Toronto Notes and News.
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Fine Fire-righting Equipment. The 2nd Canadian Contingent and its Transport. The Experiences of a Mineral Water Company.
The Waterous combination motordriven rotary pump and hose fire truck was built by the Waterous Engine Works Co., of Brantford, Canada, and supplied to Toronto Fire Dept. by Hugh Cameron and Co., Manning Chambers, Toronto (the Toronto agents). This is the first engine of this type built at their Canadian factory, although the Waterous Co. has been building motor fire equipment at their factory in St. Paul, Minn., -U.S.A., for the last seven or eight years. The motor is six-cylinder (cast in pairs), 617, in. bore, 7 in. stroke, 101 h.p. A.L.A.3/1. rating ; it is watercooled. Bosch, high-tension dual ignition is used. Electric selfstarter. The Atwater-Kent ignition system with a separate set of spark plugs is fitted as a reserve. Wheelbase 141 ins. Goodyear tires are fitted on all wheels. She car
ries 1500 ft. of 21 in. hose. Electric head, side and tail lamps are fitted. The pump is of the rotary type, driven by shaft from motor controlled from driver's seat, and is capable of pumping 850 gallons per minute against 125 lb. pump pressure.
The Canadian A.S.C., M.T., are Thoroughly Instructed.
I understand the second Canadian Contingent are expecting orders to leave here for England (or the Front) within the next few days. Yesterday afternoon I went out to the Canadian National Exhibition Grounds, where the contingent has been quartered and training all winter. Through the courtesy of Lieut. Cahill and StaffSergt. Slack, of the A.S.C., Mechanical Training Depot, I was able to take the enclosed photographs
for the " C.M." It may be of interest to mention that the men of the A.S.C., M.T., have not only received instruction in driving, drill, ete., but a mechanical instruction depot has been established; where the trucks which ace to go with the contingent have been taken down, thoroughly explained, and then reassembled by the men, under competent instructors. The Machinery Hall at the Exhibition Grounds, a permanent building about 500 ft. by 150 ft., has been used by the A.S.C., M.T., and the Machine Gun Battery as an instruction depot. Kelly, Springfield and Jeffery trucks are being used chiefly by the second Canadian Contingent.
Tests of Kelly's and Jeffery's.
Lieut. Cahill came to Toronto in the interests of the Kelly Co., also to assist the Canadian Government in seeing the Kelly trucks " O.K." for the Front. He told me yesterday his position will keep him busy, as he has three duties to fulfil, viz., to the Kelly Co_, the Canadian Government, and last, -but not least, to "his country," as he is English. There are 150 Kelly trucks at Ottawa ready to be shipped with the second Canadian Contingent, 12 in use for training purposes, 150 on order and will be delivered shortly now. During the training of the A.S.C., M.T., several long runs have been undertaken with the Kelly and Jeffery trucks, such as from Toronto to Port Hope and back, the return trip covering well over 200 miles, over some very bad roads, which I think would compare favourably with some of the worst at the Front.
The First Motor Lorry in Toronto.
A few days ago I had an interesting chat with Mr. G. Hardy, who has charge of the fleet of motor trucks owned and operated by Mineral Springs, Ltd., Toronto. Early in 1905 the above company purohased a Knox Atlas truck (an American-made truck). This was the first truck ever operated in Toronto. Mr. Hardy drove this, and was the first to drive a, motor truck in this city. It proved satisfactory to an extent. and another Knox Atlas was put into service. The initial cost of these two was $10,000. Early in 1909 both trucks were scrapped and after just four years service fetched $50 for the pair. In 1909 two James and Brown trucks took-the place of the Knox Atlases. These proved more reliable and are still able to be used in case of emergency. In June, 1911, the above firm bought the first Commer truck brought to Toronto (a 7-ton Commer). This has been in service daily winter and summer since June, 1911, except during its annual overhaul, and is to-day carrying out its duties as satisfactorily as it did in 1911. The trucks are all kept at the company's head depot, Front Street, Toronto. This '7-ton Commer is employed carrying empty bottles on the outward trip to the company's springs at York Mills, a distance of sevenand-a-half miles from Front Street. In this seven-and-a-half miles there is a rise of 450 ft., and Mr. Hardy tells me they load up to seven tons whether empties or full bottles. On the inward trip she carries minerals to the chief depot. Three trips are made each day, a distance of 45 miles in all, and an average of 42 tons carried daily. Last year they found it necessary to protect the minerals from the heat in summer and frost in winter, so the present body was built, size 14 ft. by 7 ft. by 7 ft. 6 ins. The original chains and sprockets are still running on this truck, and I understand the cost for renewals has been practically nil. The enclosed photo. gives an idea of the load it had on when I took the photo. With increase of business it was nectssary to purchase another truck for the delivery of minerals to shops, etc., within a radius of 29 miles
from Toronto. The choice was another Commer, this time a 30cwt: van (of the same type). Note pneumatic tyres have been fitted to front wheels. This truck has been in service 15 months and has done Over 19,000 miles. Mr. Hardy speaks in the highest possible terms of the Commercar. He eonsiders these trucks are only in the early stage of the service they will render Mineral Springs Ltd. The latest addition to the fleet is three Fords. The bodies for these are of Georgia pine and were built by Mineral Springs, Ltd., to suit its own requirements. These Fords are used principally for light and ouick delivery in and around Toronto. One of these useful vans is shown on page 317.