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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diflieultie3 of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—john Beattie Crosier.
I.A.E. Presidential Address.
On Wednesdaylast, at the R.A.C., Mr. G. W. Watson transferred his office as president of the Institution of Automobile Engineers to Lieut.-Col. D. J. Smith, of gas-producer fame, who gave as his presidential address :—" The fS.eed for a Wider Outlook in Automobile Eeginearing." Lieut. Col. Smith touched upon many matters concerning commercial vehicle interests. He deplored the importance set upon capturing records at Brooklands, which he thought resuited in the popularity of the" Ford, and the circumstance that the whole -of the light delivery vans in use throughout the Empire are foreign: built, the few exceptions only proving the rule. The subsidy scheme, he thought, was the naans of inflicting a great injury upon the British commercial vehicle industry. lie deplored the incubus of the unsold foreign vehicles bought by the Government during the war and now dumped in this country.
He predicted that the chief developments in Great Britain in future would be in the direction of passenger-carrying vehicles, particularly smaller and lighter types eterrying 14 or 16 Passengers rnd luggage, and suggested that the safety of the public demanded that all publicservice vehicles should ,be inspected at regular intervals not. by Government servants, but by •experienced automobile engineers. He also thought that no insurance shreild be effected without previous inspect:on. Lieut. CO. t.Anith dealt at considerable length witia bad 'roads in this country, but did not touch upon the need for automobile engineers to study the whole question of suspension. A vote of thanks was moved by Mr. H. G. Burford.
A Barred Bridge.
Sunderland Watch Committee has been considering the question of heavy traffic on the Wearmouth Bridge, and it has been decided to introduce certain restrictions in regard to locomotives. In future al 'locomotives weighing with their load over 40 tons will not be allowed to travel over the Wearmouth Bridge, such vehicles being compelled to cross the river by the Alexandra Bridge. This precaution is being taken to preserve the bridge. which is said to have risen in the middle over 4 ins., due to the buttresses moving.
Arterial Roads and Town • Planning.
Sir Henry P. Maybury, DirectorGenera! of Roads, Ministry of Transport, in a paper read one day last week at the Town Planning Exhibition at Manchester on "Arterial Roads and Town Plan-ping," said that Manchester was grappling stoutly, wholeheartedly and broadly with a problem which in the neighbourhood of London -was being only delicately fingered. He added that it would be our fault if we 'did. not -profit by the present trade lull to piece together our plans and stake out new roads before the building trade resumed activity. In several cases already the Roads :Department, he said, had been able to thread new arterial roads through gaps provided by town planners. More good could be done to-day by laying down entirely new roads than by performing surgical operations on the old ones. The new by-pass or ring-road skirting the town prevented the ba,pintaarci growth of town fringes, and would result in orderly and profit able development whilst the old core of the towns gained by the diversion of traffic. Sir Henry said that he would like to see the new Manchester-Liverpool road opening a 50-mile stretch of country now lying fallow.
Municipal Service for Doncaster.
Doncaster Corporation has decided to purchase ten motorbuses from the Bristol Tramways and Carriage CO., Ltd., for the purpose of establishing a mericipal service in place of that now run by Underwood, Ltd., whose licence will not be renewed.
A Limit on Bus Services.
Burnley Watch Committee has refused to grant licences to the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to ply for hire within the borough, owing to the congested state of the streets and the fact that the requirements of the borough are already sufficiently met.
Edinburgh Road Improvements.
In connection with the development of Cramond, which has recently been enclosed within the boundaries of. the city. of Edinburgh, a proposal has been made that a road shouldbe constructed from Grantor) to Cramond. Members of the council have interviewed the Minister of Transport with reference to the schemes of road widening and construction which are to be proceeded with for thepartial relief of unemployment. The schemes already submitted represent an expenditure of over £80.000, towards which the Ministry of Transport will contribute one-half. The Ministry approved of the suggested road scheme from Granton to C9amond, and stated that, it was prepared to sanction grants to the extent of £70,000 for road improvements including the proposed new road.
