William Allchin, Ltd., Globe Works, Northampton.
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Load. Engine. Drive. 5 ton 4 ins. by 7/ ins. Chain, by 8in. The price of a standard wagon comptete with platform body is £550.
This machine is a fine example of the modem loco-type steam wagon. It is a five-tonner and mounted on rubber tires, and is particularly suitable for the requirements of brewers and contractors. Visitors will do well to exa-mine the patent automatic. coupling which is attached to the channel at the end of the wagon. This accessory is intended to avoid the many accide.nts that occur from time to time to a man when attaching the drawbar ; it is automatic and instantaneously self-locking. A patent trailer brake is another useful device shown on this stand. In respect of the above-quoted price, it is, of course, to be understood that rubber tires sare extra. [5 There will be two chassis, two box vans, a torpedo char-h-banes, and a four-ton lorry with a plain platform body on this stand. The two-tonner is being exhibited for the first time, and the first published And fully-illustrated particulars were included in our last issue. The torpedo char-a-bancs is of a particularly luxurious nature, and it is painted " yellow bronze green" and upholstered in a grey enamel hide. A duplicate of the four-ton lorry obtained a gold medal at the recent St: Petersburg Show. This last-mentioned machine, as exhibited, will have a plain-platform lorry-type body with a. wooden cab for the driver ; it will be painted Post. Office red. Platform dimensions are 13 ft. by 6 ft.
(b) Price quoted is for complete machine.
(c) Or gear.
* Example staged at Olympia including char-h-bancs.
Here will be seen a particularly comprehensive range of models. A 1ive-cwt AIL:lays " Midget" van, a model which is so popular in tho provinces, and which is sold at a net price of £130, is at one end of the scale, while the five-ton Alldays chassis is at the other end. A -22seated char-a-banes is an interesting exhibit.
All the Argyll exhibits shown at Olympia will be of the worm-driven type, and these will include an example of the well-known Argyll taxicab, built to Scotland Yard requirements. The makers show a chassis of the two-ton variety.
Aveling and Perter, Ltd., Rochester.
72] [72 This famous Rochester house is staging an example of both its petrol-wagon and steam-wagon constructicio. The five-ton steamer is of the conventional loco-boiler
class of design. The three-ton petrol wagon has a four-cylinder engine, a four-speed gearbox, and a worm-driven back axle.
The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge Works, Northfield, Bir. mingham.
29] MODELS. j29
Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a) 10 cwt. 10 Be 260
15 „ 15 17 Ambit lance (b) 15335*
21 tons 13 Twin-bevel 525* (a) Chassis with tires.
(b) for 6 persons and 4 stretchers.
* An example staged at Olympia.
From the constructional point of view the original design of 21.-ton lorry shown on the Austin stand will attract the maximum of attention. This machine was first shown at the last Manchester
Show. It bristles with original features of design, and we have described it at length in Tue. CommEnCIAL 'MoToR, in our issue dated the 13th February, 1913. By ingenious scheming an e_1.ceptionally low loading line is obtained, and visitors will particularly notice the em ployment of a girder frame, the twin-bevel final drive, and the novel method of suspension by two springs on each end of the rear axle. The Austin ambulance on a standard 15 h.p., four-cylinder engine, is an excellent example of this class of special vehicle.
A fine range of models is shown by Belsize Motors, Ltd. The small 10-12 h.p. chassis, which has b?en used to such an extent for taxicab purposes in London and elsewhere, is shown, also a handy little fiveew van. This is a type of which there are not many examples on offer, and prospective users will he particularly interested here. The more ordinary lorry chassis, of front 30 cwt. to four-ton capacity, are exemplified, and in addition two of the well-known cabs are shown, one a. two-seater, and the other a four-seater.
On this stand will be seen a selection of the commercial models manufactured by the famous French concern of Clement-Bayard, whose works are at Levallois, Paris. The two vans are to be staged, one of a capacity of 12 cwt., the other a one-tonner. A pro-vincial type of taxicab, similar to that in use in Bristol and other English cities, and an 18 h.p., two-ton chassis, complete the Bayard selection.
Berliet Motors, SaCkville Street, London, W.
