A DESCRIPTION Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. OF THE EXHIBITS (Alphabetically Arranged).
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Two fine examples of Albion workmanship will be shown on their Stand No. 242, close to the Foster stand. Both of them are 3-tonnera; one is provided with a flat platform body, and the other is a hydraulic tipping wagon, the tipping portion being constructed of stout sheetsteel ; the two examples are of very fine appearance. As usual, they incorporate the well-known Albion features, a channel-steel frame, cast aluminium tubular radiator and chain drive. Albion chassis were used for many years before the war and attained to great popularity. During the war some 6,000 of the 3-ton type were delivered to the British Government.
The Albion hydraulic gear for their tipping wagons is of very stout construction, and is worked from the engine, it being merely necessary to close a by-pass valve in order to tip the body, and ita movement can be arrested at any stage.
Alldays and Onions, Ltd.
Andays and Onions, Ltd., will exhibit. on Stand No. 207, in the Machinery in Motion Section, the chief exhibit being their General-purpose 'free-tor in two models, Mark 1 and Mark 2. The former has a 25-30 h.p. engine and the latter a, 30 h.p. The Mark 1 machine is in many respects similar to the original niodei supplied during the war period, but it has been re-designed with a view to making it still more compact. and accessible. The large water-ballast tank has been dispensed with, and the driver's Beat and controls have been brought forWard between the rear wheels into the position previously occupied by this tank ; the controls are thus Made abetter, and the change-speed mechanism is improved and easier to manipulate. The tractor can be obtained with .either 4 it. 6 in, or 5 ft. rear road wheels, and can be fitted with rubber stud tyres at an extra charge if required for road use.
The Mark 2 machine differs chiefly in horse-power alone; the general design and special features being practically identical with the Mark 1 model.
The technical details will be more fully described in our Show Report issue. The prices of the two models have been fixed at £570 for the Mark 1 and .£595 for the Mark 2. One of the machines will he shown in operation driving a Marshall threshing drum, and another will be in the vicinity of the Show grounds for the purpose of demonstrating. Other exhibits on this stand will be an Alldays " Foshery " attachment. which allows any type of vehicles svith shafts to be used with the tractor.
Ancona Motor Co., Ltcl.
On Stand No. 251 will be shown a Wallis "Junior " tractor. This is a light, useful and workmanlike little machine. Quite a number of them have been delivered for use in Italy, where they have been doing very good work. As representative of the implement section will be shown a J.I. Case 3-12 in. plough and a J.'. Case tandem disc harrow, which can be used with the tractor.
Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.
This well-known company will exhibit on Stand No. 204, close to the Alldays and Onions stand, their famous brands of refined oils, "White Rose," "Royal Daylight," and "Crown Diamond," and the motor spirits, Pratt's " Perfection," "Taxibns," and Anglo's benzole. They will also show cabinets for the storage of oil, etc.
Associated Equipment Co., Ltd..
The exhibits of this company will be an A.E.C. 3-5-ton chassis and a 30-seater char-a-banes. They will be found on Stand No. 125, facing the Implements Section. These chassis will be provided with Tyler engines developing 45 b.h.p. at 1,000 r.p.m. The gearboxes give four speeds forward and a reverse, and are fitted with ball bearings throughout. The chassis are fitted with pressed steel frames. Many of these A.E.C. chassis have been used on war service and have, given satisfaction.
Aveling and Porter, Ltd.
This company propose to exhibit the following engines ori Stand No. 95, facing the main entrance. A compound steam tractor with superheater, mounted on laminated springs to both axles, fitted with compensating gear, winding drum and rope; a general-purpose compound traction engine of 6 h.p. complete with winding drum and rope, compensating gear, and spring mounted on both axles. The third exhibit will be a compound steam roller which, when empty, weighs about 10 tons. It is fitted with a "Morrison " &certifier.
Barford and Perkins, Ltd.
This company will exhibit three of their patent motor road rollers on Stand No. 227, next to the Mann stand. The heaviest machine weighs 10 tons empty and 12 tons full, and is well adapted for county and town council work. It is not too heavy for tarmacarlam' and at the same time is a most useful machine for ordinary macadam road-making or road repairing. It is provided with a fourcylinder " Dorman " subsidy type engine which starts on petrol and runs on paraffin.
The next size roller is one weighing 7 tons empty and 9 tons full. It is fitted with a" Dorman " two-cylinder engine, and also runs on paraffin. This machine is a favourite size for tarmacadam work.
The third exhibit is a, small motordriven roller weighing only 11 ton, which is suitable for public parks, recreation grounds, etc. This machine is fitted with a two-cylinder "Dorman " engine and runs on petrol only. All machines are of the water-ballast type. The engines of the rollers can, when required, be used for driving stone-breakers, pumps, etc., and a pulley is supplied with each. The Government has used rollers Of this company's make since 1905.
Bowring Petroleum Co., Ltd.
Motor spirits and lubricating oils will be the chief exhibits of this company on Stand No. 183. "Mex " motor spirit has thousands of satisfied users, and their "All's Well" lubricating oils are very well known. The company also makes a special brand of kerosene which is suitable for farm tractors and similar paraffin fuel engines; it is known as " B.E.V.0."
British Empire Motors, Ltd.
An interesting new model of the Moline tractor will be shown by this company on
Stand No. 209. It will have a fourcylinder 18 h.p. motor which will give 9 h.p. at the drawbar, and it is provided with a self-starter. The tractor is fitted with two wheels only, the implements being bolted direct on to its chassis. A plough, cultivator, disc harrow, and grain drill are provided as part Or the equipment. A novel point is the fitting of electric lights; another is that the engine is provided with an electric governor which allows speeds up to 31 m.p.h.
H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd.
The new "Cleveland" tractor shown on Stand No. 249 incorporates quite a number of improvements. It is no* provided with a 3i in. by 5i in, engine with overhead valves, and can be governed up to 1,200 r.p.m. The lower track wheels are now on Timken roller bearings, and these bearings have also been fitted, wherever possible, throughont the chassis. The radiater is tubular and is made in cast-iron sections in lieu of sheet metal, and the fan is now supported by a bracket from the cylinder block instead of from the radiator. The tracks are of the "roller" type, and do not require lubrication. The main driving wheel is fitted with a separate gearwheel; previously, if the final-drive gear had to be replaced, it was necessary to change the whole wheel. A minor improvement is the making of tho tank of thicker gauge sheet-metal.
Charles Burrell and Sons, Ltd.
The number of this company's stand is 262, opposite the Temperance Café. We are not yet able to say exactly what the Burrell exhibits will consist of, but it is presumed that they will show their standard 5-tonner fitted with the Burrell double-chain drive. This machine is provided with a loco-type boiler and c3S with compound engine of the overhead type with Stevenson link-motion. The Burrell steamer differs from the ordinary type in being provided with cross-shafts which are supported on side plate extensions from the firebox, and which carry the differential.
Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd.
The novelty to be exhibited by this company on tand No. 151 will be one of their Caterpillar-type plough tractors, fitted with chainetrack-drive, and designed for use on land where the ordipary steam tractor cannot haul satisfactorily.
This particular tractor was produced by the company to meet the urgent demands of the Food Production Department during the latter stages of the war, It has been used in various parts of the county, and has proved itself to be highly efficient and economical. In addition to ploughing, it can be used for oadinary farm work, such as hauling trailers and for driving stationary machinery. One of the company's well-known types of 7 h.p. single-cylinder traction engines is also shown. This tractor is provided with winding drum and wire rope, and is of a type which has been much used by the Government during the war.
Other exhibits include a compound traction engine of 6 h.p., which is mounted on springs on the rear axle; a corn
pound steam Motor tractor designed to comply with the requirements of the Heavy Motorcar Order, fitted with springs both front and rear, and provided with two speeds, winding drum, wire rope, etc., and an 8-ton oompouud roadroller in which is embodied the results of the company's wide experience in the manufacture of road engines of this class. As regards wagon exhibits two steamers are shown, each fitted with solid rubber tyres, one having a standard fixed body, and the other being fitted cud-tipping body. h amechanically-operated
Crawley Agrimotor Co., Ltd.
A Crawley agrimotor will be shown on Stand No. 228. It embodies several new features which are particularly confined to the travelling wheel clutches; these "can be operated independently, and are driven by dog clutches held in position by powerful springs acting directly on them.
The engine, though it is of about the same power, is of heavier design. The machine has a self-contained three-furrow plough, plough, but it has the advantage of being convertible into a . three-wheeled tractor. It is fitted with two speeds and reverse gearbox, and can be operated by one man. It makes very narrow headlands, and when a field can be ploughed from the outside working towards the centre no headlands at all are left, consequently very little time is lost in turning. In conclusion, it is British-built.
_ Daimler and Co., Ltd.
The machine which will be staged on Stand No. 236, practically opposite to that of Morris, Russell and Co., Ltd., will be a 2-3-ton commercial chassis an illustrated article on which appeared in our issue dated May 1st, 1919. There is no radical departure in the design, and this vehicle represents the one model of commercial-Vehicle chassis to which the Daimler Co. has devoted its manufacturing resources.
The gross loaded weight allowable is 5-1 tons. of whichthe chassis weighs about 50 cwt. The chassis can be made with two wheelbases, 11 ft. 6 ins. and. 13 ft. 6 ins., the latter -being particularly applicable to char-i.-banes work. The frame is, RS usual, of flitch-platc construction, there being an ash member between two steel plates each f/e.in. thick. A notable feature of the chassis is that great use hoe been made of stampinge in lien of malleable castings.
D.L. Motor Manufacturing Co.
The " Glasgow " tractor is earning a very good name for itself, and readers interested in agricultural machinery would he well advised to visit Stand No. 252, close to the Labour Exchange, on which it is being exhibited. One of the chief features about this tractor is that it drives on all three wheels. The driving torque causes the wheels to press into the ground as the strain increases, thus insuring them against the common fault of slipping and' skidding. The wheels are provided with carefully-designed spuds, which enter and leave the round without digging up the soil, so that the furrows turn over evenly and are unbroken. The operator's seat is placed so that he has a clear view of his furrow in front, and can overlook both the furrow and plough easily. All working parts are enclosed and fully protected from dust.
Fastnut, Ltd.
The Fastnut exhibit this year will be' confined solely to Fastnut washers and. Fastfit wrenches. The laatnnt washer is too well known to require a lengthy description. The majority of the omnibuses in England are fitted wit-h it, mad the company has now received instructions to 'supply a number to the Great alastern Railway for fitting to a section of track. These washers have been supplied in large quantities to the War Office and Admiralty.
Fodens, Ltd.
The Peden Co. has been one of the most successful producers of steam wagons. Their exhibits on Stand No. 266, next to Wallis and Steevena, Ltd., will comprise their latest pattern 5-ton rubber-tyred standard type -.steam wagon fitted with a fiat platform body to the order of Stenner and Gunn, of Tiberton; and a 5-ton rubber-tyred endtipping wagon to the order of C. and J. Clark, of Street, Somerset. As is well known, the Peden is made with a firetube type boiler and overtype engine, the final drive being by a single stout diem.
W. Foster and Co., Ltd.
This company has been engaged almost. exclusively on tank work, and thus has Dot had an, opportunity of getting on with new or special lines, but, in spite of aim facts, their exhibits on gtand No. 263, next to the Burrell stand, will be well worth a visit. There will be a 7 h.p. single-cylinder agricultural traction engine; a 5-ton compound " Wellington " steam tractor fitted with Winding drum, 50 yards of steel rope, water lifter, hose pipe, and awning mounted on the company's patent outside springs to the rear axle. The driving wheels are 5 ft. 2 ins, in diameter and 12 ins, wide, and made up of double Tee rims; the front wheels, which are 3 ft. 4 ins, in diameter and 5 ins, wide, are fitted with solid rubber tyres.
J. Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.
This well-known concern will have some most interesting exhibits on Stand No. 94, facing the main entrance, They will comprise a 12 lip. compound steam ploughing engine; a. 7 h.p. compound steam locomotive ; and a 5-ton " Tiger " steam tractor.
This latter is of a new design, but further particulars of this tractor will be given in our Show issue.
On this stand will also be shown the well-known " Allen " Patent Road Searrifien; this machine is designed for use on hard roads. It is made by the Oxford Steam Plough Co., Ltd., of Cowley, Oxford.
Henry Garner, Ltd.
The Garner tractor will be shown on Stand No. 243. The company's exhibits will comprise one tractor at rest, one tractor driving machinery, one traction engine and a. number of spare parts.
The Garner tractor is of the four-wheel type; the two front wheels being steering ones. The engine, flywheel housing, threespeed gearbox and rear axle are all firmly bolted together, end-to-end, to form a unit construction. The small frame fitted to the engine bearers, and carried round the front, forms a central pivot for the front axle and transverse spring. The four-cylinder monobloc engine has a
q id. bora with a stroke of 5a ins ; it develops 20 lap., and the governed speed can be varied from 900 r.p.m. to 1,200 r.p.m. The tractor is designed to run on paraffin, but the engine has to be started on petrol. Three forward speeds and a reverse are provided, giving speeds of
4, and 5 m.p.h., with the normal governed speed of the engine. Ile rear wheels, which have a diameter of 40 ins. and a width of 10 ins., are fitted with easily-detachable spuds, whilst the front wheels have a diameter of 30 ins. The total weight of the tractor is 34 cwt.
Richard Garrett and Son, Ltd.
It will be well worth while Paying a visit to Stand No. 96, at the main entrance, where are exhibited three fine examples of the Garrett products. These consiat of a 5-ten patent compound super heated-steam tractor, a general-purpose engine, and a superheated steam wagon.
The first mentioned vehicle is conetructed for a gross load of about eight tons, including the fare weight of the trailer wagon. Itshas the reputation of being one of the most economical' and powerful tractors on the market.
The Garrett general-purpose traction engine is fitted with a corrugated crown plate, which gives an addition of about 25 per cent, to the heating surface a's compared with a flat top firebox ; it also does away with the use of roof stays and is therefore free to expand or contract without' the risk of cracking.'
With regard to the steam wagon, the increased economy in fuel and water is the result of the super-heated-steam design and is said to be from 25 to 30 per cent., thus enabling the wagon to travel longer distances without having to stop to take up fuel and water.
• Harris and Hasell, Ltd.
Harris and Hasell, Ltd., arc the largest commercial-vehicle specialists in the west, and will have a stand well worthy of a visit from prospective buyers of motor vehicles; it will be No. 240, opposite the Anglo-American stand. The exhibits include a "Karrier " 5-ton lorry fitted with a 50 h.p. engine, and provided with a plain lorry body with high side doors to the driver's seat ;. and a " Karrier " tipping wagon which should especially appeal to municipal authorities, builders and contractors.' etc. The ehassis is the
well-known " Karrier " subsidy model, and accessibility is one of its outstanding features.
Another interesting vehicle is a Guy market gardener's wagon. This is of 2-ton capacity, and has a lorry body with
fixed sides and hinged tailboard. Removable sides, 3 ft. high, can be let into sockets in the fixed aides, thus increasing the load capacity very considerably for the conveyance of light agricultural produce. Thichasisis is built by Guy Motors, Ltd., of Wolverhampton. The frame is of pressed steel, and supported by under. slung springs.
For those who desire a lighter vehicle there will be a 25-ewt. Star, built by the Star Engineering Co.' Ltd., of Wolverhampton. This has a20 h.p. engine, and is fitted with a smart box van body.
It will be remembered that. Harris and •Hasell, Ltd., are also agents for the well-known La.ere chassis, one of which will be exhibited at their Cardiff showrooms in Wharton Street.
International Harvester Co. of • Great Britain, Ltd. •
25, h.p. "Mogul " tractors and 20 h.p. "Titan " tractors will be found on Stand No. 272. The "Titans" were extensively used .during the war for timber hauling where the conditions of work were .very arduous. They will pull a three-furrow plough on a gradient of 1 in 4.
The " Mogul ' is capable of pulling a four-furrow plough, and the hauling of a couple of 7 ft. binders is simple.
R. E. Jones (Garages), Ltd.
A 15 h.p. Belsize van will be found on Stand No. 251, next to the Albion stand, R. E. Jones (Garages), Ltd., being the local agents for Belisize Motors, Ltd. The van is designed to carry a useful load of, 12 cwt. It is fitted with plain express bealy framed and netted inside to prevent injury to the goods staring transit. The engine is of ample power and flexible ; lubrication is by geardriven pump, and the gearbox is in one with the engine crankcase, but so arranged that the whole of the gears and clutch can be easily dismantled. It is provided with four speeds forward and a reverse with direct drive on top speed. ,
The company will also have an Albion vehicle displayed.
Leyland Motors (1914), Ltd.
The Leyland exhibit will he a most comprehensive one, It wilt include four machines, examples not only of the ordinary commercial vehicle, but also Of the special fire-engine and steam-wagon manufactures of the company. One of the most interesting of the four machines will be the 500-gallon 48-60 h.p. motor fire pump. This is the typa which is now being standardized for all general fire
brigade purposes, and it is being put through the new Chorley shops in increasing quantities. It has to be remembered that the London Fire Brigade has a fleet of 50 of these machines, and the example to be shown at Cardiff will be one on order for that city.
A 27-seated "Dc Luxe" char-à-banes mounted on the latest "N type chassis, which has a 36-40 h.p. engine and wormdriven axle, will be of special interest to those concerned with the economical running of char-a-banes services. The machine is one of the finest examples which has yet been produced, and the bodywork is particularly noticeable for its comfort and first,classefinish. The machine will be of particular interest to visitors from South Wales, because it is for-delivery immediately after the Show to the Penrhiceiber Motor Co.
Representing the company's more ordinary commercial-vehicle output will be a 4-ton chassis mounted with a boxvan body. The chassis -will be of the new "K" type which supersedes the "0" type 4-tonner, but which is practically the same machine with a lower bonnet and radiator than that stipulated by the subsidy specification to which the " G " type was originally built. It is of interest to note that 4,000 of this type of chassis have been used by the Government. It is fitted with a 40-48 h.p. engine, has the standard Leyland doublereduction bevel and spur live axle drive, and is provided with Wood-Milne tyres.
The final exhibit is one of the latest pattern Leyland 5-6-ton steam wagons. It will be the second of the new models for delivery to the Lancashire County Council, and will be handed over to them 'after the Show. The new model embodies important improvements in detail design. It includes the new type watertube boiler instead of the fire-tube pattern hitherto employed, forged steel gears M place of the malleable iron ones previously used, and Timken roller bearings in lieu of the brasses that were employed throughout the engine and gearbox of the various models of steam wagon hitherto produced.
One of the rwell-known double-reduction spur and bevel back axles e%ill be shown with the cover removed, arid also one of the standard 4-ton gearboxes. The number hof this company's Stand is 237. It is in the Machinery in Motion Section, next to the Daimler stand.
--J. and H. McLaren, Ltd.
Establiehted in 1876, this company has always been noted for the excellence of its productions. Owing to the effects of restricted supplies of materials it is not certain whether their full exhibit will be ready in time for the Show, but they hope to give a representative display of their products on Stand No. 271, close to the Robey stand. Of most interest -to the users of mechanically-operated agricultural inetru.ments will be the improved 5-ton compound steam tractor which is similar iu design and construction to the one which was awarded the first prize at the R.A.S.E. Baldock Trials in 1910. It is mounted on springs at both ends and fitted with winding drum and rope, and is provided with three speeds for the road. There is also to be on view a 5 h.p. compound agricultural traction engine, fitted with two speeds, and provided. with steel gearing throughout, winding drum and rope.
Ae representative of steam ploughing, there Will be a 12 h.p. compound engine, one of a pair for working a double engine and cable system. This engine is provided with two speeds for both road and ploughing gears, and steel winding drumwith 450 yds. of specially-prepared steel ploughing rope. In connection with steam ,pleughing will be shown a McLaren Improved Six __ furrow Anti-balance Steam Plough fitted with a , regulator arrangement whereby the tipping operation and handling of the plough is facilitated, and one man should. be ableto manipulate the plough with carte when turning at the end of the furrow for the next run.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.
An interesting exhibit of two steam wagons, a steam tipping cart, and an agricultural tractor will be ehown on. Stand No. 226, which is next to the stand of Barford and Perkins; Ltd. These are all standard machines with compound engines mounted on locomotive-pattern boilers, which are fired at the side so that one man can handle them 'without assistance. The 3-ton and 5-ton wagons have four shafts, with the sliding gear on
e the' intermediate shaft so that overhang of the crankshaft tearing is avoided. A roller chain is provided to carry the drive from the third motion shaft te the main axle. The wagons are fitted with a third speed in order to prevent any racing of the engine to attain the higher speed allowed with rubber tyres. The steam tipping cart has a shorter body with a correspondingly shorter wheelbase, and is provided with spur gearing throughout.
The agricultural tractor is one of a type which is well known as being suitable for direct ploughing, for hauling cultivators or self-binders, and for hauling loads up to six tons on the road. It can be used for driving, threshing or for ban machinery, and is altogether a very useful machine for the farm.
Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.
This company's exhibits on Stand No. 269, opposite the nursery, will comprise two 7 h.p. single-cylinder steam traction engines, one 5-ton compound steam tractor, and a 10-ton single-cylinder steam road roller. One of the traction engines is mounted with the special Marshall system of springing ; the other is fitted with, the latest type of feedwater 'heater, which has been designed with a view to effecting considerable saving in fuel. The 5-ton compound steam tractor is of the class which has been widely adopted by various councils for the haulage of road material.
Marlin's Cultivator Co., Ltd.
This company's exhibit on Stand No. lfsO will consist of a Martin's three furrow motor plough and agricultural tractor, which is of the endless chain' track-tread type. It is a self contained machine easily operated by one man. It sets its own ridges, finishes off the field, and will, in fact, do practically all the
work that can be done by horse ploughing, but at a far greater speed. From live to six acres can be ploughed per day -with a fuel consumption of 2A to 3 gallons per acre, but this, of course, depends upon the nature and condition of the soil. The rear plc ugh is detachable so that it can be used asa two-furrow plough for working heavy clay land, and under these conditions it will do the work of three teams of horses.
The plough frame can be detached from the chassis and replaced by a vheeled Undercarriage, thus converting the motor plough into an agricultural tractor fcr working such implements as mowers. binders, etc. A. pulley for driving stationary machinery can be attached in a few moments. Steering is by means of a. hand wheel, worm and sector, and all controls are within easy reach of the driver.
Massey-Harris, Ltd.
The Massey-Hansis power lift tractor plough, shown on Stand No. 257, just past and on the left of the Temperance Café, will appeal to all who specialize in tractor ploughing and to all who are thinking of doing so. It has been built with a two or three-furrow gang to meet ' the increasing demand for a light tract bar instrument and one-Vian outfit, and . combines the experience of over half a
'century of plough manufacture. The driver operates the plough from the seat .of. the tractor, one pull of the rope rais'leg the plough's points first, another pall lowering thern immediately to the desired depth, it being unnecessary to stop Or
• slow up. •
The Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd
This company is having some difficulty in preparing its vehicles in time for the Show. They will certainly exhibit one of their well-known ' 4-ton chassis on Stand No. 247, opposite Fodens, Ltd., and it is hoped to be able to completea 4-ton vehicle with tipping body by the time the Show commences. 'The...Vendslay cha.ssis is well known for its reliability and strength, and one of the chief points which the designers have attended to in its construction is accessibility, a goad example being the overhead camshaft and valve system, which is too well known to need a detailed description.
Merryweather and Sons, Ltd. •
The Merryweather stand, which this year will he No. 347, has in previons shows been considered as the official fire station, fully equipped to deal with any ontbreak which might ' have occurred. We do not yet know what their exhibits will be at the forthcoming show, but presume that they will be similar to the exhibits shown by them at the Royal Show held in 1915; they then consisted' of a standard 250 gallon motor fire engine, with a 20 hp. engine and Hatfield pump, and a number of their usual hand pumps.
The company also manufaeture powerful 400-gallon set with a 42 hp. engine and a Hatfield reciprocating type pump ; this vehicle cal-lies 2,000 ft. of hose, a 30 ft, collapsable ladder, and a powerful swivelling searchlight, which is located behind the driver's *eat.
Morris, Russell and Co., Ltd.
This company's speciality, shown on Stand No. 41, almost, opposite to the Daimler stand, is the "Speedy " tractor plough, which is particularly applicable to the Forclson tractor. The 'Speedy" tractor plough has, as its name implies,
been specially designed for tractor work, and particularly for operation -by the man wd-so is driving the tractor, as he has full control of the plough from his seat, one rope bein,g attached to a lever by which the ploughs are raised from the ground, another rope releasing the ploughs which quickly take the full ploughing depth required.
They will also exhibit many Eros" components and adapters, of which the best known are the tractor unit for converting an ordinary Ford ear into a farm tractor, and a chassis adapter for converting a Ford to carry a useful load of one ton ; large numbers of the latter have been supplied to the Ministry of Munitions. The price of the tractor unit is £65, that of the "Kareton" adapter £92 10s.
North British Rubber Co., -Ltd.
This old-established company has exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Society's Show for many years past, and will be found at Cardiff on Stand No. 130, near to the implements Section. They are perhaps. the largest manufacturers of rubber goods in the British Empire, and make many lines of interest to farmers and agriculturists. The chief exhibit which is of interest to users of motor vehicles is the " Clincher " solid
rubber band tyre for traction engines, steam-wagons and petrol lorries.
The Oninitractor Syndicate, Ltd.
This concern will show a new tractor on Stand No. 213, almost opposite the Daimler. This machine has three direct reductions in the transmission, and is of 30 b.h.p. It is provided with a. safety • starting gear, and the pull for ploughing is taken.from the centre of the machine. The engine is capable of using either petrol or paraffin, and one of the features of the machine is the absence of all chains and mitre wheels. It is of simple construction, and practically all the material used is of stock size, thus enabling simple repairs to be performed by the local blacksmith.
Overtime Farm Tractor Co., Ltd.
Nearly 4,000 farmers in the British Isles have bought Overtime tractors, and the new 1919 model " N " two-speed Overtime will be shown on Stand No.. 246, which is in the row opposite to the stand of Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., but a little further down when 'walking from the inain.entrance. This tractor will plough fatir furrows on average land at the ordinary depth with great caae, and on easy land it is even possible to plough more than four owing to the light weight of the machine, and with its well. placed drawbar slipping is very rare. The tractor is specially designed to turn quickly in a very small apace, thug reducing the headlands. It can be used for cultivating, harvesting, etc., and it can draw two 8 ft. mowers, cutting at the rate of five acres per hour. Harvesting with two binders, the Overtime
would finish about 31 acres per hour. It is fitted with a 30 h.p two-cylinder engine which runs on paraffin and its gross weight is 5,000 lb.
The Palmer Tyre, Ltd.
The merits of the Palmer cord tyre are too well known to require amplifying hi these pageS. It has stood up to repeated and heavy trials with every success. On Stand No. 210 will be shown various sizes of these tyres for specific ptirposes. There will also be a pneumatic-tyre-making machine manufactured by the India Rubber, Cotta Percha and Telegraph Works Co., of Silvertown, Essex. This machine will be shown in operation.
Prices Co., Ltd.
• As on previous occasions, the exhibit by Prices Co., Ltd., will be found in the Machinery in Motion Section on Stand No. 180. It will consist a lubricants for all purposes, and, in particular, of oils and greases for the lubrication of agricultural tractors and agricultural machinery of all types, the requirements of which have had special consideration from this company. Readers who are interested in these lubricants, we recommend to apply
0-0 for the company's pamphlets on " Machinery in Agriculture" and "Notes on the Selection of Lubricants for Agricultural Requirements."
Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.
OR Stand No. 188, opposite Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., in the Machinery in Motion Section will be nhown one of this company's compound steam tractors mounted on springs and fitted with an awning over its whole length. There will also be a 6 h.p. compound traction engine, spring mounted.
A special feature of their exhibit will be two and three-furrow ploughs which have been specially designed to meet the demand for inn:dements for use with tractors, and many of which are at present working all over the Kingdom.
The company are the 'pioneers of the petrol motor lawn mower, and since these mowers were introduced the dema,nd has always been in excess of the supply. One of their 24-in, motor lawn mowers will he shown.
Robey and Co., Ltd.
The particular feature on Stand No. 273, near the McLaren stand, will be the Robey 5-ton steam tractor fitted with rubber tyres. This wagon has been entirely redesigned and is claimed to be the lightest overtype wagon on the market. Both front and rear axle weights are well within the limit allowed by the law, the front axle weight being 3 tons 7 cwt., and that of the hack axle 7 tons 12 cwt. The position of the driver is such that his view of the road, both at the front and sides, is unimpeded, and the wagon can be driven by one .man. The boiler is of the locomotive type, of somewhat unusual construction, no stays being used, Ordinary gas coke can be used as fuel.
One of the company's 54on compound tractors will also be exhibited. It is built on approved traction engine lines, and is a miniature of the company's three-shaft general-purpose 'traction engine.
Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.
On Stand No. 189, next to the Machi:i cry and Goods entrasice, will be found a most interesting series of exhibits extend. ing over a frontage of 200 ft., and showing the combined products of the now amalgamated Lincoln and Grantham companiea. At the Raaaton end of the stand will. he' the avell-knewn Lincoln produc-. titans comprising two steam traation-enginea—single and double-cYlinclir, and a 6-ton either-side tipping trailer, which is part of a repeat order of six for the Brighton Corporation.
The singke-cylinder traction engine. is one of the well-known 7 lap. "SIT." type, and is fitted with gearing to give speeds of two arid fatal. m.p.h. The gearing is made of best cast-steel from machinelcut patterns with involute teeth, ensuring durability and quietness in running. A forward winding drum and 50 yards of steel wire rope are provided.
The doable-cylinder machine is of a similar type, and is also of 7 hp., the 'chief-improvement being in. the saving of steam by the use of the compound cylin ders. The cylinders are placed side by side-with -the cranks Set-at right angles, thus eliminating the dead-centre position of a single crank and enabling a. start to
be made an steep inclines.
The either-aide tipping wagon. is of an. . entirely, new design, patented this year,
and includes many improvements. It i.quires only one man to operate the tip-r ping mechanism for the heaviest loads. The tipping gear is very strong and -under full control, and the material and workmanship are of the highest grade. A load can he completely discharged in 14 mine. After the body of the wagon has been completely tipped the trailer is drawn forward, and the whole of the contents are then discharged without requiring any shovelling out by band.
A notable feature in the construction of the trailer is that during the operation of tipping the bottoth of the trailer at the side to he depressedautomatically draws clearof the door, which remains in its normal position.
Saunderson Tractor and Implement Co., Ltd.
To those visitors at the Show who like to see " the wheels go round" the model " G," 23-25 b.h.p. Saunderson tractor will he sanest interesting as it is the intention of the company to have this tractor in action on Stand No: 265, next but one to Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., ciriying a full-sized threshing drum.
The Saunderson tractor has gained prizes in many competitions, and iii the result of practical experience in the design of agricultural motors which dates from 1896. It is interesting to note that the average pressure per sq. in. from the wheels of this tractor is approximately the same as the pressure from the wheels of an empty farm cart, and it -will give a pull on fair going approximately three times greater than the same weight in live horses, Le., about three times lighter than its equivalent power in horses.
The 'example to be shown will be mounted on four wheels, of which the rear ones are 4 ft. in diameter by 10 ins. wide. It. is fitted with winding drum and differential-gear lacking device. The front wheels a-re centre pivoted, thus giving the frame three-point suspension.
gintinel-Wagon Works, Ltd.
Two vehicles will be shown on Stand No. 250, next to H. G. Burford and Co., , Ltd., one being a 5-6-ton steamer with a fixed wagon body which, after the Show, will be supplied to S. A. Brain and Co., Ltd., The Old Brewery, Car cliff ; the other vehicle will be a 5-ton end-tipping wagon built for J. S. Fry and Sons, Ltd., of Bristol. Both vehicles are of the under-type. They are fitted with water-tube boilers which, can satisfactorily burn coke. Change-speed gears are not fitted, and the vehicles have been so designed as to be capable of conveying their useful loads without infringing the regulations laid down by the Heavy Motorcar Order with respect to axle weight.
Shell Marketing Co., Ltd.
No.show would be complete without its Shell stand, and in this case its number will be 195. The exhibit will consist of various types of Shell spirits, "Aviation," "Crown," and " Swan." As usual, they will show a case of marine shells, one of which has been taken as the trade mark of the company. There will also be a model of one of their tank steamers.
South Wales Commercial Motors.
The exhibits of this firm Will be shown on Stand No. 238, next to Leyland Motors (1914), Ltd. They will consist of a 2-ten and a 3-ton Comma. Car, both fitted with cab and platform bodies. There will also be a number of Macintosh tyres, and a special "United" induction pipe for farm tractors; the example exhibited will be cut away to show the sectional details.
Sterns, Ltd.
Sterns, Ltd., will be showing on Stand No. 166 arfull range of their tractor and agricultural machiLery oils. • As imusual, there will also has -gearbox running to demonstrate the advantage that is to be secured by the use of ' Ainbroleum, owing to the way in whieb it clings to the gear teeth. :" Clings to the .teeth," by the way, is now quite recognized as the slogan of this company.
Summerscales, Ltd.
It is not yet known tor. Certain what this company's exhibits will consist of, but their speciality is the new steam tractor which was brought out by them towards the end of 1918. This machine was subjected to tests of an extremely rigorous character, but came up to every expectation, and was able to pull a fourfurrow plough over uneultivated moorland. The tractor departs.soniewhat from orthodox steam-engine practice, and it has been so simplified that its weight is cut down to 65 cwts. It. is built on a channel-steel frame, and provided with an upright side-fired boiler. The eompany's stand will be No 216, opposite the Tasker stand.
.W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd.
This wall-known company are exhibiting on Stand No 230, next but one to the Crawley Agrimotor Co., Ltd. The chief exhibit will he the one-chain drive "Little Giant" steam tractor, which type is giving satitiaetien to many users. There will also be on the stand d. geardriven tractor with the Tasker patent
spring gear, a 2-tou steam wagon provided with rubber tyres, and a standard 5-ton trailer.
Tilling-Stevens, Ltd.
Two 1920 models will be shown on Stand No. 314, facing the • County Councils Association building, by this company. One will be a petrol-electric chassis fitted with open lorry body; the other will be a 4-ton chassis fitted with a flat platform body. The 2-tori chassis is fitted with a
pressed steel frame, and the engine is carried on a ub-frame, which itself is provided with three-point suspension; there is also a sub-frame which carries the gearbox. The engine is a 25-30 h.p., and it is posSible to detach the crankcase bottom half without removing it from the frame. The back axle is overhead. worm driven, and the differential gear is removable in one unit. The gearbox is
provided with four speeds forward and a reverse, direct drive being on top speed. The gearwheels are of airhardened gear steel, and the gear shafts can be removed without taking the gearbox out of the chaisis.
Wallis and Steevens, Ltd.
Only one engine will be exhibited by this company, and this will be found on Stand No. 267, in the avenue opposite tie nursery. It is a 7 h.p.. traction engine fitted -with the company's patent expansion gear:. Both the front and rear axles are mounted on„springs: It is previded with two speeds, a winding drum with 50 yards of steel wire rope, and a steam water lifter with suction hose. A large number of this type' Of engine has been intonlied to the Forage'Committee,
and it has done very good work, lending itself particularly to hay haling. It is economical in the consumption of coal and water, these being important points in country districts where coal is expensive and difficult to obtain and where water has sometimes to be obtained from a considerable distance. . • Some of these traction engines have realized enormous prices second-hand, thus proving the popularity_ -vhich this
type of engine fittect-with expansion gear has attained. •
In addition the company manufacture3 motor tractors, steam wagons and steam rollers, ranging from three tons up to the heaviest allowed
Walsh and Clark, Ltd. .
On Stand No. 179 this company will be showing for the first time a model of their oil ploughing engine fitted with a paraffin vaporizer, and provided with a winding drum. This engine is arranged to work in conjunction with a similar nue nu the able system, which has already been dc.Scribed in previous issues of 2" hr. . er.on mercial Motor.
Another exhibit will be the 9 h.p.
Victoria" paraffin-fuel ploughing engine. This is practically a replica of the original large steam ploughing engine as regards the mechanism apart from the power unit. The motor is a, two-cylinder, which is started from cold on petrol, this being pumped f min a small tank on each cylinder. Once started, paraffin is turned on and delivered by a pump from the fuel tanks, and on its way to the cylinder& passes through a vaporizer formed by a nest of tubes in the exhaust passage. A high-tension magneto is fitted, and this is provided with an impulse mechanism for obtaining a better spark at starting.
The engine is designed to give a con, tinuens poll on the 7pe of 3,500 lb., and will haul a -four,furrow plough on medium and light land anda three-furrow plough on heavy land. A pair of. engines can plough from seven to ten acres per day on average land.; on level roads .a weight of eight tons gross ean be hauled at a speed of five miles nerhoor. • The company will not be able to complete the oil traction engine which was entered, and it will also he remembered that they make a larger type of oil ploughing engine working with crude Tlris was awarded a silver medal at tha Royal Agricultural Society's ehow at Nottingham. •A special . anti
balanced "four-furrow plough suitable for working with the new ploughing engine is also manufactured and will be exhibited.
W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd.
This old-established and well-knoWn company ha.: long supplied the trade with great quantities of engineers' sundries, " and on Stand No. 138, almost opposite the INIartin's Cultivator Co., Ltd., will be shown a representative display which
will appeal to all those requiring such thinga aS accessories for igricultural plemeats and various types of mechanical vehicles. •
One of the oompany's specialities is the " Periberthy " patent automatic and restarting injector for traction engines, road rollers, etc. ; another is -the Willcox'
semi-rotary double and quadruple selfacting pump for watercaits, etc. They also deal in lubricating oils of all descriptions.