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Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., 19, Newman Street, Oxford Street, W.
151] BRITISH MADE AND USED EVERYWHERE, [151 'Avon band tires for all classes of commercial
motors, ranging in size from 65 mm. to 160 nun., and capable. of carrying loads up to 12 tons, will be on view for our benefit. In two different sections, viz., ordinary half-round, and concave sided, we shall be enabled to judge to some extent, without actual tests, as to which of these Avon products is most suited for our particular requirements. The Avon clinched-on type of solid band tire will also be of interest. All are made at Melksharn, Wilts.
H. C. Bauly,
131-133, Bow Road, London, E.
This exhibit will consist of both rubber and steeltired heavy wood wheels. A feature is the five-ton axle constructed for a steam wagon. It is so designed that the driving wheels are interchangeable without having to take the axle adrift from the machine.
Commercial Tyre Co., Ltd., 534, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.
163] A DISTINCTIVE NON-SKID. [163 The well-known K.T. tires, which differ so materially in design from the generally-accepted tire for commercial motors, forms the chief exhibit of interest on this stand. We are sure that many readers who are not users of the K.T. productions cannot fail to have noticed the number in service on the streets, and possibly many such readers will not have heel the opportunity carefully to examine them until the present occasion.
J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd., 56-57, Wharfdale Road, King's Cross, N.
Readers of this journal are already, we should imagine, familiar with the products of J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd. Those who are not so acquainted will spend a few moments at this stand, where special-section tires will be on view. The detachable band tire, which dispenses with the use of an hydraulic press, and by means of which tires can be removed and replaced without taking the wheel from the vehicle, cannot fail to be of interest. The airless resilient wheels for which this company is now responsible will occupy our attention for a few moments before passing on to the next stand.
Continental Tyre Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Thurloe Place, London, S.W.
First and foremost on this stand we shall find the Continental T-pattern solid tire. This is the original " T " section as opposed to the round pattern. It is claimed by the Continental Co. that, owing to the section, the wearing surface on the " T " pattern remains practically the same width from beginning to end of the tire's life, and a much greater mileage is thereby obtained. Visitors will no doubt obtain a copy of the handsome souvenir booklet " All about Continental Solid Tyres," which will do mush to familiarize them with this company's activities.
De Nevers Rubber Tyre Co., Ltd., Earlsfieid Rubber Mills, London, S.W.
This maker's exhibit should prove of interest to users in search of a tire constructed to give good service under the most arduous working conditions. The stand is well arranged, and the large display of Solid band tires on view is well worth some detailed attention from visitors. This concern announces that no reclaimed rubber is used in their manufactures. J. De Fornier.
81-83, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.
161] SPECIALLY TANNED LEATHER NON-SKIDS. [161 This company's products which will be exhibited should prove of special interest, in that th De Fornier non-skid cover protector is claimed to be the only continuous leather protecting band for solid rubber tires on the market. In position these covers are under constant tension, owing to their being provided with special adjustment bats.
Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Aston, Birmingham.
172] HEAVY-SERVICE TIRES. [172 Having glanced at the solid band tires intended for use on three-ton, four-ton and five-ton vehicles, and noted the exceptiona,ily-satisfactory mileages which have been obtained from them, visitors will no doubt turn their attention to the heavy-service solid tires for use on all types of commercial motors. These products are intended to give the maximum resiliency, whilst offering the greatest resistance to the destructive surface of the road.
Gaulois Tyres (1909), Ltd., 6, Bath Street, City Road, London, E.C.
From the early years of the solid rubber tire trade, the Etablissements Bergougnan, foreseeing the rapid development of mechanical road traction, undertook the study and manufacture of solid rubber tires specially suited to the needs of commercial vehicles.
B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd., 117-123, Golden Lane, E.C.
1671 TIRES THAT WON'T CREEP. [167 This well-known company will attract our attention by reason of its striking method of illustrating the correct and the incorrect ways of fitting solid band tires. The side flanges of the Goodrich tire are designed to insure the metal band's gripping all round.
H. and W. Greer, Ltd., 18, Chiswell Street, London, E.G.
155] CALMON TIRES. [155 lieaw the visitor will see a well-arranged display of
tires various sections, including the well-known rib-pattern tread. Specimens of the Calmon solid rubber tires, a make which is now being-extensively used, will also form part of this exhibit, • J. Liversidge and Son, Ltd., 561, Old Kent Road, London,.S.E.
This company's exhibits must necessarily command some attention from visitors on account, of the high favour with which its tire prOductions are held amongst all commercial-vehicle users. An interesting range of wheels and solid tires suitable for all classes of industrial road motors will be shown. The company's specialities are Faransure (Stevenson's), Liversidge Grooved, and British Band tires.
Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.
169] FIBRE-TREADED TIRES. [169 On this stand visitors will do well to make themselves acquainted with this company's productions from the Manchester works. As evidence of the good quality of Macintosh tires, it should be remembered that the War Office has again selected this particular make for use on many of the vehicles in its service. Fibre-treaded tires are the Speciality of the Macintosh company, this combination having, so the maker claims, very economical properties. Michelin Tyre td.,
81, Fulham Road, Co.,dhelsea.
170] MICHELIN " INMELE " TWIN TIRES. [170 One of the foremost tire exhibits will be that well staged under the name of Michelin. In addition to the well-known Ininel6 twin and Sennelle non-skid tires shown, the company will exhibit many useful accessories.