Obstruction by Vehicles;
The highways committee of the West Riding County Council reports that it has received complaints of the obstruction, delay and annoyance caused by heavy motor vehicles on highways, and with a view to remedying the matter it has considered the desirability of making a by-law. requiring heavy motor vehicles to be provided with a suitable reflecting mirror, and has been in communication with the Ministry of Transport on the subject.
The Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles, in the Second Interim Report, recommends that if the driver of any mechanically propelled vehicle, when in his driving position, is prevented, by reason Of the construction, condition or use of the vehicle, from readily bearing the signals of vehicles overtaking him, then that vehicle should be provided with either a sound receiver and transmitter or a suitable reflecting mirror sons to enable the driver to take proper and timely note of vehicles overtaking him, unless an attendant is carried on, or stationed at, the rear of the vehicle, or of any trailer or trailers drawn thereby, and is provided with efficient means of communicating to the driver the effect of signals given from such vehicles.
The Ministry of Transport states thatas the recommendations of the Departmental Committee are at present before the Government, and will probably be embodied in a. Bill tobe brought before Parliament as soon as an opportunity offers, the Minister is of opinion that it would not be desirable to deal with. the matter by means of a local by-law.
A New Cord Tyre. .
Spencer-Moulton and Co., Ltd., and Wood-Milne, Ltd., are shortly placing on the market their joint cord tyres under the name of Spenwood cord tyres. The tyre is of black rubber and, the tread is particularly tough, the design being raised and figured to resemble a series of dumb-bells. The result is claimed to be an excellent and effective non-skid. Messrs. •Spencer-Moulton and WoodMilne will continue to Manufactiare: their -canvas covers; the . well-known ,threeribbed and the Gruvrib designs for the present.
Widening a Midland Bridge.
At a special the.eting of the Burton-onTrent Town Council a fev,;: days ago a scheme was considered for the widening of the Trent Bridge in order to provide for four lines of traffic, the doubling of the tramway track, and two wider footpaths at a cost of £71,680. The traffic census which was recently taken under the instructions of the Ministry of Transport has indicated the urgent necessity for such a scheme, and it was decided to proceed with it almost immediately. State grants will provide £26,875 towards the project, the cost to the corporation being estimated at £40,000-equal to a 2d. rate for the first 15 years and a 2.1.d. rate for the second 15 years.
The Garrett-Arato Trailer.
It is interesting to note that Richard Garrett and Solis, Ltd., of leiston Works, Leiston, have now acquired the sole rights to manufacture in this country the Arato trailer, which was recently described in this journal.
The trailers will be built in two sizes, the smaller to carry 3-4 tons, and provided with Ackerman steering for use behind fast-running vehicles, such as petrol lorries and steam wagons, and the 6-6-ton heavy type, without Ackerman steering, and for use with slow-running vehicles.
The Ackerman-steered type is capable of forward and reverse running, and the load is distributed evenly upon both axles. It is stated by the makers that the tractive effort required to draw a trailer of this type round a curve is about one-half of the power required to draw an ordinary wagon without. this type of steering.
Vulcans for the War Office.
The Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., of Crossens, Southport, have executed an urgent War Office order • for 50 of their general-purpose lorries shod with pneumatic tyres. The order for the 50 was only received on a Saturday afternoon at 5 p.m., and by the following Saturday, as a result of the splendid efforts of the workers and staff, the whole of the 50 machines had actually been manufactured and delivered, some of them to Glasgow and some to London. To give some idea of the manufacturing capacity of the Vulcan Go., it is interesting to know that the company have offered the War Office regular weekly deliveries of from 50 to 100 vehicles.
Users Take Notice.
