the RHA did -ne some good? Because I cannot. Okay, so we receive postal communications, but it is action that is wanted, not something to read, and we Nant acknowledgment from the 3overnment that we exist, plus the right to give our opinions.
The manager's licence is just another excuse to squeeze more -noney out of the owner-drivers and to put somebody into an affice job.
Just because we have guts enough to try to earn a living on our own account we are penalised to the hilt.
So come on owner-drivers, let common sense prevail, and let's see you all at the Post House Hotel, Narborough Road, Leicester, on Sunday, February 19, at 12 noon. But bring with you some proof that you are a bona fide owner-driver, as we do not want the clearing houses and haulage concerns infiltrating to find out what it's all about. They will find out soon enough. HARRY BOLAND, North Humberside Owner Drivers Association, Hull.