Midland Rubber Co., Ltd.,' Ryland Street, Birmingham.
1661 THREE PATTERNS OF TIRE. [166 These products have given an exceptionally-good account of themselves in everyday servicooin any parts of the country. The usual form of guarantee is, of course, given to the user. Solid band tires up to 170 mm. section, suitable for heavy work, Clincher solid tires for light van work, and grooved, ribbed and steel-studded Midland and Britannic pneumatic tires form the major portion of this exhibit.
Almagam, Ltd., 172, Great Portland Street, London, W.
160) OIL AND .ACID RESISTING TIRES. [160 On this stand the New Motor and General Rubber Co. will show a range of solid tires of%varying sizes and sections. Examples of tires manufactured from " Almagain " and " Rubmetal " mixtures will also be exhibited.
Osborn and Co., Ltd., 6, Gt. Marlborough Street, London, W.
Considering the high favour with which steel wheels of all types are being received throughout the industry,the examples shown by this content should prove of much interest to visitors.
North British Rubber Co., Ltd., 24-26, East Road, City Road, London.
173] DUCASELE TIRES ARE ON VIEW. [173 Practically a pioneer or the tire trade, this company claims to have been the inventor of the first detachable pneumatic tire. With sueli an amount of experience behind it, it naturally follows that the 1913 products of the company reach a high standard of excellence. The exhibit will consist of Clincher wheels, fitted with the well-known Ducasble tires.
Peter Union Tyre Co., Ltd., 190-192, Great Portland Street, London, W.
175] A COMPREHENSIVE RANGE OF TIRES. [175 The Peter Union Co. will show a varied selection of its solid-rubber band tires and rims on Stand 175. Readers who are interested in different types of vehicles will have an opportunity to examine Peter Union tires intended for service on light delivery vans, and ranging in size from this lighter tire to products suitable for the heaviest steam lorry made.
Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., , 31-34, Basinghali Street, London, C.C.
178] OF INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION, [178 Here will be found a number of solid tires.of differing sections. These will all be of the standard round section which the company finds from experience to give the best mileages. A feature will be made of the lagging method of fitting which has proved so satisfactory in general service in the Colonies and Overseas, where press facilities are not available.
Russian Tyre and Rubber Import Co., Ltd., London Office: 162, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.
179] WHERE PROWODNIE TIRES ARE ON VIEW. [179 A range of commercial-vehicle tires of ail sizes and profiles, " Prowodniks " in fact, turned cut at the well-known Riga works, will be shown on this stand. The industrial vehicle manufacturer on the lookout for solid tires will do well to make himself acquainted with the productions of this concern.
E26 St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd., Warrington.
Owing to the increasing demand for good-wearing properties and resiliency the St. Helens Co has introduced a new type of tire. Between the hard wearing rubber tread and the steel band, a layer or very soft rubber, which the maker claims absorbs all vibration, is interposed.
Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., Ardwick Green, Manchester.
153] " GIANT " AND " WORLD " TIRES. [153 This company will exhibit a full range of its specialities, of which, of course, the best known are the Giant and World tires, which are in such great favour with the general user. In addition to these exhibits, however, there will be a selection of steel girder wheels, which are a new departure for this company, and a number of the new cross-rib tires.
Simplex Rubber Co., Ltd., Scrubbs Lane, Willesden, London, N.W.
This company has acquired a great name during recent years by the unique manufacturing process employed at the Willesden factory. The success which has attended its efforts is sufficient to justify the confidence of the company in its manufactures. Band tires made by the Simplex concern are sold on a guarantee.
The Sirdar Rubber Co., Ltd., 34, Baker Street, London, W.
164] " SS." TREADED TIRES. [164 Amongst this manufacturer's exhibits will be shown improved forms of Sirdar non-skid tires. A fabric embodying both durability and resiliency is a special feature of these productions. The special SS treaded band tire should prove an efficient skid preventer.
Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd., Rannoch Street, Hammersmith.
145A] WHEELS AND MOTOP. COMPONENTS. [145A This very old-established company has plant capable of turning out many hundreds of wheels for commercial motors and light delivery vans weekly. In its Pimlico works, a large stock of timber is undergoing the process of seasoning, in order that it may be in perfect condition before being worked upon.
Torkington Tires, Ltd., 76, York Street, Westminster, S.W.
156] A STEEL-TREADED TIRE. [156 Although introduced but a short time ago, the Torkington Stelastie tires have already made for themselves a very satisfactory reputation. This tire is admirably suited for taxicabs. Our readers will remember that this tire is composed of steel spirals moulded into a rubber tread.
Wallington, Weston and Co., Ltd., Frome, Somerset.
159] PRONE TIRES A Ex ON VIEW, [159 This company is exhibiting Frome tires, and also sectional block tires for the use of fire-engines and tractors. It is not without interest to know that certain sizes of the well-known Frome band tire are made specially to meet the requirements of the War Office subsidy scheme.
Wood-Milne, Ltd., Preston.
157] 30,000 MILES OF RUNNING. [157 The principal feature of this stand is the range of Wood-Milne solid band tires ranging in size from 760 mm. by 90 mm. section to 1070 mm. by 160 mm. section. These will be shown mounted on both single and twin wheels. The tires which have been removed from L.G.O.C. service and have covered distances over 30,009 miles, will be of interest.