The secretary of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users -Association draws the attention of commercial vehicle users to the fact that they must (1) have the registered weight of the heavy motorcar unladen, (2) the registered axle weight of each axle, and (3) the highest rate of speed at which, in conformity with the regulations, the heavy motorcar might be driven without a trailer, painted or otherwise plainly marked, in the first and second case upon some conspicuous part ef the right or off side of the heavy
motorcar, and in the third case upon some conspicuous part of the left or near side of the vehicle. Heavy car owners are requested to pay attention to this, as there have been a large number of prosecutions lately in Scotland.
Tractor Training in India.
According to an advice from Bombay, it has been decided to open a tractor training class at the Government Agricultural Farm, Nagpur, from November 1st, 1922. Manufacturers should send new models to Nagpur for trial..
Road. Adaptation Charges.
The Executive Committee of the Municipal Tramways Association reports the result of an interview with the Minister of Transport upon the question of road adaptation charges. So far, no progress has been made. In the opinion of the association, the continuance of these charges imposes upon local authorities a most inequitable burden for a specific purpose, in which they share only in common with every other form of road transport, and there is no longer any justification for them.
Yorkshire Traffic.
A concrete instance of the ever-increasing recognition of the motor vehicle as a more convenient mode of road transport than horse transport was provided at a meeting of the North Riding County 'Council, when figures taken in connection with the road census were reported. It was stated that over the 1 miles of road between East Ayton and Seamer 95 per cent, of the traffic comprised heavy motors, whilst on the 4 miles of the Stockton-Stokesley road 88 per cent. was made up of heavy motor vehicles.
Manchester Cab Controversy.
The Manchester taxicab owners recently made an offer to reduce taxicab fares, following the reduction in the price of petrol, conditional on a promise by the Manchester Watch Committee not to license motorcycle takis. The Hackney Coach Sub-committee has deferred making a decision until inquiries have been made in Birmingham, which possesses the largest number of licensed motorcycle taxis in the country. It is evident, however, that there is a strong move to place these vehicles on the streets.
Stockton Bus Results.
Further decreases in number of passengers carried, as well as in revenue, were given in the omnibus statistics Feesented to the Stockton Coisporation for the months of July and August Daring July there were carried in all .141,507 passengers, the total receipts of £2,086 working out at 17.41d. per mile, and showing a decrease of £912, as compared with July, 1921. An even greater decrease in August is explalned by the fact that in that _month the corporation had only five vehicles in service as compared with ten the previous month. The decrease for August was £1,740, and the total receipts £1,329. The number of passengers carried was 87,550, and the receipts worked out at 20.70d. per mile.
An application from residents in the Durham Roan district for an extension of the service to the Mile House, was referred to a sub-committee, which is also investigating the effect of the new charges upon the two town routes and the changes made.
Derbyshire Road Improvements.
Many important works of road improvement, supplementary to those provided for in the annual estimates, were decided upon by the Derbyshire County Council at its last meeting. Users of commercial motor vehicles will welcome thss arrangement under which the major portion oe a sum of £15,000 allocated for these additional undertakings is to be spent upon roads which cross Midland Railway bridges. The widening of the W.liatetandwell and Wirksworth roads' also represents an improvement which has been long delayed.
Institute of Transport Paper.
The first lecture for graduates and students of the Institute of Transport will be that by Mr. C. 3, Selway, , C.B.E., entitled, The Effect on Traffic Arrangements and Working Costs of Daily and Seasonal or Periodic Variation in Passenger Loads and .Unbalanced Traffic Movement," which .he will deliver on Tuesday, October 17th, at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Victoria Embankment, W.C.2, immediately following the further extraordinary general meeting, convened for 5.30 p.m. On this occasion the chair will be occupied by Sir Sam Fay, the president.
Halifax Passenger Traffic.
Halifax Corporation accounts for the year ended March 31st show an income on the motorbus service of £3;946, or 25.55i. per mile, compared with £5,668, ;44.76d, per mite the previous year. The decrease in income.was due, it is 'stated, to the inauguration of the trackless trolley system and a revision of cars. The total expenditure was £4,118, or 26.66d. per mile, compared with £6,647., or 28.04d. the previous year. The loss was £172, compared with a loss of £709 the previous year.
