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Special-duty Vehicle for Confectionery An Interchangeable Container System Which Helps

17th March 1939, Page 54
17th March 1939
Page 54
Page 54, 17th March 1939 — Special-duty Vehicle for Confectionery An Interchangeable Container System Which Helps
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to Speed Up Loading Operations AN unusual method of carrying goods—in this case for distribution to retail shops—is adopted in connection with the use of an A.E.C. Mammoth Major six-wheeler, which has recently been supplied, through Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., to the Confectionery Buying Trust, Ltd., of Elton, Bury. Although not readily apparent from the


accompanying illustration, this Mammoth Major, like another similar vehicle and a Mammoth Minor also operated by this undertaking, carries two containers, each 11 ft. long by 7 ft. wide.

The containers are of a standard type. Each of them is provided with three rows of shelves and has a rear

roller door, that at the front having a supplementary near-side door of similar pattern ; the weight of each container is approximately I ton. They carry between them 10-12 tons of goods. Both were constructed by Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., which also built the platform body and cab of the Mammoth Major.

The Confectionery Buying Trust, Ltd„ has a number of containers which are interchangeable, in pairs, between it various vehicles and which can be used singly on units of a smaller type. One of the great advantages of using these containers is the speed with which loading can be accomplished. At the central warehouse electric lifts deposit them, already filled, upon trolleys which run on their own tracks to the loading bays. It is then only a matter of minutes to drop biem upon the waiting vehicles.

The actual change-over of empty to full containers has, in fact, been accomplished within 11 miss., during which time the vehicle concerned was being rehielled for its next journey.

A big business is being built up by the Confectionery Buying Trust, Ltd., which purchases confectionery, biscuits, sweets, etc,, for distribution to small retailers.