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(September 11, 1%1)
David D. Tod, West Calder, new A lie.. I veh. (610 (tanker). Milk: Midlothian. East Lothian. Lanarks, West Lothian. Fife, Falkirk and Stirling. Progressive Deliveries Holdings Ltrio in respect of Motor Vehicles Collection Ltd., Bathgate. new A lic., 10 hired art. (1000 (car transporters). Cars delivered to and frosts railheads that have Or will be carried by rail. Andrew's Hire Service Ltd., Renfrew. new A lic., I veh. (2t). Furniture and manufacturers' deliveries in Renfrews and Glasgow area. Peter McCallum and Sons Ltd.. Whirls of Milton. A var.. add 1 veh. (510. Hay, grain, farm feeding, seeds, fertilizers, lime and timber, between districts of Argyll, Ayr, Clackmannan. Dunbarton. Fife. Kinross, Lanark. Lothians, Perth. Renfrew and Stirling; e.g.. mainly flour, china clay, soda ash. alum. wood Puha, esparto grass, beer and bottles. building mats.. between districts of Clackmannan. Kinross, Lothians. Lanark, Dumbarton, Renfrew and Stirling: strip steel for Colvilles Ltd.. Garteosh. In Scotland and England. John Grass(Road Transport) Ltd.. Slamannan, A var., add 1 T. (6)0. I art. (9t). F.E.D.S. (Removers) Ltd.. Glasgow, A var.. add 2 an. (180. Arthur Tremble. Dumfries. new B lie.. 2 T. (80. Road and building mats. for Morrington Quarries Ltd., within 40 miles and lime and fertilizers for Adam Lythgoe (Scotland) Ltd. Allison's Transport (Contracts) Ltd., Glasgow. new B lie., 2 art. (1510 (fiat/coll carriers). G.S., to be collected and delivered within 25 miles for vehicles operated by the company and its subsidiaries.
Joseph Heater and Sons, Falkirk. 11 vat.. add
1 T. (410. Thomas ftlatIrJe. Musselburgh. B var., add 2 T. (810. Sohn M. Kmante, South Queensferry. B var.. add
2 T. (%). Goods for t). and J. Firdayson. Edinburgh. within 30 miles. John MacDonald and Sons. Edinburgh. B var.. add 2 veh. WO. Coal and solid fuels for NCB, within 25 miles. W. H. Malcolm Ltd., Brookfield, B var.. add 1 veh. (60. Coal delivered by blower-type vehicle, within 40 miles.
SCOTLAND (NORTH) APPLICATIONS (September 11. 1965) John %well and Sons, Markinch, A var., add
1 art. (850.
ArArew Knowles. Aberdeen. new B tic., I T.
(3)0. Building mats., within 25 miles. Orr Thomson, Windygates. B var., add 1 art.
NORTHERN APPLICATIONS (September 11. INS) Salkeld Bros., Consett, A var.. add 3 sell. (2310. Goods for Consett Iron Co. Ltd., as required, and loads for regular customers. (If granted, Contract
A lic, will be surrendered.) A. Davies. Darlington, new B tic., 1 T. (440, Road and building mats., coal and coke, and steel, within 60 miles.
P. Foskett and W. E. WeMugs. Newcastle, new B ic.. 2 veh. (240. Mats. and plant for site preparation and the construction of roads and buildings. within 40 miles of Walker. (If granted.
C lic. will be surrendered.)
I. Spoors, Bishop Auckland. B var., add I T. (4t 9c). Mats, and plant for site preparation and the construction of roads and buildings, sand. gravel and coal, within 35 mites of Tow Law. (If granted, Contract A lie, will he surrendered.)
Salkeld Bros.. Consett. B var,, add 1 art. (low loader). Goods for Salkeld Bros. Plant Hire Ltd. and regular customers. within 100 miles. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
I. Murray, Whitehaven. B var., add 1 T. (40. Vary lie, conditions to read: Mats. and plant for site preparation and construction of roads and buildings as required for Whitehaven Brick and Tile Co. Other road and building mats.. within 25 miles: other goods. within 60 miles. Goods for Smith Bros., Whitehaven, as required.
NORTH WESTERN APPLICATIONS (September 10, 1965) I. E. Hodgkiss. Leigh. new A lic.. 2 vett. (610. Textiles. mill requisites, nuts and bolts, constructional engineering goods, cables, foodstuffs: Lancs.
Yorks. Ches. Scotland. Midlands. London area. (If granted. Contract A fir. will be surrendered.)