The trackless trolley system was opened on the Wainstali section in July, 1921, and the income has been £1,892, or 19.99d. per mile. The expenditure hue been £2,29l, or 24.27d. a mile, the loss, therefore being 2405, or 4.28c1. per Some preliminary expenses, however, are included, and, if deducted, would reduce the loss to £139.,
Middlesbrough Cab Fares.
Many nachne.y carriage committees in the provinces are considering the question of the revision of taxicab fares. The latest authority to adopt this procedure is the Middlesbrough Hackney Carriage Committee, which recently considered the recommendations of a subcommittee appointed to meet the representatives of the taxicab proprietors with reference to a .proposed revision in the matter of fares. The proprietors had pointed out that present expenses involved in motercab operations were such that the existing fares were reasonablp. After the haexnev carriage inspector had submitted a table of fares charged in a dozen other dawns, it was agreed, however, to adopt, a new scale of rates in Middleibrough, whielp.show a slight reduction.
At this meeting the question of taximeters for vehicles on hire was also discussed. The proprietors contended that existing types of meters were unreliable, and might even tell against the hirer, and threatened, if the fitting of suck appliances were insisted upon, to with.draw their vehicles from the streets, A member cited London and other big centres to disprove the argument put forward by the proprietors, and rightly contended that the general adoption of taximeters in the principal towns and cities was an indication of the satisfactory readings 'which they gave. The question of rriecers is to be considered by a special committee appointed for the purpose.
Compulsory Mirrors
Birmingham Watch Committee proposes to make it a condition of licences for stage carriages that mirrors shall be carried to enable the drivers to see behind.
Refusing Licences.
Rotherham Watch Committee declines to entertain an application from the Barnsley and District Traction Co., Ltd., for omnibus licences for a proposed service oonnecting Barnsley and Rotherham.
A Chesterfield Parcels Service.
W. T. Underwood, Ltd.' are negotiating with the Chesterfield Corporation for the rentingoif vacant stables in Tontine Road for use as a parcels receiving office in connection with their motorbus undertaking.
Direction-post Colours'. •
At a meeting of the Ripon City Council a letter was received from the Automobile Association, as to the colour of direction-posts and it was decided to choose those in general use, namely :— Yellow and black., main roads; black and white, other roads.
A " Ring " Road.
Provisional sanction has been received by the Sunderland Corporation from the Ministry of Transport for the construction of a " ring " road from Ryhope Road to Durham Road, which will be a tremendous boon to road users of all classes when complete, as it will relieve traffic congestion in; the centre of the town. The work, which, it is estimated, will cost over 270000, is to be put in hand as soon as practicable.
. Stockport Bus Proposals.
The Stockport Tramways Committee has received an application from the general manager of bile Manchester Corporation Tramways stating that his committee is considering a motorbus route from Palatine Road to Reddish, but before proceeding with tke matter would be glad to hear the views of the Stockport Tramways Committee towards such a project. The committee also considered a letter from the .British .Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., stating that they had again received numerous requests to operate a service from Stockport via Heaton Moor and across Wellington Road North to Reddish, and asking if this proposal met with approval. It was resolved that the Manchester Corporation Tra.mways Committee and the British Automobile Teaction Co., Ltd., should be informed that, inasmuch as the Stockport Corporation contemplates running a service of buses from Stockport to Reddish, it cannot assent to the proposals made. It was also resolved that the manager be authorized to make arrangements for the acquisition of suitable vehicles to work the service.
Parking in Pontefract.
We recently published details of the parking arrangements which are made for accommodating visiting coaches in Pontefract, and we are asked by J. Bullock and Sons-, Ltd., of the Corn Market (which is in the centre' of the town), to state that they have accommodation for 100 vehicles, their charges for motor' coaches being 3s, on special occasions, such-as race days, and 2s. at other times.
