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News cant ribution.s Off incited : payment «irl be made an publication.
Air , S. Criteltley is to lecture at the ILA .0. on 7th December, on Development of the Taxicab."
iLL connection with the New York strike of carmen, a large number of taxicab drivers in that city recently eeased work in sympathy.
Efforts are shortly to be made to bring drivers of horse-cabs and taxicabs within the range of operations of the Workmen's Compensation Act.
A relief fund for the purpose of assisting those old horse-cabmen, whose means of livelihood have disappeared with the advent of the taxicab, has been inaugurated in Bath by Major Charles Simpson.
Recent Registrations.
Sunderland Motor Cab Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1,000, to carry on the business of motorbus and motorcab proprietors, etc. First directors, C. Charlton and E. A. Crow.
Brighton Automobile Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £250 in Is. shares, and with its offices at 16-18, Brewer Street, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W., to take over the business of a proprietor of motorcabs carried on at Brighton by the Prudential Garage. First directors, T. Overton, P. C. Middleton, and J. H. Hills.
Bath's Regulations Settled.
In the matter of the ratification of the new motorcab regulations, about which pourparlers have been taking place for such a long time between the City Council and the Local Government Board, a decision at last seems to have been reached, although the Bath licensing authorities appear to be far from satisfied with the ultimate result. The matters in dispute, as we have reported on previous occasions, consist principally of the right of owners to exact extra payment for additional passengers beyond two, and of the right of the drivers to cornmenee charging for a hiring from the moment when a vehicle leaves its stand. No extra fares are now to be chargeable for additional passengers. but the Local Government Board has given its decision that the payment of fares should commence from the time of the legal hiring. The Chairman of the Licensing Committee states that there is considerable confusion as to when the commencement of a legal hiring actually takes places. It is evident that the "extras " question is an acute one in Bath.
Brussels Dividend.
The directors of the Brussels Motor Cab Co., Ltd., have declared a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the preferred ordinary sbare.s for the period ended 31st May.
A Long-distance Funeral.
The funeral procession of a Liverpool lady artist, who died while residing with relatives in Stoke, was arranged, by her special request, to consist of motor vehicles only. The eoffin was carried in a motor-hearse, and the mourners followed in a procession of taxicabs. The burial took place in Dovedale, 30 miles from Stoke.
Like the Waiter.
A Dioerpool taxicab driver writes.; to a local paper complaining that, since he and his fellow drivers entirely depeed for their livelihood on the ‘4 generosity of their patrons," they are quite unable to pay the various fines which are from time to time inflicted upon them by the magistrates for breaches of regulations, etc. Can't they even purloin the " extras ": Only Owners as Licencees.
The Mutual Taxicab Supply Co., Ltd., has an application before the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis for taxicab licences. In the course of an application to the Lord Chief Justice, it was mentioned that the real owner of the calm was another company. It would appear that the Commissioner takes the view that he will only grant licences to the actual owners, and therefore that the Mutual
Taxicab Supply Co. cannot be the actual licensee. A rule has been granted for a mandamus to be directed to the Commissioner of Police to show cause why he should not grant a. licence to the secretary of the Mutual Co.
For Festive Occasions.
We hear that the Derby Motoreah Co., which has recently been established in new premises in Midland Road, is getting to work with a will. Considerable care has been taken in the choice of suitable men as drivers, as the company expects to undertake a very considerable amount of work in connection with balls, weddings, and similar junketings.
Weston's Licences.
We have, on previous occasions, referred to the conditions under which taxicabs are operated in Westonsuper-Mare. In order to give the local horsecab drivers an opportunity to acquire motor vehicles, the local council stolidly refused to grant licences for a period. Following on that decision, the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co. has satisfactorily maintained a fleet of cabs, which it lets out on private hire from its depot. The council is now inclined to meet this company in the matter of licences, and the proprietors have intimated that they would be willing to apply for 12 licences for motorcabs at the present time, and for a further 12 for cabs and a few for chars.àebancs at the eornmencement of the next season, in order that their business might be conducted on more-conventional lines.