? arabia
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We’v revelle i th rem i niscence o drivin t th Middl Eas bac i th day bu wha ar th chance o succeedin now C find ou
TT h 60 a n 70 wer semina tim fo overlan freigh transpor t th Middl East an th excitin tale fro thos day ar stil bein recounte now Youn driver wit tast fo adventur an n qualm abou disappearin int mysteriou land outsid Europe’ border coul mak goo mone an memorie tha . woul las lifetime Man o thos tha wer par o thes trip 3 o 4 year ag sa i i impossibl t repea th wor the did th rate fo U operator ar no terrible youn peopl n longe hav th stamin an som countrie hav effectivel becom no-g areas Essentiall th worl ha . change i anythin i i muc mor dangerou place “HG driver wil neve agai d wha w did, claim ex-Tran U Continenta drive Mik Coombes “The woul neve ge ou o Europe neve min gettin ou fro there Th majorit o youngster toda woul b throwin wobbl an pullin thei hai out G bac 3 year an sittin o th Turkis o Irania ” borde fo fiv o si day wa no ou o th ordinary. Bu i thi accurate o eve fair I yo wer deter mine enoug an wante crac a transpor t countrie lik Ira o Qatar i i stil possible y Drivin beyon Turke Pete Cullum hea o internationa affair a th Roa Haulag Associatio (RHA) say i i i theory “Certainly drivin t Turke i no s muc o problem I i growin econom an there’ quit lo o trade Th road ar quit good th infrastructur i there bu ” gettin int Turke ca b tedious. Cullu say th RH ha ver fe member askin abou transpor beyon Turkey althoug h adds “ hav ha querie fro peopl wantin t ge int Iraq particularl th north-wes an Kurdistan Th countr i startin t ope u an i i becomin busy there’ deman fo goods Th difficult i retur loads Mayb yo . coul ge a fa a Romani an shi i a groupage “Syri an Saud Arabi ar no s attractive, h adds ” “Havin sai that peopl d g there albei infrequently. Th announcemen tha Qata wil hos th 202 footbal Worl Cu migh mea deman wil increas fo th impor o consume goods bu Cullu say thi won’ b th mai drivin force “ lo wil g b shi becaus the hav s muc time wouldn’ se th Worl Cu itsel makin difference bu mor funda menta dynamic migh mak i attractiv t g t th ” Middl East. Cullum’ opposit numbe a th Freigh Transpor Associatio (FTA) Do Armour agree tha transpor i . possibl i theory bu yo nee specialis help “Yo nee t ge TI Carnets whic i fin a lon a you compan i o goo repute you’v no upse Custom i th past an yo hav th mone t pu u guarantee .“W hav on o tw member tha g ou t Ira an Belaru an beyon th EU bu there’ no many I doe star t ge littl complicated Th documentatio yo nee reall require specialis i th Middl Eas are tha know wha the ar doing.
”Specialist includ th Ara Britis Chambe o Commerce a organisatio tha ca hel yo secur you expor documentatio an visa amon othe things However Armou adds “It’ questio o whethe th tim fo th administratio an bein o th phon befor yo ge ou ther i wort it “Internationa member hav tol m yo use t ge £4,00 fo wago o stuf goin dow t th Middl East thes day yo ar luck i yo ar goin t ge £2,000 Nowadays th rate don’ suppor i a yo hav s man peopl fro Easter Europ runnin dow tha way It’ probabl do-able bu i i wort it? ” Fo long-standin internationa transpor busines Astran th answe mus b ‘yes M Kevi Letha say i prett muc monopolise direct overlan freigh trip t th Middl Eas today mainl becaus i di th har wor o . establishin itsel almos fou decade ago “Ship ar gettin quicker bu th servic isn’ a good I someone’ runnin lat wit project yo ca ge i ou t shippers bu i take tim an i the don’ wan t pa fo ” air the roa i th onl othe option. Perhap the th answe fo anyon wantin t d i i wor fo Astran Letha say i onl use subcontractor today bu h woul prefe i i the di thei homewor first “Yo nee experienc an yo nee visas Saud Arabi isn’ easy yo nee t hav compan ther tha wil sponso you issu th vis an ge i stampe an authorise b th chambe o commerc befor sendin i t you .“The the nee t appl fo TI carnets whic mos peopl ca do bu yo nee t deposi a amoun wit Customs Yo als nee agent o th borde tha ca hel yo too.
” basi knowledg o th politic o regio i essential Letha say yo nee a leas tw passports becaus a Israel o eve Jordania stam i on wil guarante yo bein prohibite fro travellin t Syria An the ther ar th recen protest agains govern -men dictatorship i th regio t conten wit a well .“ jus di quot fo wor int Bahrai thi morning, h says “Yo jus hav t pu o th quot ‘dependin o conditions Th governmen i sayin don’ go althoug i i O fo transi a th moment.
”Internationa terroris ha stampe it footprin acros th glob sinc th heyday o th 1970 too Thi doesn’ automaticall preven yo fro carryin good thousand o miles bu i certainl ha remove som o th fu tha wa onc ther t b had .“I th past driver wer welcome al th wa dow th route, say Cullum “The wer intriguing the wer visitors No bureaucrac i i th wa an there’ to muc worryin abou internationa crime Perhap yo ar no viewe wit suspicion bu visitor ten t b viewe wit caution.