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Of Course, You Never Do IRONICAL "Hints to Pas1 sengers

17th March 1939, Page 51
17th March 1939
Page 51
Page 51, 17th March 1939 — Of Course, You Never Do IRONICAL "Hints to Pas1 sengers
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" form one of the contributions appearing in the current issue of " Busman's News," an independent magazine published by a group of employees of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd. Here are one or two of them:— • " Do not make any sign, or even look at the driver, when wanting a bus. All busmen are thought-readers, and the driver is sure to know you want to board the bus."

• " All fares ready, please ! ' is not to be taken seriously; some of our conductors are training to be B.B.C. announcers. Wait until a con. ductor is standing beside you, then find the largest coin, or preferably a if note, as all conductors have plenty of change."

• " It is a good idea to claim the seat nearest the door. In any case, put your feet across the gangway so that everyone getting in or out will fall over them."

• "Keep your stopping place a secret. Warn the conductor only when you are a few feet from your front door. It will give the driver an opportunity to try the brakes. It will also awaken sleeping passengers."

• "Above all things, try to get off the bus before it stops, or slip down the steps—it is easy if you do not hold the rail. The company keeps a large staff working just on accident claims."