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Darkness Almos
; Prolonged LDOY Final
I N an atmospnere of impending rain and approaching darkness, and after one of the longest waits of any final, Express Dairy driver John W. Hudson became 1965 Lorry Driver of the Year at Brameote, near Coventry, on Sunday. There was, in fact, very little else he did not also become! He gathered so many trophies that clerk of the course, Gerry Aston, had to hold armfuls of tinware for the surprised Express driver. Thirtylive-year-old Hudson was in his first LDOY final, and so Also gathered the award for the best -novice, " novice" meaning first-time finalist.
Runner-up was R. 'Pearson, of SPD Ltd., Nottingham, and third was J. Emery. of C. Butt Ltd., Northampton.
It was rather a case of "Unlucky thirteenth " this year—the 13th final. The results office appeared to be lightly staffed, and a veritable flood of objections (a dozen or so instead of the usual one or two) threw the results organization into low gear. Every time there is an objection, of course, the results of that class have to be held up for 30 minutes. As a result, by 4 p.m. only five class results had been announced, although the tests (running in duplicate) were "on schedule" and the last vehicle had gone through. On this, reckoning, the final run-off should have begun by 4.45 p.m.
In fact, the results of Classes G and H were not announced until shortly before 6 p.m. Almost at once the embarrassed organizers began the run-off, the Lord Mayor of Coventry having left some time before.
Ultimately the last finalist came through at 7.05 p.m.
Now came the race against, first, the approaching darkness and, then, against impending rain as several hundred loyal spectators waited for the final results and presentation. Photographers, never expecting to need flash equipment, were nearly as perturbed as the prganizers. ' The actual presentations were not much above the level of farce. It was so dark and cold that class winners were rushed forward like schoolboys queueing for end-of-term certificates. It was nearly impossible to determine who was actually receiving the awards from the goo' humoured (and long-suffering) Parlia mentary Secretary to the Ministry ol Transport, Lord Lindgren, because the next man's name—or even the one after that—was called before a winner could get there for his award.
The final was by no means a waste of time, however. Spectator interest was high all day long, and the standard or driving by competitors was very high. Drivers liked the new "bull's eye" test, but remarked that the targets were too large, and therefore too easy to hit with their wheels.
The revised "loading bay " test claimed many victims and remained a challenge throughout.
As last year, the Historic Commercial Vehicle Club provided a rally. And, as it turned out, this was an absolute facesaver for the LDOY because, in the hiatus from 4 to 6 p.m., the old vehicles filled in.
Last year there was an hour's wait between the end of the class competition and the start of the final run-off. That was pretty grim. This year really was too much. The organizing committee must get to grips with the problem because year after year it sadly mars an otherwise excellent day.
rry Driver of the Year (BNIC Trophy): 1. J. W. .on; 2, R. Pearson; 3, J. Emery.
st Box or Tanker Driver (Unilever Trophy): 'earson
st Articulated Vehicle Driver (Crane Fruehauf by): J. W. Hudson.
st A. or B-licensed Driver (RHA Trophy): J.
st C-licensed Driver (TRTA Trophy): J. W. on.
airman's Award of Merit: F. W. Yardley er and Ludlow Ltd.).
test Driver: E. J. Butler (Express Dairy Co.
at Eliminating Centre Team: Torquay and irigham it Novieet J. W. Hodson.
at Service Drivers Sgt. K. Flisher (Kent and ,ty of London Yeomanry), as A, up to 16 ft. and from 201 cwt. (Standard c Trophy): I. T. Jeffrey (Express Dairy Co.
• EMC. 79; 2, E. Grunes (F. Scutt and Sons . Austin. 84: 3. F. W. Yardley (Fisher and tw Ltd.). Morris, 86.
as B. over 16 ft. and op to 15 ft (British on Trophy); I. R. Pearson (SPD Ltd.), Der, 84: 2. W. O'Brien (Express Dairy Co. , BNB:, 96; 3. F. A. C. Booth (SPD Ltd.), ner. 98.
iss C, over 19 ft. and op to 22 ft. (Regent Oil lea I. R. Harrington (Express Dairy Co.
Ltd.). Bedford, 97; 2, D. C. Pony (Scottish and Newcastle Breweries Ltd.), Bedford. 123; 3, W. R, Matthews (Heavy Transport Co. Ltd.). Albion, 131.
Class. D, over 22 fl. and up to 25 ft. (Power Petroleum Trophy): 1, G. Fendiek (Schweppes Ltd.). Bedford, 118; 2, 7. Bawn (Procea-Nutres Ltd.), Ford. 122; 3, G. Baker (Geoff Baker), Dennis. 128.
Class E(1), over 25 ft. with two axles (Shell-Meg and FIP Trophy); 1, R. Jones (Mechplant Ltd.). Bedford. 152; 2, A. Fletche. (Brickwouds Ltd.), Austin. 153; 3, A. V Dixon (Wolsey Ltd.), Ford, 158.
Class E421. over 25 ft. with more than two axles (Institute of Traffic Administration Trophy): 1. J. I. Morgan (Gibbons Transport Ltd.). Ford, 153; 2. E. Charlton (Stanton and Stsvely Ltd.). Atkinson, 157; 3, C. V. Ball (Regent Oil Co. Ltd.), Atkinson, 159.
Class F(1), flat or sided semi-truilers up to 38 ft., tractive units under 4 tons (Tale and Lyle Trophy): 1. A. Warner (Scottish and Newcastle Breweries Ltd.). Karrier, 123; 2, R. Hewitt (Fisher anu Ludlow Ltd.), Morris, 135; 3 C, Emery (Fremlins Ltd.), Bedford, 169.
Class (Y)2, box or tanker semitrailers up to 38 ft.. tractive units under 4 tons (George Winmes Trophy); I, B. Hurnidge (Clarke' Boxes Ltd.). Karrier, 128: 2. W. Holdswortb. (Shell-Meg and By Ltd.), Bedford. 156; 3, R. Idoze (Regent Oil Co. Ltd.), Bedford, 179.
Class C, lint or sided sead-trailers up to 38 ft.. tractive units 4 tons and over (Eagle Engineering Trophy): 1, J. Emery (C. Butt Ltd.) Leyland, 211): 2. R. Roberts (British Road Services). Bristol, 219; 3, 1. O. Partridge (Post Office Supplies Dept.). AEC, 233.
Class H, box or tanker semitrallert, tractive units over 4 tons (TGWU Trophy): 1. J. W. Hudson (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.), AEC. 232; 2, L. Tombs (Shell-Mex and BP Ltd.), AEC, 23.1; 3. G. Dibden (East, Petroleum Co. Ltd.). Sgammell, 236.
HISTORIC VEHICLE RESULTS Claus A. heavy lorries: I. McCord 5-tonner (1913), Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd.; 2, Dennis 2-tonner (1916), 7. H. Sparshatt and Sons, Portsmouth, Class B. light lorries: 1, Austin WD Scout Car (1931), Bill Hodge, Eton Wick; 2, Dennis 30cwt. (1928). Philip Richards, Chases.
Class C. fire engines: I. Dennis pump escape (1934), Paul Adorian, Billingshurst; 2, Leyland Metz turntable escape (1936), Enfield and District V.V.S.
Cats D. heavy passenger vehicles( 1, Daimler COGS double-decker (1937), Barry Ware, Birmingham: 2, Leyland Titan TD1 double-decker (1928), Keith Jenkinsen. kawdon.
Class E. light passenger vehicles: 1, Austin FXI Taxi (1938). Francis Toorey, Hatch End; 2. Austin LL Taxi (1937). Paul Hemion, Rhuose. Glam.