30] [30 At the time of going to press, we are advised that there will be four examples of these French-built models on show. The Berliet machines have distinguished themselves in respect of the French Government Trials for several years past, and their constructi.onal characteristics will, therefore, be particularly interesting to English users, to many of whom, as yet, they are little known, as well as, in particular, to manufacturers of the British subsidy models. As at present arranged, in addition to a lorry and a delivery van, two chassis will be shown, so that there will be ample opportunity for careful and critical examination of the structural features of the chassis. (b) All rack and pinion. (e) With trailer. *Examples staged at Olympia.
These machines, which are, in particular, in this country creating a very favourable impression in respect of heavy goods haulage by petrol wagon, are of the rack-andpinion final drive class. Their remarkable efficiency and low petrol consumption in hard service is excellent testimony to this form of drive, es!..)-ecially at a time When so many makers are whole-heartedly adopting the worm-driven back axle. These models deserve careful attention at the hands of all practical users.
* Example staged at Olympia.
This English house is exhibiting the Licorne range of commercial models, and these will include two delivery vans, two chassis, and a special ambulance. rae 25-cwt. delivery van has a body by Seammell and Nephew. The ambulance, we learn, has been designed and produced by the special request of several well-known London doctors. A model which will make a special
appeal to commercial travellers is the 14 h.p. Licorne sample car. The standard Licorne construction was described and illustrated in our issue dated the 5th June.
(a) Chassis without tires. 7" Example staged at Olympia.
One of the several great French houses which is taking the opportunity of exhibiting its models at the Olympia Show is the Societe des Automobiles Brasier. This manufacturer supplies chassis with the seat for the driver either on top or behind the engine, an alternative that is much appreciated for certain classes of goods haulage.
10-seater 20 Gear 505 14 „ 27 540
20 „ 27 (e) Chain 660 22 „ 38(f) „ 725
30 „ 38(g) „ 780 (a) Chassis with tires.
(b) and 24-cwt. model. (e) or 34 h.p. at 2665.
(d) or 38 hp. at 2767.
(e) or 34 h.p. at 2685.
(1) or 45 hp. at 2750.
(g) or 45 h.p. at 2805.
* Examples staged at Olympia.
This famous German house, which, as our readers will remember, was one of the first in the field in respect of motor-vehicle construction many years ago, now markets a range of commercial chassis that is remarkable for the number of its types. The Benz model which will attract particular attention is a special omnibus chassis, which the Brompton Motor Co., Ltd., is now in a position to offer to buyers. It will be seen that the Benz models up to 30 cwt., have live axles. This famous German constructor is showing one of its five-ton dumping wagons. It may be remembered by some of one readers that the Buessing model was amongst the earliest to give good service in that most strenuous class of employment —London motorbus operation. Its latest models have Achieved a remarkable reputation for all classes of work on the Continent. The model which will be on exhibition has a body with two boxes tipping to both sides. The chassis has a four-cylinder, 90 h.p. engine, and, amongst special Buessing features are to be noticed the radiator, with its interchangeable flat tubes, the spring radius rods, and the double suspension on the front axle. Buessing models rite subsidized by the War Offices of Prussia, Bavaria, Austria, and Hungary. In commercial-vehicle competitions in Germany, Russia, Sweden, Austria, and Holland, Buessings have secured a remarkable number of awards. Amongst. special models turned out by this German house, are fire-engines, tank wagons, watering carts, brewers' lorries, dumping and dust wagons, and motorbuses of both the single and double-deck varieties. Visitors will undoubtedly examine the modern practice of this establishtel Mak er with care.
33, Wardour Street, Leicester Square, W.
Load; EP, Drive. Price (a)
Cab or 15 cwt. van 15 Gear 267* (a) Chassis with tires. " Six examples of this chassis will be staged at Olympia.
All the six exhibits on this stand are examples of the well-known 15 h.p. Chevron chassis, in which the engine has its cylinders cast in one piece. This is the only type of chassis made at the present time by Messrs. Charron, and it is, of course, exclusively suitable for taxicab or light delivery-van work. The maximum load imposed should be 15 cwt.
*Example staged at Olympia. (a) Chassis with tires.
NOTE,—Karrier cars are made in two types, e.g., with the engine under the driver's seat, or with the ordinary form of bonnet. The prices are approximately the same for equivalent load capacities.
