Passing Comments
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A Tribulation to NOWN as an inveterate Which an Editor is I:I-leg-puller, Mr. F. A. Flin has been endeavouring to make us a victim of this trait of his character. Mr. Flin objects to the heading in our issue. of July 3, which reads: "Railways Arrogate Inquiry Rights," and states that the matter did not refer to 'Arrogate at all, but to Chester! Perhaps he will consider us arrogant if we claim that we were right.
RAIN, and a dour defence by the Northerners, foiled the A.E.C. in its efforts to beat up its Leyland rivals on the cricket field at Southall on Saturday last. A.E.C. made a good start, and at luncheon we noticed that Mr. Chadwick, publicity manager, and captain of the Leyland team, ate sparingly, evidently conserving his energy for a big effort afterwards. Later the soggy pitch, plus the wiles of the Leyland crack 314
An Annual "Needle' Match Spoilt by Rain googly bowler, brought about a collapse of the A.E.C. batsmen. The Leyland men fared hut little better, and a draw was the result. A " get together" spirit was much in evidence between the members of the teams and their supporters. Although on the field rivalry is keen, these annual matches do much to promote good fellowship.
A Cylinder of Fuel 140W often one hears of to Run a Motor for a "strange inventions which Year' will permit a motor vehicle to run for long periods on little more than air. A Manchester paper published last week a long paragraph concerning a cylinder which, when charged, is claimed to supply fuel for a sixcylinder car for 12 months, and this at negligible cost. To give such power, some device of the atomsplitting type must be embodied, but perhaps we shall be accused of ourselves splitting hairs if we doubt the veracity of the inventor. Filling Both Tanks at I T has been stated that a a Canadian Service petrol station in Canada gives Station a tankard of beer to each pur chaser of a minimum of five gallons of petrol. At a few places in England one is given polishing dusters, but we do not think that the trade organizations and Licensing Authorities in England would appreciate the supplying of alcoholic refreshment in this manner.
Simple but VeryLTHOUGH, at first sight, Efficient Engineering r-tappearing crude, a method
Practice . . . of making large split sprockets for line shafting, which we noticed at the works of the Morse Chain Co.; Ltd., the other day, is highly efficient and extremely simple. The sprocket is cast in iron in one piece, with cores to form a series of slots along a diameter. It is then machined to size. Next, by means of wedges, it is split. It is assembled on the shaft by putting the fracture faces together, fitted bolts initially locating the halves. The result is perfectly satisfactory.
Unintentional Bo u WE are flattered, A departquets from County YV ment of a certain county Council to "CM." . council thinks so highly of our
advisory abilities that it frequently addresses to us—sometimes several in a week —inquiries regarding licensing and other matters. It even asks us to solve problems which, if we did not already know the answers, we might be compelled to forward to the inquirer for information
Toll Gates Around HE idea of discouraging, by the Central Area a A one means or another, the
London ? use of private cars in the cen tral area of London is growing. Professor S. D. Adshead recently suggested, in the Evening News, that, as an experiment, toll gates might be established around the area bounded by Devonshire Street in the north, Victoria Street in the south, Bark Lane in the west, and Drury Lane in the east. It would be anomalous, to say the least, if the capital of the Empire reverted to the obsolete system of toll roads when, everywhere else in the country, the tendency is to abolish them.