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Denis 011iver is Pickford Removals Ltd's new deputy managing director. Previously the company's operations director, Mr 011iver has been with Pickfords for 20 years. He has been director of removals operations since 1979 and will be based at the company's Enfield, Middlesex, head office.
Succeeding Jack Davies as contracts manager of Western British Road Services is Steve Rowlands who has been with the company since 1976. Based at the company's head office at Bristol he takes over from Mr Davies who is retiring.
Following National Carriers reshuffle, (see p16), Alan Morris has become managing director in the north of England with Jack Burnett taking on the role of area director. Managing director in the Eastern and South region is Paul Rivett, with Len Maybanks as area director, while at the new Western/Midland head office at Bristol, group director of finance, David Smith takes over as managing director with Don Smalley as area director.
Peter Park, previously managing director of Fashion Forwarding, the P&O clothing transport subsidiary, has now joined Tibbett and Britten International as marketing and sales manager. Mr Park joined Fashion Forwarding as managing director in 1968 having spent the previous 23 years running a family freighting and export business in Chiswick. He was appointed surface director in 1978 following the merger between Fashion Forwarding and J. P. Janssen of Holland.
Derek Bartle has become a director of Trucking and Shipping Ltd, a Melton Shipping Group company, Mr Bartle joined the company as opera manager in 1976, prior to w he was an assistant traffic n ager with Gunness Hauliers L Following Leyland Vehi decision to form a Europ operations department to c dinate lorry sales in the UK lorry and bus sales in Eurr Ian Wilson has beer European operations direr reporting to sales and marke director (worldwide), Frank drew. Les Hamilton becomes sales and service director, w Peter Fitzsimon is the r European sales and ser‘ director. Chris Christian takes over the responsibility European marketing.
Eddie Barber, who workec Fodens for the last eight year manager of the military special products division, joined Fairey Engineering Lb director and general managE the military products divisior his new job he will be respo ble for the marketing, sales, sign, development and comr cial aspects of the compal military products business.
Further to CM January 3, 14 neth Pope is London Transpc director of press and public r tions, and not public relati officer.
In the new years honours (CM, January 10) we stated • James Hannigan and Maj-Ge B. Willis had received CBEs stead of CBs. Also, Charles lclerk to the South-eastern TN Commissioners, has an OBE.