An exceptionally handsome torpedo char-a-banes is to be one of the most notable exhibits on this stand. It has doors fitted only on one side, in order to ensure specially strong coachwork construction. Examples of both the over-type and the bonneted Karrier construction are to be shown, the former being one of the few models in the show which offers this special facility for maximum loading area with a minimum overall length. The bonnet example has a box-van body, which is a repeat order from William Crawford and Sons, of Liverpool.
.Rubber-tired example staged at Olympia.
This great Lincoln factory is sending a representative three-ton steam wagon to (he Show. This is of the now coM1/1011 loco-boiler type, and is a good example of Clayton and Shuttleworth construction. One feature which differentiates this design is the adoption of the Belpaive type of locomotive boiler, with all its many admitted advantages. The chassis shown is fitted with a typical miller's body, and the makers say of their own exhibit: " The engine is quite Clayton' in character, being well designed in detail, properly balanced, and with excellent workmanship and f:nish." Noticeable features are the piston valve for the MP_ cylinder, the automatic ring oilers to the crankshaft, and the gear-driven pump. Clayton steam wagons are, of course, Also made in the five-ton Pi ze.
*Examples staged at Olympia.
The following standard passenger models are listed : W.P. No1 at £670; W.P. No. 2 at :2595 ; W.P. Na. 2 at 2515—prices are for chassis with tires. Type W.P. No. 2 will be exhibited.
This stand, which is nearly in the centre of the ground floor, will afford an excellent opportunity for examination of the many different types of commercial motors. In particular it is hoped that a six-cylinder fire-engine, of the latest Coinmerear design, will he staged. This is of unique construction and em-bodies a drop frame.
A four-ton box van, one of 14 similar machines for Lever Bros., Ltd., of Port Sunlight, is an example cf the manner in which a. goad model, once sold, will sell others. Special Commercar designs, too, are to be seen in the six-ton tip wagon and the very fine example of eb flushsided torpedo char--banes, with its accommodation for 28 passengers. A speciality about which so much interest is being shown at the present moment, viz., the Southey gas producer, will be a prominent talking point by the representatives of its maker, Commercial Cars, Ltd., and we should advise each visileir to make inquiries in respect of it on Stand No. 43.
4 „ -10 e 770
4 ,, 40 e 805 (c)* (a) Chassis -with tires.
(c) According to size of tires. *Examples staged at Olympia, including chars-à-banes.
This Coventry works will be staging, for the first time, an example of its new 10 cwt. delivery van, a reproduction of a photograph of which we include elsewhere in this present issue. Most that is modern in respect of industrial-vehicle construction is exemplifiechie the three and four-ton Daimler lorry exhibits. The many important lessons deduced from the hard practice of London motorbus operations are evident therein. A three-ton lorry chassis--one that has done much service—is to be shown dismantled,
D22 in order that the state of the mechanical details may be exposed to the best advantage. A four-ton charek-banes of exceptionally fine finish will also create nmch interest on the Daimler stand.
(b) London-type double-deck bus.
(c) London-type taxicab.
*Example staged at Olympia.
This company displays five of its well-known modek, and they indicate in exceptional manner the scope of this pioneer firm's programme. The street-watering machine is a special model which will have much interest for the many municipal visitors to the Show. One of the new London motor-omnibuses, built sposially to conform to Scotland Yard regulations, is another example which will create very considerable interest. In the company's own words, the omnibus "is one of a fleet purchased by a newly formed London company, and it will comport., most interestinely with the 100-odd seven-year-old The Dion omnibuses running in London to-day. There were originally over 200 of these De Dion buses of 1905-6 pattern in London, hut nearly half of them have since been drafted out of commission and sold into the provinces." The 3-ton chassis is of the 1914 model ; it has been passed
by the French War Office for subsidy. The little half-ton van is an excellent example of the smaller models of commercial motors for which low operating mists can be insured. The taxicab example is one of the four-cylinder models of which so many are rendering a good account of themselves in service.
DELAHAYE (Stand No. 55).—At the time of going to press we were not in receipt of information concerning this company's exhibit, 30 cwt. 20 5(J0
2 tons 28 615* 8 „ 35 700*
5 n 40 750*
N0ee.-28 h.p. 24-seater char-abanes, as exhibited, 2810 complete, ;a) Chassis with tires and standard body complete.