Overcrowded Buses.
The police have submitted reports to the Bridlington 'Corporation as to the carrying of passengers in excess of the number licensed by the buses owned by Mr. Williamson. The Watch Committee has asked the town clerk to inform Mr. Williamson that unless he discontinues this practice his licence may not be renewed by the eommittee next year.
Exeter Traffic.
In common with other places, and under the instructions of the Ministry of Transport, a traffic census was recently taken in Exeter. The census was taken over a period of seven days at eight different points. The census at the different places was taken at the same time, so, naturally, many of the vehicles which were included at one point also came into the reckoning at one or more of the others; but, quite apart from these irregularities, the figures show the remarkable extent of heavy traffic on Exeter streets. The figures for the number of vehicles and the tonnage at the different points are as follow :—
South London Road Schemes.
Sir Henry P. Ma.ybury, DirectorGeneral of Roads, Ministry of Transport, outlined a scheme for road development at Dartford during the course of opening a Trades Exhibition there a few days ago. He said that, owing to the inadequacy of transport, the districts southeast of London had developed less than any part of Greater London in the past 50 years. What was wanted immediately was a new road at a point west of Maiden Lane, Dartford, crossing Lowfields Street near the housing estate, and extending in an easterly direction to join the enlarged Watling Street at a point near St. Mary's Home in the parish of Stone. He was advised that such a scheme would cost £100,000, but if the local authorities would take the matter in hand, primarily with a view to providing work for the unemployed, the Government would provide half the cost.
Tar-spraying Statistics.
The borough surveyor of Deptford gives the following statistics regarding tar spraying of roads this year Number of roads treated, 129. Total area, 248,150 sq. yds. Total length, 19 miles.
Total cost, £2,392 4s. lid.
Cost per yard sup., 2.314d. Cost per yard sup. (1921), 3.146d. One gallon of tar covered 6.493 yds.sup One oubic yard of grit covered 230,409 yds. sup.
Tyre Price Reductions.
Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 20-22, Christopher Street, London, E.C.2, announce a reduction in the prices of Henley Solid and pneumatic tyres. The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., 162, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C., announce a reduction in the prices of Goodyear covers and tubes as from October 4th.
Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., the manufacturers of the Macintosh N.A.P. cushion tyres, inform us that a striking reduction in the price of these tyres became effective on October 9th. Owners and drivers of light commercial vehicles are requested to write for new prices and illustrated brochure to the company at P.O. Box 151, Cambridge Street, Manchester.
The Michelin Tyre Co.; Ltd., 81, Fulham Road, London, S.W.3, have sent us a copy of the new price list for their motor tyres, which shows an average reduction of approximately 30 per cent.
A Rejected Appeal.
The Ministry of Transport has rejected an appeal by W. T. Underwood, Ltd., against the decision of the Rotherham Corporation, which refused to grant licences for a service of motorbuses from Worksop, Auston, Winnington and Laughton into _Rotherham.
Sunday Traffic Objections.
• The Amrnanford-Council has for some time, had under review the question of Sunday motor traffic in the locality. At a recent meeting the local Free Church Council wrote congratulating the municipal authority upon its effort to minimize Sunday traffic. The eonneii decided further. to issue a representation to all concerns engaged in road transport work Or owning buses in the area, calling upon them to avoid unnecessary, Sunday running of vehicles.
Chesterfield's Proposals.
Chesterfield Corporation proposes to seek Parliamentary pcavers to enable it to run motorbuses on any route outside the borough; to lease the omnibus under_ taking, if deemed advisable, and to enable the existing tramways to be converted to the trolley-vehicle system.
Mr. Henry McLaren, who was associated with his brother, the late Sir John McLaren, in the development of traction and ploughing engines, is being made an Hon. Doctor of Law at the Leeds University.
