News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board now owns 60 Dennis ambulances.
C.M.U.A. at Olympia.
Stand No. 4, at Olympia, will be occupied by the Commercial Motor Users Association, and a reception room will be available for members, who may also make appointments, consult the secretary, or have letters addressed there. Members will be admitted to-morrow (Friday) at and after 11 a.m.
Prussian W.O. and Benzole.
The Prussian W.O. will shortly organize a competition for benzole carburetters. Prizes of 2500, 2250, £150 and £100, respectively, will be clTered. Full details will be sup!. lied on application to the Tersuchs Abtheilung der Militar-Verkehrswesen, 2, Siegfriedstrasse, SehOneberg, Berlin.
The Show Opening.
This is our " Show Opening and Municipal" issue. The Olympia Show will be open to the public at 2 p.m. to-morrow (not earlier"), and from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m, on each week-day thereafter until the 26th inst. (inclusive). The charge for admission is one shilling.
H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught will open the Show tomorrow, prior to the admission of the general public.
Catering at Olympia.
The catering at Olympia is in the excellent hands of Joseph Lyons and Co., Ltd. There is a grill room to the right of the main entrance, and a tea room to the left of it. Exhibitors are informed that this company reserves the rights to supply all goods for consumption on the premises.
Held Over.
Exigencies of space have forced us to hold over No. 5 (Cardiff) of the " Small Users in Big Cities " series, " Opinions from Others," a, page of "Answers to Que6es," our regular feature "In Public Service," the section known as "The Purchase Department," the concluding pages of "The G.W.R. Road Motor Department," a further portion of the International Road Congress Reports, and other interesting matter. The seventh article re the War Office Subsidy Muddle is also held over ; it will deal, inter alia, with the inspection system. Full descriptions of certain new models are also crowded out for the present. " backed " by Messrs. Bathurst, Lane-Fox, Hicks-Beach, and Sir R. Baker. It proposes to enact that county councils or other highways authorities may, by application to the Road Board, secure an Order dec)aring a road to be a national road. Thereafter, subject to approval of the Treasury and the Local Governme:d Board, the Road
Board may be responsible for thtt maintenance of such roads.
Kidderminster Chamber of Commerce is trying to arrange a motorbus service to and from Bewdley.
Mr. Geo. Browning, of 58, Coleman Street, E.C., has been appointed liquidator to the F.I.A.T. Motor Cab Co., Ltd.
All-night motorbuses have now been started in London, and developments will be watched carefully with a view to extensions. .
The U.S.A. has started the export of commercial-motor vehicles in earnest.: a total of St, valued at t26,954, was exported from that. source in April last.
Another Public Issue.
The public is about to be allowed to take a holding in the well-known Napier business. The business for which Mr. Montague S. Napier is responsible will, we are informed, have a capital of 2650,000, divided into 300,000 7 per cent. preference shares, and 300.000 ordinary shares, of £1 each. The preference shares will be offered to the public, and also E100,000 54 per cent. debenture stock. It is stated that none of the issue will be underwritten, but it undoubtedly should prove an attractive industrial investment, having regard to the extent of Napier sales of bath private cars and business vehicles. The directors, in addition to Mr. Na.pier, are Messrs. ii. T. Vane and W. H. White. Sutton-in-Ashfield U.D.C. is adding to its fire-brigade plant.
"Pay-as-you-enter" Registers. A correspondent asks if any reader can supply him with the names of firms who supply. instruments for issuing and registering tickets for use on " Pay-as-youenter " motorbuses.
L.C.C. and Trailers.
The Public Control Committee of the L.C.C. is recommending the Council, in view of the delay and inconvenience caused to the tramway traffic by the inability of drivers of mechanically-propelled vehicles drawing trailers to hear the signals of overtaking vehicles, to make additional by-laws whereby no person shall drive or have charge of a locomotive drawing a wagon unless there shall be fitted to such locomotive and wagon a communication cord or other device whereby warn
ing can be given the driver of the approach of an overtaking vehicle. Advice.
Mr. H. G. Burford, M.I.Mech.E., who has had extensive commercialvehicle experience, is open to advise visitors to Olympia.
New Registration.
Willys Overland, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £10,000 in 21 shares, by Kerby, Sons and Karuth,of 10 and 11, Austin Friars, E.C., to manufacture and deal in all kinds of passenger and goods motor vehicles. First directors : J. N. Willys and Claude A George, both of 19, Heddon Street, Regent Street, S. W.
Classified Advertisements.
The attention of new readers of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR is directed to the services which may be rendered to them, at small cost, by the use of our "Classified Advertisements" section. A variety of inexpensive notices will be found in the columns to which we refer, and their employment has brought repeated proofs of quick response under each and all the headings which are included.
The Southey Producer.
The perfected Southey producer, to which we last referred in our issue of the 26th ult., was again demonstrated, at Luton, on Thursday, the 10th inst. Using ordinary paraffin at a cost of 6.4d. per gallon, and with a variety of severe variations of load and other factors, as well as a quick change-over from one vehicle to another, the device gave splendid results. It provides combustible mixture freely, and one that can be burnt completely without noxious or visible exhaust. We congratulate Mr. H. C. B. Underdown, managing director of Commercial Cars, Ltd., and his codirectors, upon the fact that this device was taken to them 'By Mr. Southey, and upon their foresight in the way in which they have brought it to the front and perfected it. Mr. Underdown, whose photograph we reproduce, is an old Etonian, and he is rightfully proud of the position in which Commercial Cars, Ltd., now finds itself—completing upwards of 10 first-class commercial motors each week, and selling them easily.
We are glad to know that the Southey producer will be sold to owners and manufacturers of vehicles other than Commercars, and we are. satisfied that the first cost, which at the moment is about 235, will be quickly seen back in the saving on fuel. It may be seen at Olympia, on Stand No. 43, and is worthy of immediate attention on the part of all who have to buy liquid fuel for internal-combustion engines. We have ourselves a considerable measure of confidence in the ability of the producer—possibly after slight modification—to consume creosote