Re-employment of Discharged Motor .Men.
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Synopsis of Procedure of the Central Committee for the Employment of Discharged Soldiers and Sailors Connected with the Motor Industry.
By The Editor.
The inauguration of a, programme for the purpose of helping discharged men of the M.T. A.S.C., was undertaken by the Commercial Motor Users Association., working in conjunction with one of its vicechairmen (Major-General S. S. Long, C.B.), nearly two years ago. The Association's forms were approved by the military authorities, and were taken up by the A.S.C. headquarters staff for distribution to all discharge centres. Other individual efforts with a common object also came into being,, with the natural result that, under the auspices of the Royal Automobile Club, steps were taken to co-ordinate the whole. We do not attempt to deal with all the intermediate stages. Our object is toeput on-record facts about the present organization.
For Men in the M.T., A.S.C. or any Other Branch of the Army, as well as the Navy, if once in the Motor Industry.
There is now in existence,. with its central office at 83, Pall Mall, S.W. (Telephone: Regent 4974), a representative central committee, as isindicated th the sub-heading to this page. The object of this cornmietee is to find employment for men engaged on war
service, in any branch of the Services, who were connected with the motor industry before or during the war, whether as owner or otherwise.
Extent of Co-operation,
The organizations which have delegates on this central, committee are the following : Agents' Section, Ltd. ; Associated British Motor Manufacturers, Ltd. Auto-Cycle Union ; Automobile Association and Motor Union ; British Motor Boat Club ; Commercial Motor Users Association (Ineorp.)' Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union, Ltd. ;Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund ; Imperial Motor Transport Council ; Irish Automobile Club :'Motor Trade Aseeciation' National Society of Chauffeurs ; National Traction "Engine Owners and Users Association (Incorp.); Royal Aero Club ; Royal Automobile Club ; Royal Motor Yacht Club Scottish Automobile Club ; Society a Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd.
The above list is given in order to show the coinPrehensivecharacter of the organization, and of the support which is accorded to it. The President of the Committee is the Hon. Arthur Stanley, C.B.,, C.V.O., M.P. ; the Vice-president Mr. W. JoyrisonHicks, M.P.: the Chairman of the Executive Committee Mr. Alfred Armitage, J.P. ; the Hon. Secretary Mr. H. Moroney.
Testing the Scheme in Advance of Demobilization.
It is the writer's privilege to be a member of the Executive Committee, as a nominee of the Commercial Motor Users Association. He is, therefore, able__ to testify 'at first hand to the 'soundness with which the scheme has been laid. Its working has as yet disclosed inability to meet anything like the applications for services. The military authorities are, of course, now keeping "on the. strength" all men who are not totally unfit for any Class of work. When a man is dischar,ged, however fit he may look—in the absence of mutilation by wounds—he. often requires a long period of rest. The. consequences of shell shock and other instances of nerve strain do not always show themselves, any more than are they always appreciated by the men who are suffering from them.
The scheme has been thoroughly tested, notwithstanding the proved initial 'discrepancies between available men and demands for their services. to the end that, when necessity arises, as in the event of general demobilization, everything may proceed smoothly,. Classification in the card-index boxes is effected in three sections : (1) alphabetically, under the names of the men ; (2) geographically, according to the position of the towns in which the menreside ; (3) nutherically, to facilitate quick reference and cross reference.
Headquarters to be a Clearing House.
The intended plan of procedure is n detail, that the Central Committee shall to a certain extent act ae a clearing house for all applicants. After the completion of. the record of particulars, the central office will pass the man out as a case for settlement by the particular society which is most competent to deal with him. If any one society cannot place the man with one of its members, or find: employment for him by means of any of its connections, the case will be again handled by the headquarters of the Committee for re-issue in another direction. The filing
system is such that-no man will be regarded as finally "Cleared " until he is in fact definitely absorbed into the civil activities of the country.
Applications from Intending Employers.
Applications for men who may hereafter came within the purview of the Committee are now being received in considerable numbers from intending employers: Such applications may passthrough any one of the societies, of which w,e have given the names, or may be addressed direct to Mr. IVIoroney, at 82, Pill Mall, S.W. It might also be mentioned, incidentally, that the Central Committee, apart from the '18 societies in the list, is keeping in touch with other organizations, such as the Y.M.C.A. the Church Army, and the Salvation Army, in order to avoid overlapping between the work of any two. It is similarly in correspondence with motor societies,in the Overseas Dominions of the-Empire; because it is felt that not a few of the discharged men will in due course desire to emigrate.
This Form May Be Used.
We reproduce herewith a form of application for -use by any intending employer. This form may be used, although the lion.Secretary of the Committee will no doubt prefer to issue a full-size form to any applicant.
We also desire to draw attention to our reproduction, of a foolscap-size announcement concerning the aytiVities of the Committee, copies of -which, for display purposes, will be issued by Mr. Moroney on receipt of a written application. The facts of the situation are nearly and well summarized.
1. Full name 2. Address 3. Nature of employment . (Please give precise particulars).
4. Any special qualifications 5. Wages offered 6. Any perquisites or payments in kind (e.g., board and lodging, cottage, livery, etc.) 7. Married or single men preferred '
• 8. Whether situation permanent
9. When required 10. If interview desired, state best time and date 11. Will you pay railway fare (if any) for interview 12. RemarkS • Date Signature No feet are charged to employers or employees, but as the Committee is dependent upon voluntary subscriptions to cover administrative expenses, it is suggested that each individual or firm who receives a man through the Committee should give a donation of 2s. 6d. towards the expenses.
All communications to he addressed—
The Secretary, 83, Pall Mall,
The Central Committee, London, S.W (Rooms 62 and 63), 83, Pall Mall, S.W.