Motorbus World.
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A char-d-bancs with an alternative Lorry body is doing good service for the Cleveland Car Co., Ltd., in Darlington.
On the oceasiou of the re-election of the Mayor of the Borough of Todmorden, in the course of his speech to the council, he drew a hopeful picture of the rapid improvement that be considered would be likely to take place in the Council's motorbus department in the near future.
The Malvern District Conneil is considering the possibility of establishing ae effective vehicular service between Malvern Link and Malvern Wells. Al present no decision has been reached. but it is understood that the relative claims of electric traction and motorbus service are under the consideration of a specially-appointed eenunittee.
A Chance for Motorbuses.
Halifax Corporation is asking the Eland Council, amongst other authorities, for an annual subsidy of £300 per route-mile for an extension of its tramway system into the latter's territory. The Eland authorities are not convinced that the suggested tramway would be an unmixed blessing ; they are particularly mindful of the manner in which other traffic would be driven to the sides of the roads. Considerable local interest, is shown in a proposal that the council should run its own motorbus service. Messrs. Andrew Barton Bros.. of Beeston, Notts., chars-i"L-banes proprietors, from wham we received a letter that was published in our issue for 27th October Last, are considering a proposal to run their machines between Llandaff and Dina, The Shrapnel Splashguards on the fleet of the Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Ce., Ltd., won high eneomiums from passers-by and waiting passengers, on Sunday last, when the streets of T,ondim were very 'middy.
Clarkson Results.
Soine particulars are to hand dthe runninir of the National Steam Car (10., Ld..s, motorhicses in London (luring the 12 months just completed. The service was ei-ninmenceil with four cars; 17 are now licensed and 13 more are on the stoeks. The total miles run were 288,841. and the total receipts were .£11,015. This yielded a return el 9.17).1. le.r
To Wait Two Years.
A Constantinople correspondent, in the course of a long letter with regard to the local service of motorbuses. blames the poor state of the road suitfaces ter much of the trouble that is experienced in running the machines. It is rumoured locally that the u hole of the highways in the Turkish capital are to he remade on modern principles within the next two years.
Several of the London tube eonipanies have again had to reduce their fares in view of the increasing popularity of eompetitive motorbus sere ices.
A Registration.
United International Motors, Ltd , with an authorized capital of .C.5,001) in £10 shares, and with its office at 114, Wardour Street, W., to carry on the Infsiness as dealers in aut.:meddler,. meter emnibuses, etc.
Motorbuses in Cape Town,
The Cape Town Tramway authorities are wishful to inaugurate motorbus and chars-it-bane serviees ill those parts of the district where there aro no tramways. As the municipal regulations at present prohibit the use of such machines. the Corporation is to he asked to sanction types, ot which comply with English munieipal regulations.
A Misinformed President.
Has Mr. Leslie R. V igers, the President of the Surveyors' Institution, ever heard of the petrol tax If not, it is time he did. We observe he gave an address, on Monday night. last, in which he deplored the taxatern of tube railways, but proprietore. of London motorbuses pay apprexiin ately t.50 .000 per a ri nil in to th,1 Road Beard.
Keep the Tramcar Out.
The Watch Comtnithee of the Hove
Town Council. ini the occasion of the recent. municipal eleetioes, emphasized its determination to continue to Op pos.., any effort• to introduce tramint) the town. The hope was expressed that the Old Steine and Weakling motorbuses would be kept in service. during the winter, even if they were run at a slight kw to the owners.
Only for the City of London.
The Home Secretary has informed the Westminster City Council that he does not, as at present advised, feel prepared to introduee legislation te enable the Commissioner of Police, on the application of any Borough Council, to make regulations in regard La the control of traffic in any particue lar street or streets in that borough, such regulations to be approved by the Secretary of State. Westminster Borough Council urged upon the Home Office the advisability of these suggested regulations, in view of 44implaints that had been received as t.,1 motorbuses, and in view of the l4otutrs conferred upon the Corporation of the City of London in its Street Traffic Act, 1909.