On page 202 of our issue for October 3rd we published an illustration of a 16seater Guy motor coach, the body of which was built by J. Sankey and Sons, Ltd., of Hadley Castle Works, Wellington, Shropshire. -The company's headquarters are not at Dudley, as stated.
Local Proceedings.
Stockport Corporation has decided to run motorbuses to Reddish.
Rotherham Watch Committee recommends the ,purchase of a motor ambulance.
Edinburgh City Council invites tenders for the supply of a 20-25 h.p. motor tower wagon.
The captain of the Welwyn Fire Brigade has asked the parish council -to provide a new fire-engine.
Sydney Municipal Council, N.S.W., proposes to purchase 10 motorcycles for the electricity department.
Dundee Corporation Tramways Committee has decided to ask for powers to establish bus services in the city and neighbouring districts.
Leeds Watch Committee has authorized the purchase of a new escape for the large Dennis motor fire-engine, at a cost not exceeding £300.
Rochdale Watch Committee has authorized the purchase of an 80-100 h.p. six-cylinder Leyland petrol engine, with turbine pump of 750 gallons.
Hackney Borough Council has had 31 tenders and designs for the construction of a garage, in reinforced concrete, to accommodate 28 electric vehicles.
Wakefield Corporation is making efforts to secure a site for accommodating motor chars-a-hancs and •-•• similar vehicles used for public conveyance.
The Parliamentary Committee of the Sheffield Corporation • proposes to seek sanction to enable the Corporation to run motor omnibuses outside the city.
The Darlington Corporation, after exhaustive ;tests, has chosen the International speed truck chassis on which to build its special fire-engine outfit for use in the ontlying districts.
The tramways committee of the Borough of Northampton is prepared to receive tenders for the supply of five single-deck motorbuses or, alternatively, five chassis (comparative prices with solid and giant pneumatic tyres), and. -five single-deck bus bodies.
New Welsh Road.
The Monmouthshire County Council has formulated a scheme by which the • main Cardiff-Newport road: will gradeally be widened from Newport to the Glamorganshire border. The initial stage will be the widening of the road from the Newport borough boundary to Castleten, at an estimated approximate cost of R,100-,000. The Newport Corporation will be asked to subscribe £12,50 to this sum, and the Ministry of Transport, it is hoped., will contribute £50,000.
Barnstaple Up to Date.
An interesting illustration has appeared in the Press relating to the Barnstaple Strand improvement scheme, the central building of which is to be in architectural keeping with its surroundings, and will provide waiting-roorn accommodation for motor passengers—the Barnstaple Town Council has the foresight (as Tine Western Morning News
puts it) to recognize the possibilities of road travel. Barnstaple is the geographical centre of North Devon, -and shows a wideawake policy in catering for tourist traffic.
A Very Narrow Road.
West. Riding County Council is endeavouring to secure the closure against heavy motor traffic of Abbey Road, Knaresborough, which in parts is only 9 ft. 3 ins. wide.
Newport Carriers.
Members of the Newport (I.O.W.) Town Council have interviewed local carriers inorder to arrange a reduction of the carriers' vehicles which stand in St. Thomas's Square, which, as a consequence, is now very congested. The matter has been referred to a sub-committee, which will meet representative carriers in the square to discuss the problem.
Greater London Traffic.
The Roads Improvement Association has submitted to the Ministry of Transport and the authorities concerned notes concerning the proposal of the Battersea, Fulham and Wandsworth Councils for an arterial route from Fulham to Streatham.
ft is assumed that the line to be followed would be Wandsworth Bridge Road, Wandsworth Bridge, Trinity Road and Tooting Bee Road.
The road will provide the best through route from Purley to Hyde Park Corner, and from Purley via Hammersmith to the Bath, Oxford and harrow Roads, and possibly, via the North Circular-Road, to Edgware and Finohley as well It is suggested that; in addition to the three authorities mentioned, the Wimbledon and Merton Councils should be included, so as to obtain a route from the improved WandSworth Bridge to Merton Cross