*Example staged at Olympia.
Our last issue contained a long illustrated article concerning the exhibits which the Guildford house of Dennis Bros, (1913), Ltd., will stage at Olympia. In particular we would again draw attention to the fine new worm-driven subsidy model which this company has now produced. This represeuts all that. is most advanced in respect of Dennis constructional practice, The 28 h.p., 24-seater char-h-bancs is a remarkable example of this class of public passenger-transport vehicle. This company, of course, shows a fine range of its turbine fire-engines, and, in particular, do we find interesting examples of the two new smaller models, which will make an
exceptional appeal to public bodies who hitherto have not felt justified in going to the considerable expense of a 4(.10 or 500-gallon motorpropelled fire-fighting equipment.
The two examples shown here will be well reoresentative of this Sheffield maker's construction. One is a high-class torpedo char-ii-bancs, with seating capacity for 22, and a Cape-cart hood and folding windscreen, and the other is a five-ton wagon which is a third repeat order From the Newhottle and British Cooperative Society, Ltd. This concern claims to be practically the pioneer in the co-operative movement with respect to the use of com mercial vehicles. This particular body is intended to take a char-hbanes which will slide over the platform, thus saving considerable time when changing. J. H. Exshaw and Co., 81, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.
701 LORRIES. [70 Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a)
4 tons 35-80 Chain 475 6 „ 50-100 •• 563*
8 „ 50-100 •• 608 (a) Chassis only. Example staged at Olympia.
This unique class of steam lorry will be examined with exceptional interest. AN e have described ina considerable detail the special features of the Purrey-Exshaw steam system in this journal from time to time, and we would direct the attention of visitors to the following special features on the six-ton wagon which will be staged : the superheating water-tube boiler ; the special method of water feeding ; the hopper fuel feed ; the two-cylinder simple engine ; the absence of changespeed gears ; and the patent Parrey
wheel. This particular example will have one of the company's patent hydraulic side-tipping bodies fitted, the tipping arrangement being by means of a small hydraulic jack actuated by a small pump placed at the side of the machine. There will also be fitted a patent winding drum operated by the engine.
3 •, 30 Chain ViO (a) Chassis with tires,
(h) Standard Lonaori taxicab. "Example staged at Olympia. This celebrated Italian constructor will be represented on the stand of E.T.A. T. Motors, Ltd., by a good
range of its well-known models. In particular we would draw attention to the special light eamion, chassis, fitted with an ambulance van body, as used exclusively by the Italian War Department. The special chark-banes, fitted on the two-ton light lorry chassis, is also worthy of considerable attention. The same chassis is used for the two-ton lorry, which is of a type which was used on a large scale by the Italian a,rnly in Tripoli. The other two models are to be a 25 h.n. chain-driven chassis fitted with a 10-seated shooting brake, and a 12-15 h.n. taxicab de luxe.
Fodensi Ltd., Elworth Works, Sandbach. LIST OF FODEN STEAM WAGONS.
33] • [33 Load. Drive. Tires. Price (a\ 3 tons Chain Rubber 600*
5 tons Steel 550* (a) Vehicle complete as staged. E-kaanple staged at Olympia.
Examples of each of this famous maker's two outstanding types are shown. A three-ton standard Foden steam wagon is staged,. mounted on rubber tires and fitted with a van body ; there is another three-tonner, with a flat body, and a standard five-ton steamer fitted with steel tires. This last machine is for the use of furniture removers.
5 „ 35 Steel 495 5 ., 35 Rubber 045
This manufacturer of steam wagons and tractors will be showing one of its standard threetonners, mounted on rubber tires. This is of the company's patent
superheated-steam design, and is fitted with the latest form of superheater, balanced piston valves, and other special features. It will be remembered that it is on behalf of the Garrett steam wagon, both of the three-ton and five-ton classes, that exceptional claims are made for low coal and water consumption.
in our issue for the 10th July, we were able to publish particulars of an interesting range of new British models which is being manufactured by the Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd., of Sheffield, for Goodchild and Co.. Lid. These machines. we ur:derstapd, will range in load capacity from one to six tons. and it is hoped to have the first example of the new models, in the shape of a. three tanner, on show. In addition, Gocdchild's will stage a 10-cwt. van complete with body, as well as a 6-cwt. van, of which last the chassis will be provided with a two-c:dinder engine. The drive in this arise will be by duplex central-chain. This company. has been responsible for the sale of a remarkable number of Autocar.riers.
