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Lobby MPs to raise 40mph limit

17th November 2005
Page 23
Page 23, 17th November 2005 — Lobby MPs to raise 40mph limit
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

JAM in total agreement with Trevor Leech's comments (CM3 Noyember).This industry must be the only one in Britain that turns a blind eye to its employees breaking the law many times on a daily basis.

This is also why the man in the street is oblivious to the single-carriageway speed limit of 40mph for FIG Vs — a nationwide 40mph advertising day would put him in the picture, and in touch with reality.

The Safety Camera Partnership in Northumberland does not prosecute HGVs under 47mph because they use the `10%+2' rule (40+10 %=44+2=46mph) as disclosed to the RHA.

I wonder if this practice is nationwide, If so, we should all lobby our MP to increase the limit to 45mph. A mere 5mph would not be too alarming for the faint hearted, but under the 10%+2 rule it would allow for 51.5mph,which sure would appeal to many.

Keith J Ward Wards of Whitsnme Berwickshire