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17th November 2005
Page 61
Page 61, 17th November 2005 — THE VERDICT
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Ma ny of the safety systems proved highly effective. The emergency braking system, for example, gives a warning light followed by a buzzer, then the brakes are activated—first at 30%, but if there's no reaction from the driver the full braking effort is brought to bear. The strategy has been well thought through and the execution is good.

But while we welcome any innovations that will improve road safety, there are those in the industry who

have voiced concerns regarding the use. of these safety devices, arguing that they absolve the driver from responsibility. Doubters say it would be better to spend the money on effective driver training. Rather like ABS and ESP stability control, the emergency

braking system is a backup device for use in emergency, not a speed limiter. In the same way, having a burglar alarm isn't an excuse for leaving your front door wide open.

The next step is for the truck makers to fit these options as standard build. Only when advanced safety systems become a part of the basic truck specification will we be able to judge their benefits.