Financial News of the Industry
Page 55

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S.E.S. (Repairs), Ltd.-Erivato company. Reg. Sept. 6. Cap. £10,000 in £1 shares. Repairer and rebuildor of motor vehicles etc. Subscribers.:-H. C. Chambers, Kerri, Wakesley Road, Yardley, Birmingham; W. J. Bamford, 112, Whitetail Lane, Northfield, Birmingham. Solicitors:-Pinsent and Co., Birmingham.
H. and S. Hawker, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 8. Cap. £6,000 in £1 shares. Dealer, haulage contractor, etc. Directors:H. Hawker, Henley, 8omerline Road, Sutton CoIdfield; S. H. Hawker, 89, Midland Road, Nuneaton, Suliciton-Ronald L. Holt, 28, Martineau Street, Birmingham. Reg. ofRce:-Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton.
S. T. Belton (Transport), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 11. Cap. £5,000 in £1 shares. '1"o acquire the business of B. T. Belton, Bostou, Lincs. Haulage contractor, etc. Directors:-S. T. Belton and Mrs. Nellie Behan, Transome, Tower Road, Boston.
Acme Transporters (Middlesbrough), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 9. Cap. £2,500 in £1 sheres. To acquire the business of 'Acme Transport Co., Middlesbrough. Transport contractors, etc. Directors:C. S. Wahlstrand and G. G. Wahlstrand, 6, Sycamore Road, Middlesbrough.
Chandler Motor Services (Leicester), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 9. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of G. F. Chandler, Leicester. Haulage contractor, etc. Directors:-H. Lester, 160, Beatrice Road, Leicester; G. F. Chandler, 244, •Asylum Street, Leicester. Solicitor:-W. E. Price, Queen's Members, llorsefair Street, Leicester.
Frederick McwillIams (Transporters), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 8. Cap. £1,000 irk £1 shares. To acquire the business of F. AtelViiliam, Stillington, Co. Durham. Transport and haulage contractor, eta. Directors:-F. McWilliams and Bra May McWilliams, 38, Merrison Street, Killington, Stockton-on-Tees. Solicitars:-.T. E. Freeman and Son. 4, Prebend Row, Darlington. Reg. officer-38, Morrison Street, Stillington.
Auto Union (Sales), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 10. Cap. £1.000 in £1 shares. Manufacturer and seller of, and dealer in, motor cabs omnibuses, etc. Subscribers:-R. J. Cassels, Thames House, Millbank, London, S.W.1; Leen Ford, 306, Thames House, MiUbank, London, ELW.1. Solicitor:-R. J. Cassels. John Brown and Son (Hauiago). Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 9. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of J. Brown, East Dulwich. Cootractor. etc. Directors:-J. Brown, 229, Barry Road, East Dulwich, London, S.E.22; W. A. Brown, 110_, Day's Lane, Sidoup. Bawden, 7, Union Court, E..2. Reg. offIce:-229, Barry Road, East Dulwich. London. S.E.22.
Grand Garage (Thanet), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 11. Cap. £500 in ord. shares of £1. .'l'o acquire the business of Grand Garage,
Broadstairs, Kent. Automobile engineers, garage proprietors, etc. Directora:-A. J. Garnett and F. B. Garnett, 39, Queen's Road, Broadstairs. Secretary:-E. H. Ovenden. Reg. office:-120, High Street Broadstairs.
. d. W. Beaulah, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept,. 6.. Cap. £500 Ln £1 shares. Motor engineer, dealer in lorries, coaches, etc. Directors:3. W. Beaulah, Tfighfield House, Billinghay., Lincoln; R. Bray, 472, High Street, Lincoln; P. W. Taylor, 3,1, St. Catherine's Road, Lincoln. Secretary:-.7. W. Beaulah. Reg. offiee:=Highfield House, Billinghay. Lincoln. K.K. Automobiles, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Sept. 3. Cap. £100 in .21 shares. Motor manufacturer, engineer, coachlmilder, etc. Directors:-F. 1'. Carr Kerridge, 33a, Little Ealing Lane, South Ealing: R. 1'. Keener, 31, Little Ealing Lane, South Ealing. Moortields Transport, Ltd.-Privato company. Reg. Sept. 4. Cap. £100 in 11 shares. Carriers, etc. Subscribera:-H. J. Down, Junr., 35, Bloy Street, Easton_, Bristol; J. B. Watling, 40, Broad Street, Bristol. Secretary:-J. B. Watling. Reg. °Ricci-40, Broad Street, Bristol.
Niasden Transport, Ltd., 1, Vivian Mansions, Vivian Avenue, London, N.W.4.-Satisfaction in full on July 30, 1937, of memorandum of deposit of deeds dated Nov. 14, 1934, and reg. Nov. 21, 1934. (According to the register of mortgages, the memorandum of deposit reg. Nov. 21, 1934, originally secured all monies due to bank.)
F. Perkins, Ltd., 17, Queen Street, Peterborongh.-Charge on pro pertiee in Newark, dated April 12, 1937, to secure all monies due and owing to chargees on loan account. Holders :-/3arclays Bank, Ltd. Killey and Davison, Ltd., 25, St. Cuthbert's Street, Bedford.-Dab.charged on company's undertaking and property, present and future,
including uncalled cap., dated Aug. 27, 1937, to secure all monies due, or to become due, from the company to Barclays Bank, Ltd.
D.M.S., Ltd., 2, Mercatoria East Crescent, Bt. Leonards-on-Sea.-Deb. charged on works, garage* arid premises at, or near, Mercatoria, St. Leonards-on•Sea, and the company's undertaking and other property. present and futnre, including uncalled cap., dated Sept. 1. 1937, to secure £1,000. Holder:-Miss V. E. 0ong.11, 12, Cornwallis Terrace. Hastings.
L. F. Clove, Ltd., 3.15, Addiscombe Road, Croydon.-Deposit on Aug. 14, 1937. of deeds of 111 and 113. Addiscombe Road, Croydon, and laud at rear, to secure all monies due, or to become due, from the company to Barclays Bank, Ltd.
Jelin A. Wityrnan and Co., Ltd., Edwin Works, Edwin Road, Twickenham.-Deb. charged on company's undertaking and prqperty, present and future. including uncalled cap., dated Aug. 19, 1937, to secure 1300. ITolder:-A. Wilyman, 5. Cedars Road, Chiswick, London. W.4.