• ti2t3
5 cwt. 6 Cardan 103-120 (a)5
(a) Complete vehicle according to body and finish * Six examples staged at Olympia.
This recently-constituted company is showing no fewer than six examples of its standard watercooled parcelcar, and these have been designed in respect of their suitability for varMus trades. There is a canopy van body for light bulky trades, a closed box body for the • hardware and provision trades, and others.
5 .5 32 700*
Note.-The 30 cwt. and 30 cwt. prices include oil-tight chain cases. (a) Chassis with tires. * Examples • staged at Olympia, and in addition a ehar-h-bancs. and fie-brigade tender. Visitors will have an excellent opportunity to compare the various models which are produced in the Dartford works by J. and E. Hall, Ltd., as a fine range of 'machines will be staged. There will be an end-tipping wagon, which is the fourth of its type to the order of the Sheffield Corporation, a, brewer's wagon with a special type of wagon for the conveyance of barrels, the sixth of its type for Watney, Comb], Reid and Co., Ltd., a flush-sided char-a-tames, new model of hose tender and firstaid vehicle, similar to machines supplied to the fire brigades of Chatham and Sidelip, and a 21-ton box van, as well as a three-ton chassis.
To those who are looking for novelties in the way of exhibits, the Halley 73 h.p. Colonial model and tiaiIer will undalibtedly prove a special attraction. The patented combination of chain and of epicyclic gearing contained in the hubs of the road wheels of this machine is a, very interesting departure, as is also the swivel front axle on the same chassis_ A new 3;-ton Colonial lorry will also be shown, as will a fine five-ton box van for the use of Messrs. Portal and Co.,
Paper Mills, Whiteehurch, Hants., for their contract with the Bank of England, and a 30-cwt. standard chassis will complete the whole collection.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lancs.
50] PETaOL Load. H.P. Drive. Priee(a).
5 tons 35 Chain 550 6 ,, 40 „ 560* (a) Including box-van bodies and tires.
* Example staged at Olympia ; there will also be a 3-ton subsidy type, a 32-seated char-a-ham-et and a 55 h.p. fire-engine.
This leading concern is intending to stage six machines, one of which is of the well-known special Leyland steam-wagon F class. It will have a plain platfOrm body, and is for delivery to J: A. Ley and Co., of Preston, a firm which had its first Leyland in 1903. A three-ton Leyland subsidy model, for Whiteley's, will be shown, a four-ton box van for Lazenby's, a very fine .example of a torpedo 32-seated charit-banes for a. Blackpool owner, which is smartly finished in French grey and• upholstered in red Itexino, a five-ton overhead-type municipal wagon for Bombay (13th repeat order), and a 55 h.p. fireengine for Shanghai. Altogether, as will be seen, this company will be adequately represented. M.A.L.D.A. Motor Association, 31, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.
58] LIST or D.A.A.G. Moents. [58 Load. H.P. Drive. Price(a)
This company is showing two types of the D.A.A.G. lorry, one a two-tonner with a 16-24 h.p. engine, and the other a five-tonner with a 50 h.p. engine.
Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd., Pinley, near Coventry.
60] [60 Load. H.P. Drive. Price(a)
The Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd., only makes one mo-del of commercial vehicle at the present time, and this is designed for loads up• to 10 cwt. One of its special Features is the adoption of a twin V engine.
Two of the unique front-driven machines manufacturedunder the Bezancon patents will be staged here, and will afford an excellent. opportunity to those visitors who are desirous of ascertaining the points that are made on behalf of this alternative method of construction. The three-ton model is listed at 2575, and the five-ton ma cli at £750. The McCurd Lorry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., has been unfortunately unable to complete its fiveton example in time for the Show. The standard 3“onner was described and illustrated very fully in the issue of THE COMMERCIAL Morolt dated thic 21st November, 1912. It may ba recalled that, on that occasion, we pointed out the considerable number of very sensible constructional points which had been neatly embodied in this sturdy . design. The 31i-tonner • is a wormdriven model, it will be recalled, and as the sole representative, as iL happens, of this company's productions, it will be usefully examined as an example of robust modern lorry construction.