W. A. Jay and Sons (Haniage) Ltd., Atherton. A var., add I art. (Rit).
Leyland Manes) Road Services Ltd., Leyland.
A var.. delete 2 veh. (10(t) Add 3 veh. (13111). R. Green and Soma (Chapel-en-le-Frith) Ltd.. Chapel-en-le-Frith. new B tic.. 6 T. (2710. Goods for S. Taylor Frith and Co. Ltd.. and Gardner Lime, as required. (lf granted. Contract A lie. will be surrendered.) L. Forshaw. Crewe. new B lic., 3 T. (1210. Tim/able building and road mats., and quarry products, within 60 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) N. R. Slone, Prestwich, new B lie., I T. (440. Turpable building mats., within 60 miles. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) G. Frost,. Stockport. new B lic., 1 veh. (4t). Solid fuels in bags for domestic consumers, within 25 miles. on behalf of NCB,
S. Aldred. Warrington, new B lie., 1 vela (310. Lime and fertilizers from within 150 miles, direct to farms for spreading, within 80 miles: animal feeding:stuffs and farm produce to farms, within 40 miles.
G. K. Adams, Wirral, Upton. new B lic.. 1 veh. (310. Hay, straw. paper waste and meal. within 25 miles.
Jones Bros., Bala. B var.. add 1 T. (410. (If granted. Contract A lic, will he surrendered.) F. I. Caddiek, Bootle, B var., add 2 veh. (80. Building mats, and machinery, within 100 miles. A. MOITCY. Chester. B var., add 2 veh. (160. Bulk milk (ex-fairms) to the direction of the Milk Marketing Board, hut excluding second movement. Gilbralth Oils Ltd., Preston, B var., add 1 veh. 150 (tanker).
Melling Contractors (Preston) Ltd., Preston, B var.. add 1 T. (410. Building and roadmaking mats., rubbish, demolition and excavated mats., within 15 miles.
Hargreaves Transport Ltd.. Ormston. B var., add 1 veh. (910 (tanker). Bulk liquids. sugar for Tate and Lyle Ltd., GB.
APPLICATIONS (September S. 1145)
Havard (Malady Contractor) Lod., Harthill, Sheffield, new A lic.. 1 veh. (810: 2 art. (1140. Mainly scrap, colliery belting, timber, building mats.; monumental stone, machinery. agrie. Produce and requisites. malt and steel: Midland counties, London. south coast, Lancs. Glasgow, North England. South Wales. (If granted. Contract A Ile. and A tic, issued in East Midland area Bayard (Haulage Contractor) LW. in respect of 2 art. (tIit), based at Worksop will be surrendered.) Transport Operators (Yorks) Ltd., Hull. new A IR.. 1 art. (6t). Pallet service to the nort of Hull for all goods. Mainly Midlands and NE to Port of Hull Harry Longthold Ltd.. Bradford. A var., add
1 veh. (41).
W. T. Headman nod Sou. Whitby. A var.. add 3 veh. (I2t) (plus detachable milk tank, 1). (If granted. veil. will be deleted from B lie.) Morfen Aggregates Ltd., Bessacarr. new B tic..
2 veh. (94). Ready-mixed concrete, lime, sand, mortar, road and building mats, on behalf of Ready Mixed Concrete (East Midland) Ltd.. within 50 miles.
N. Lewis, Camblesforth. Selby, new B lie.. 2 salt. (1740. Ash. sand and gravel for Bentley's Sand and Gravel Co. Ltd.. Bishop's Storiford, Hertford. from Fcrrybridge. Doncaster and Rotherham to Bishop's Stortford. Scrap metals for W. C. Jones and Co. Ltd.. Waltham Cross, Hens, from Waltham Cross to Rcnishaw. Staveley, Rotherham and Bradford. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered,)
Brookgeld Coal and Haulage Co. LW., Eckington. new B lic.. 8 vch. (4640. Coal for NCB, within 25 miles.
Glowlbrite Ltd.. Ossett. new B lic.. I yell. (lit). Building mats, and farm produce, within 60 miles.
J. Simard. Rotherham. new B Ilc.. 2 veh. (7)0. Road. building and excavated mats.. within 25 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie. will be surrendered.) T. D. Hartley, Boroughbridge. B var.. add 2 veh. (Slit) plus 4 cont. (910 (various uses). Sand. soil and gravel. within 50 miles; livestock, within 60 miles: Rade. requisites, within 100 mites: goods for Wilfred Arrleyard Ltd.; West Cumberland Farmers' Trading Society Ltd.. Borough Bridge; Dan Lund, potato merchant. Boroughbridgel and Nattmss Frame and Son Ltd.. Thirsk, all is required: carriage of aerie produce of any land, within 100 miles to any point within 100 miles.
