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An Event which Should Receive Greater Support from Users in the Lancashire Centre. A Section for Passenger-carrying Vehicles Forms a New Feature.
OCTOBER, apparently, is a favoured month for Lancashire motor parades. The Liverpool Committee, it is true, chose September 30th for its parade, but that was only in virtue of its prerogative of being the first C.M.U.A. cOmmittee in Lancashire, if not in the provinces, to inaugurate such an interesting event. However, if Liverpool was first this year, •Ma.nchester was an easysecond, for the Manchester parade took place on October 7th. Preston will oscupy
the third place, for on the 28th of this month the local committee will make its first, and by no means immodest, debut. The Manchester parade does not offer the same versatility that the Liverpool event does. Its interest. is mainly textile, and to view the long line of powerful eteamers and tractorsSentinele, Fodens, Garretts, and others—simply impressed one with the important link which the road vehicle provides between the numerous branches and sub-divisions of the cotton industry, not only by the haulage contractor, but by the concerns engaged in the various branches of this huge industry. J. T. Lawton, Ltd., and A. Cork and Sons, with Fodene and Oar. rafts, respectively, were able representatives of the former class, and the Bleachers' Association with about a dozen Fodens of the latter.
'.17he grouping of the vehicles was rather rigid, and the vehicles belonging to haulage contractors and to other dis tinct concerns were not, as at Liverpool, judged separately, but together, as competitors, Actually, some 83 vehicles were entered for the several competitions, but so far as the.actual number of companies represented was cencerned, these, unfortunately, were rather limited. When it is stated that three concerns alone ordered about 30 steamers between them, it will be appreciated that an important city, with the mechanical road transport resources that Manchester has, hardly did justice to itself on the occasion of its second annual parade of commercial motor vehicles.
The dominant interest in the parade was undoubtedly in the steam vehicle classes, and for over 50 per cent, of the total entries to be of this category, shows an affinity of interest with the Liverpool parade, which revealed the same distinguishing feature. Fatten five-formers assembled in their strength, the oldest of them being a 1904 vehicle—the first steam wagon to engage in textile transport in Lancashire—belonging to 3. T. Lawton, Ltd. Five companies competed for the team prizes, three vehicles constituting a team. The total number of units entered was 21, Messrs. A. Cork and Sons and the Bleachers' Association; Ltd., entering six vehicles each—all steamers.
One of the most interesting sections was for steam tractors, and, although only three machines—two Fowlers belonging to Norman E. Box, Ltd., and a 1915 Garrett operated by the Bleachers' Association, Ltd..--entered, they attracted much attention. One of theme 1914 Fowler with a haulage capacity of 50 tons—was a veritable Goliath beside the 10-ton tractor—a little brother sharing the same garage, and it was only fitting, therefore, apart from the excellence of the respective machines, that the former shouki get a first prize. This machine was shod with twin pads of • rubber (in sections about 18 ins, by 6 ins. by 3 ins.) and not with the ordinary endless bands of solid rubber, as the other tractors were. These machines might be described' as giving a good "finishing touch" to the parade, for, commencing with a light. Austin 15-cwt. van and ending with tractors, the whole range of road transport types was covered.
The heavy vehicle petrol class (three tons and over) attracted only fen entries —seven ThornycroffS, a hfaudslay, a Peerless, and a Karrier—representing three owners. The Thornycroft vehicles ranked for the first and second,places in the judges' awards. The light petrol machines on parade were eight in number, made up of vehicles of Leyland, Albion, Austin, Daimler Belsize, and other makes.
For the fleet competition vehicles of both the heavy and light classes participated—six Leylands, six Thornycrofts, three Dennis three Karriers, and Albion, Darra,cq, and Austin, the last three vehicles together being adjudged "firstclass."
The section for passenger-carrying vehicles was a new feature and one which has not yet found a place in the programmes of other C..M.U.A. parades. 1Unfortunately, however, competitioa was restricted to only four machines— three Leylands and a Dennis. . The fact that there has been such a diminution in the, entsies szrapared with last year must be attributed to the acute trade depression.
The judges for the parade were :— Capt. Parkes, Messrs. Ryan (Clayton Wagons, Ltd.),, Whalley, C. le M. Gosselin, Howard (Co-operative Wholesalo Society), Matthews (Go-operative Wholesale Society), N. Mather (Bleachers' Association, Ltd.), J. T. Lawton; L. Swain, Duncan, H. F. Chattell ;and ; W. G. Lewis. The task of marshalling was undertaken by Messrs. E. F. Topper, F. Bentley. D. Morgan (chief marshal), Drapkin, F. Morgan, A. 3. Green,
Richardson (Bleachers' • Association, Ltd.), Wilson (Lancashire United Tramways, Ltd.), and Matthews (L.U.T.). Challenge cups were awarded to the
winning teams in the petrol and steaji classes, and Swain challenge cups, petrol and steam, were given to the best
vehicles on parade. In awarding the prizes the judges psid"due regard. to the age of the vehicles and the' class of work upon which they are engaged. The following is the prize list :- Swain Challenge Cup, for best _petrol vehicle on parade.—Simpsoza and Goallee (Austin). Best Steam Vehicle on Parade.—Cork and Sons (Garrett). Steam Vehicles (any typ4).—(1) A. Cork an) Sons (1913 Garrett), (2) Bleacners' Association, Ltd. (1916 Paden), 13, Bleachers' Association, Ltd. (1914 Foden). aJTea,ma =of Three Steam Vehicles.—(1) A. Cork and Sons (three five-ton Garretts, two 1913 and one 1915), (2) A. Cork and Sons (three six-ton Garretts, one 1917, one 1919, and one 1920), (3) Bleachers' Association, Ltd. (one 1914 and two 1916 Fodens).
Steam Tractors.—(1) Norman E: Box, Ltd. (1918 Fowler), (9,4) Bleachers' Association, Ltd. (1915 'Garrett), (3) Norman. E. Box, Ltd. (1914 Fowler).
Heavy Petrol Vehicles.—(1) Wilsons Brewery, Ltd. (1917 Thornycroft), (2) Wilsons Brewery, Ltd. (1918 Thorny. croft), (3) British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (1920 Karrier). Light Petrol Vohicles.—(1) Simpson and Godlee, Ltd. (15-cwt. Austin, 1907), (2) Shell-Mex, Ltd. (2i-ton Mercedes, 1912), (3) Simpson and Goallee, Ltd. (20cwt. Darraeq, 1917).
Teams of -Petrol-driven Vehicles.—(1) Simpson and Godke, Ltd. (15-cwt. Austin), 20-cwt. Darracq and 30-cwt. Albion), (2) Shell-Mex, Ltd. (three Leylands), (5) Wilsons BreWery, Ltd. (three Thornycrofts).
Passenger-carrying Vehicles.—(1) Lancashire United Tramways, Ltd. (Dennis), (2) William Lees, Ltd. (Leyland). The awarding of the prize for the longest licensed vehicle was delayed, owing to conflicting records.