Amongst the machines which will be shown by this Coventry maker will be a particularly luxurious 28seated torpedo char-it-banes. A three-ton covered van for Lever's, the soap people, of Port Sunlight, will be staged; the other examples will be one each or the fine threeton and five-ton chassis, machines which compare favourably
other high-grade petrol chassis manufacturea .in this country, whilst the fifth exhibit, will be a 30-cwt. van.
This well-known German manufacturer, of which Milnes-DainderMerc&les, Ltd., is the sole representative and wholesale agent for the British Empire, stages six examples of its well-known machines. As by so many other exhibitors at Olympia, a fine chard.-banes will be shown. Other examples will be
three-ton chassis ; n-ton and fiveton delivery vans ; a four-vonner for a. brewer user ; and one of the largest of the range of _WilliesDaimler vehicles— a six-ton machine. We are asked to draw attention to the fact that the German works also manufactures motor fire-engines, motor water carts, and light types of Diesel motors from 90 h.p. to 150 hp. This house is showing an ambulance, a three-ton van chassis, and a one-ton wagon with canopy and coyer. The. company is at. present only just entering the field of The Adler chassis are being shown in variety on the stand occupied by Morgan and Co., Ltd., the well-known coach and motor body specialists, 10, Old Bond Street, W. We are enabled to illustrate this type of machine, in a small variety, below. 9 cwt. 8 Belt 125 (a) Chassis only with tires. The van will be shown at Olympia. In the issue of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR dated the 19th June last, we described and illustrated the light Globe commercial van, which is sold complete for £150. It is called a 9-cwt. van. This is of unique constructional type, and the big fiat belt drive is an interesting adaptation of a simple principle for this class of machine. It should make a considerable appeal to those who are on the lookout for something smaller than the usual types of 10-cwt. vehicles which are ofiered by quite a number of makers. * Examples staged at Olympia, including one taxicab. Napier's will be well represented by a comprehensive selection of their business models, and these will comprise a 15 h.p. taxicab, built to Scotland Yard regulations, and similar to that in use the W.G. Cfro., Gamagep ell Meece Cab Co., and so many iriver-owners. There will be light vans exemplified. of the types used by Boots, the cash chemists, Carter Patersons, Derry and Toms. Dickins and Jones, Selfridges, and other users with names of world-wide repute. Of the larger models, the two-tonner and the new 31-tonner will attract considerable attention. The lastmentioned machine was described and fully illustrated in the issue of this journal dated the 3rd July. These little Phano:hubile pai eelears, of .unique design, are becoming increasingly popular in this country, a not surprising development in view of the fact that they have met with such success on the Continent. Phanomobiles, Ltd., the English house, is showing a useful range of the machines. A special feature is made y the maker of the latitude that is available in respect of coachwork for these models. (b) Can be used with trailers. (c) Omnibus chassis. (d) German subsidy model. • Examples staged at Olympia. We described and illustrated the range of N.A.G. chassis in our issue dated the 10th July. This is another German-built machine which has done remarkably well in all kinds of service on the Continent. Two handsomely-finished delivery vans are irreludesd on this stand, as well as one of the German War Office transport wagons. The three-tonner completes the N.A.G. exhibit. All these machines are 1913 models, but they have been altered in only a. few email details from their predecessors. Robert Bell, Ltd., 45, Horseferry Road, S.W. 57] [57 This London company will be exhibiting a Renault cab and a chassis. In addition to the Renault, it is selling agent for all types of link, for the Cbarron taxicab model, and for the L.G.O. and Daimler commercial models. The Renault chassis is £290 without tires ; the link £295; and the Charron £290. 3 cwt. 9.5 Worm 195 (a) Covered van complete. Two examples will be shown at Olympia. The Standard Motor Co., Ltd., is only making one model at present, and it will show two examples of its adaptation to industrial needs on this stand. One will be a tradesman's covered van, and the other a delivery cart. Each has the 9.5 h.p. industrial chassis. * Examples staged at Olympia. Two Scout machines are being staged. These will be of the twoton and three-ton class. It will be remembered that the Scout vehicles have found particular favour amongst the old-established carriers, who are rapidly displacing their horse-drawn vehicles and employing specially-built, motor-pro The Star Engineering Co., Ltd., Frederick Street, Wolverhampton. LIST OF STAR COMMERCIAL 63] MODELS. [63 Load. II.P. Drive. Price (a). 