F. Swale*. B var., add I veh. 010. Parkin and Hall (Leeds) Ltd.. B var., add 1 veh. (30, Frank Densby (Transport) 11.1d.. Netherton, Wakefield. 13 var., add 2 veil. (100.
Animas Haulage Ltd., Pocklington. B var.. delete 2 veh. (81.0; add 3 veh. (16)1). Goods for Allisons Ltd.. Allisons Gravel Pits Ltd.. Allisons Structures Ltd., within 200 miles and occasional journeys for associate companies. within 250 miles.
APPLICATIONS (September 14 1965)
M. S. Middleton and Sons Ltd., Hrxithorpe, or. Worksop, Notts, A var., delete: 4 vela. (231 907 add: 5 veh. (300. Coal, coke, tar macadam, building mats, and other goods: Lincs. Yorks. Derbyshire, Midland counties and NE counties. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) W. Holliday and Son, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts.
A var.. add 1 veh. (40. Mainly animal feedingstuffs, mainly within 100 miles.
British Waterssays Board, Nottingham, A var., add 1 art. (fit 3c).
T. E. Churchill Ltd., Bottesford. Scunthorpe. Lines, new B lie.. 7 veh. (29t 14c) and 1 trl. (It 2e) (low loader) (drawbar). Road making mats. and soil, within 100 miles, Mangan Construction Co. Ltd„ Stamford, new lic„ 1 veh. (3t 1)c). Building mats, and plant, within 100 miles. (At present specified in C lie.) J. L. Slack. Tansies,. Matlock. Derbys. new B tic, 1 veh. (7r Ic). Clay, coal, and stone from non-rail-connected loading points for Multi Minerals Ltd., The Dosetcy Pine Co. Ltd., and Mineral Enterprises Ltd. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) P. J. Hawley, Wirksworth. Derbys. new B lic., I vets (310. Coated and dry stone as required as directed by W. H. Phillips Ltd., Wirksworth.
Breed°. General Services Ltd., Breedon-on-sheHill, Derby, B var., add 1 veh. (6t 4c), Lime, limestone dust, fertilizer and slag from source of supply to farms or storage units anywhere in the country. Grain and feedingstuffs to and from farms or merchants, within 50 miles. Fly ash expower stations from Midland power Stations to Breedon or disposal sites. Cement in bark from Kerma and Rugby to Breedon.
Fulwoods Transport, Bolwell, Nottingham. B var., add I veh. (50. Tippable mats. for NCB as directed by Nottingham and District Hauliers Ltd.
A. M. Thwack Gosbenon. tar, Spalding, Lincs. B var.. add 2 veh. (80. Aerie. produce and requisites. within 25 miles.
Joint Stephen Fish Merchant Ltd., Grimsb1r, Lincs. B var.. add 1 vet,. (MO. Fish for Fleetwood Fish Transport Ltd. from Leeds area to Grintsby.
A. M. Widdowsou and Son. Leicester. B var.. add 1 veh. (340. Goods (excluding furniture and household effects) within 50 miles.
R. Bateson. Wirksworth. Derbys.. B var., add I vett. (410. Coated and dry stone as directed by W. H. Phillips Ltd., Wirksworth.
(September 9. 1965) John Wilkins (Road Transport) Ltd.. Coleshill. new A lie.. 4 veh. (1210. Goods for Crittall Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Ran.some's. Simms and Jefferies Ltd.. and the Suffolk iron Foundry (1920) Ltd., from their suppliers in the Birmingham area to Eastern Counties. Taylor's Transport, Lichfield, A var.. add 4 T. (16(0. Solid fuels for D. M. Stevenson Co, Ltd., Leonard Leigh Ltd., and John Hudson Ltd., within 200 miles: chemical. residue (spent oxide), road and building mats. (excludins cement and manufactured articles), scrap metals for J. Biewitt (Metals) Ltd., within 100 miles.
Hire Services (Birodnehamb Ltd., Birmingham. new B lic.. 9 veh. (5630 (tankers). Petrol and fuel oil deliveries, as required from company's depots at Stafford. Stournort and Stanlow. Ches. John Wilkins (Road Transport) Ltd., Coleshill. new B lie., I T. (440. Excavated spoil and roadmaking mats, in connection IP th the construction of M6 motorway for Sir Alfred McAlpine and Sons Ltd., through ThornaS M. Douce and Sons, within 20 miles of Shareshill, