Hauliers from East Anglia have organised a meeting at the
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House of Commons to explain to MPs the impact of recent fuel price rises.
The buffet reception on 15 ,it4 is being organised by 10 hauliers who are confident that they can improve the Government's understanding of the problems they face.
Ralph Morton, director of Felixstowe-based Morton Transport, is one of them. "We have had several meetings at Westminster and MPs know nothing about our industry," he says. "We are making an effort to make them aware of what's happening." Up to 70 MPs are expected to meet hauliers from all over the country to discuss key problems affecting the industry.
Jim Sheridan, director of DMA Warehousing and Transport in Ipswich, says the organisers are keen to reach as many MPs as possible. "This is the first time we have got East Anglian hauliers together to tell MPs from local areas what problems we have," he adds. "We are doing this independently of the Road Haulage Association because we want it to be non-political, but we have the RHA's full support."
Renault, Mercedes and Scania have each given £1,000 to support the event.
The reception will include briefings on the industry's problems followed by an opportunity for one-to-one discussions between hauliers and their local MPs.