4 tons 30" 550 (a) Chassis with tires. (b) Pneumatics. Owing to the unfortunate mishap which resulted in the burning of much that the Star Engineering Co., Ltd., had intended to show at Olympia, this company has naturally been hard pressed to make as fine a show as it would have done under happier circumstances. Nevertheless, at the time of writing, we are assured by the Wolverhampton house that, although the special bodies which were in hand have been destroyed, the representatives of the company are confident that they will he able to explain matters satisfaCtorily, and they think that the machines which they will be able to show will uphold the company's reputation worthily. A very fuil list of the complete range of industrial models which are at the present time marketed by the Star Engineering Co., Ltd., will be found in the foregoing. Pedrail Transport, Ltd., 3, Wyfold Road, Fulham, S.W. 56] [56 Up to the time of going to press, we have been unable to obtain any particulars from this exhibitor. We are advised, however, of a radical overhaul and revision of the " elephant-foot" /model which caused so great a scientific stir in the years 1902-1904. Mr. Bratnah J. Diplock, the inventor, will receive all visitors and give explanations. W. A. Stevens, Ltd., only offers one standard chassis to the public. This company actually makes a 30 it.p. machine, but this is only suggested for employment where very light work is in hand. The model en sale, and of which four examples will be staged, is the one with the 40 h.p. engine,'and capable of taking a load of between three and four tons. As is well known, this special type of chassis is electrically driven with a worm-gear final drive. The four examples are, respectively : a double-deck omnibus with a special body ; a 23seated char-h-bancs ; a lorry ; and a bare chassis. (b) Single-cylinder steam tractor. (c) Compound steam tractor. (d) Steam wagon on steel tires. *Example staged at Olympia. An example of the well-known " Little Giant" steam tractor, as well as of the powerful five-ton steam wagon made in the same works, is here staged. Both these machines are of sufficiently -wellknown type not to need detailed description in this instance. They are fully representative .of modern British construction. The "Little Giant" tractor, of course, has a unique reputation for its special class of employment. Under the regulations of the 8acie0,-, Sidney Straker and Squire, Ltd., is permitted to show nine of its vehicles in the exhibition. The majority of these will be shown on Stinker's own stand ; flora's will show two others; and Dodson's another. Other mention of the last three will be found on the bodywork pages. in all probability, on Stand No. 31, there will be staged one of the new small N-type vans ; a station omnibus ; a box van for Stevenson and wholesale druggists ; and two chassis, one of which will be a three to. four twiner, and the other a four-tonner. A pantechnicon for Maple's, an open van for Ind, Coops and Co., and a box van for Wright's coal tar soap, are amongst the other Straker exhibits which will be found at Olympia. I'Ve refer to the special new Dodson. motorbus in.that ma,ker's notice. Tillings are new making two machines of their own design, and these we described in our issue of the 10th July. This company will show a chassis of botirethe one-ton and two-ton types, as well as complete vehicles. The smaller one of the latter will be a• bullion van, and the larger one a two-ton boarded tilt van. (a) chassis without tires. (b) Loads include body. (e) Humphries gear. (d) Captain detachable rims. *Examples staged at Olympia, including box vans, hotel brake, taxicab and char-a-banes chassis. The well-known Unic chassis is staged by the Unic Automobile and Maxine Motors, Ltd., in considerable variety. Three types of chassis are on view, and these will be staged as box vans, brakes, or taxicabs. A typical Cnic cab chassis is an interesting example of this class of,consi:suction. One of the heavier 16-24 b.p. chassis will be shown as a char4-bancs. This chassis is capaule of carrying a load, including body, amounting to two tons. (b) Chassis with tires, including delivery f.o.b. London or Southampton. (c) Narrow track. (d) Special Colonial model. (e) W.O. subsidy model. *Examples staged on stand No. 38. A 3-ton van and0-cwt. van will be shown on Messrs. Hora's stand, and a 2-ton van on Messrs. Bayley's stand. This exhibitor rightly makes much of its series of successes in Governmental trials. As early as 1901 Thornycroft's secured a first prize of t500 in the War Office trials of that year. El:1)in this point of view the new type-K War Office subsidy lorry, of which two examples are shown, will be examined with particular zest. One E12 of these subsidy lorries is equipped as a four-ton brewer's vehicle, whilst the other is shown in War Office panoply. Other interesting machines on this stand are the '28seated char-abanes, a type-M 21-ton Colonial model, a special narrow type of two-ton van, with its ingenious front-wheel mounting, and the first of the new four-cylinder lighter Thornycroft models. 