Th e T45 saga
Page 41

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W S pleased to read John T. lai es' letter about Leyland ehi les, October 26, 1979.
! it is nice to see that some eo le like myself know who lakes the best. I hope that the 45 will be as successful as the tlarathon or even better. Owing the pictures of it that I have een in Commercial Motor it )oks superb and I can't wait to ee one on the road.
I Was disappointed to read in :orrimercial Motor about three vee s ago that London Transi!ort and others are having to iuy other makes of bus because .ey1 nd can't supply the Titan.
I is disappointing to see that lappening to such a good bus. I lope that future vehicles from _eyeand put them back in the lumber one position where they )elong.
Vi. McFARLAND, '.is urn, Co Antrim -lO1 RIGHT the Bristol haulier' va ;CM, October 19). His ,ievIs must reflect those of 99 )er cent of all firms and drivers 'vhd have the misfortune to own )r run Leyland vehicles, Has inyane ever heard of a satisfied _ey and customer?
Their after-sales service is iirtually non-existent as is their ;upply of spare parts.
The only thing it seems Leyand have in their favour is the super salesmen they employ to iel their new defective -na hines, cars included.
he only reason I can think of for vehicles, including cars, bei g turned out in this conditio is they are simply thrown together by uninterested workers, who, with any amount of uck, will soon find themselves out of a job. Then we, as taxpayers, will not have to subsidise them to the tune of millions of pounds per year. Having only read about the 145 and seen photographs in CM, I cannot comment on its performance. But, judging by Leyland's past track record, it seems certain to be as big a disaster as the rest of their products.
THOMAS LUCAS, Shepherds Hill, Highgate, London