Contributions from Drivers and Mechanics.
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published.
Drivers of commercial motor vehicles and tractors, and mechanics and foremen of garages or shops, are znvited to send short contrebutions on any subject which is likely to prove of interest to our readers. Long and successful runs ; services with MO "lost journeys"; workshop tips and smart repairs : all are suitable subjects. Send a post-card, or a letter, or a sketch to us—no matter how short, or how written, or how worded. We will "knock it into shape" before publication. When writing you must mention your employer's name as a guarantee of bona fides (not for publication), and you should state whether you wish your own name, or initials only, to be published. Payment will be made immediately after publication. Address your letters to 7 he Editor, "THE COMMERCIAL Morok," 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.
We Acknowledge Receipt.
Selected from a number of communications which are intended for these columns, and which we are unable to acknowledge individually, we have letters from the following correspondents under consideration with a view to
publication :—" (Plaistow), " NNT.H.A." (Cardiff), " EA)." (Attanuagh), " TERRIER " (Malton), (Rouen), and Thomas S. Carney (New York).
The Eastern Motor Wagon Company, Limited.
[541] On Saturday, the 5th of June, at 7.30 p.m., the drivers and mates of the Eastern Motor Wagon Company, Limited, held their first annual dinner at the Pemburv Tavern, Amhurst Road, Hackney, N.E. Mr. A. Nightingale occupied the chair, and he was supported by Mr. R. Downer, as vice-chairman. Mr. A. E. Brassington, the traffic manager, was present during the evening, and the directors of the company telegraphed their regrets at their inability to be present. A very enjoyable evening was spent, and the hope was expressed by all those who were assembled that the success of the company in the future would ensure many more such pleasant gatherings.
An Ingenious Adjastable Clamp.
The sender of the following cosmunnication has been awarded the Ms, prize this week.
[542] " A.L." (Westbourne Grove) describes, in the letter which we publish below, a useful tool that might well find a place in every tool-box :—" The sketch which I enclose [We have had this redrawn.—En.] is of an adjustable clamp which can be used for a great number of
different jobs. I was prompted to knock together something of this sort by the fact that I was constantly requiring to use a clamp on all sizes and shapes of work, and, as a rule, I could seldom lay my hands on more than two standard sizes in any shop in which I have been. In one locomotive shop, I remember, there were two clamps belonging to the firm; one was Dearly big enough to pull a (5-foot driver off an axle, and the other was too small for all ordinary purposes. The device I have sketched can be made of suitable proportions for most medium-sized bench jobs, and it is capable of getting a hold on to a number of variously-shaped parts. I think most fitters would find it useful to keep such a gadget' in their tool-boxes. The tool consists, as will be seen by the sketch, of a cross-piece, two stirrups, two extension pieces to serve as adjustable hooks, and a forcing screw. The cross-piece may be drilled for two or three pairs of holes according to the width to which it is thought desirable to work. This piece is also tapped to take the forcing screw. The stirrups may be shifted along this cross piece to any desired width and then kept in position by bolts or pins. The hook extension pieces fit into the ends of the stirrups and may be fixed at any of several lengths ; it is also possible, owing to the cross drilling, to turn the hooks in any direction that may be found convenient; again, one leg may be made shorter than the other if necessary. It will be at once realised that it is possible to ring the changes on the various adjustments, so that this clamp may easily be employed on a large range of work. I have used a fitting of this sort in place of a swan-neck or of an arm and pillar for ratchetbrace work."
Patching a Steam Pipe with a Damper Plate.
[543] " P.P." (Burdett Road, E.) recounts an ingenious repair. He is evidently not the sort of man to " get left" by any ordinary mishap on the road :—" While I was driving my steam wagon up Shooter's Hill one night recently, the engine came to a sudden standstill, and we started to run backwards down the slope. I managed to jam on the brakes and to stop our downward career. I got down and told my mate to put on steam. When he did so, I found that the steam-pipe had a split in it, two incises long. This happened at about 10 p.m., so that I was a bit puzzled as to the best thing to do. I looked round for something out of which I could make a patch, and, luckily, my eye fell on the damper plate. I cut a piece out of this, five inches long and three inches wide, and punched four finch holes at each end. I then flanged each end and bent the piece to such a shape that it would go round the pipe; I heated the strip in the fire in order to do this. I robbed the frame of several suitably-sized bolts and nuts. After a long hunt and much head scratching I could only find a bit of Tuck's packing with which to attempt to make the joint. I used this stuff, as a rule, for packing the piston glands. I unrolled this, however, and with its aid I managed to make so tight a joint that I got home safely. I was, moreover, able to do the next day's work without further repair. T lost a bit of steam, but the joint held remarkably well, thanks to the damper door."