30 cwt. 24 Worm 495 (a) Chassis with tires. This model will be staged at Olympia. Three examples of the unique Stoneleigh commercial chassis, which made its first appearance at the last Manchester Show, will be found on this stand. One will be a chassis revealing the many original points of design that have been embodied by the Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Co., Ltd. ; another will be a canvas tilt van ; and the third a private motorbus. A fourth exhibit is a Siddeley-Deasy motor ambulance mounted on an 18-24 h.p. chassis. We unfortunately hold over a description, embellished with reproductions of a number of original drawings, concerning the new Pagefield three-ton W.O. vbsidy model. This is an exceptionally interesting design, and bristles with points of originality. The other models shown on this stand will be of the two-ton, 50-cwt., and three-ton sizes. The two-tonner will be a chassis, the 21-tonner is for delivery to a well-known oil refinery, of Blackburn, whilst the largest Pagefield vehicle to be shown is fitted with power-driven hoisting gear for the raising of sacks of flour, and is to the order of the Doncaster Mutual Cooperative Society. This company, at the present time, is not offering its petrol. riven models, we find. It will be Ally showing at Olympia one of its latest-type 5-6 ton steam wagons. This will, however, be of exceptional interest, not only on account of the unique and well-tried arrangement of boiler and engine, but also because it will be shown fitted with one of the company's patent mechanically operated tipping gears. Other improvements to be noticed on this machine are its new fore-carriage and the enclosed differential. This machine is exactly similar in every respect to the vehie:e which was shown recently at the Royal Show at Bristol. 3 tons Chain 550 8 „ (h) 550 8 >, (c) Gear 500 (a) Steam wagon without rubber tires. (b) Steam wagon with trailer. (c) Tractor ; gross. Two of this old-established maker's examples are staged. One is of the company's light type of steam wagon mounted on rubber tires, and this is equipped with a s;mcially-designed open type of engine for high speed. ,It has centrifugal lubricators to the bigends of the connecting reds. The other exhibit here is one of the Wallis and Steevens compound steam tractors fitted with the special improved patent enclosed type of engine, in which the whole of the working parts are enclosed and run in a splash oil-bath. 147-149, Great Portland Street, W. 49] [49 Vinot Cars, Ltd., is showing a selection of this make of machines. These commercial models, built by Vinot and Deguingand, have achieved considerable success on the Continent. They are regular competitors at the Freilch War Office trials. Up to the time of going to press, we have not been informed as to exactly which models of the company's range will be shown at Olympia. This includes 10-cwt., 25-cwt. and 3-ton chassis. Hereanent, also, we have to hold over a fully-illustrated article describing the fine range of models which will be shown on the Wolseley stand. Four of these are quite new designs, and we would ask readers to await the article for further information concerning them. The two subsidy models, of 30-cwt. and three-ton capacity, respectively, will be the centre of much interested examination. We refer elsewhe.re to the necessity, owing to congestion, of holding out this and other important articles from the present is:ale. In the case of the Wolseley Co.'s exhibits we will, at the moment, confine ourselves to a strong recommendation carefully to examine all the five models which will be available on Stand 54. Stagg and Robson, Ltd., Selby. THE " ECONOMIST" CHASSIS, 18] [18 This company is staging two vehicles, .one of which will be a 30-seated touring machine designed for Colonial use, the chassis, of the Economist model, being built by Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd. The smaller exhibit is,a 16-18 h.p. Economist chassis, with a 15seated private-party body. Additional to the exhibits on this maker's stand, its coachwork will be shown on Daimler, Clayton, and Tilling-Stevens machines at Olympia.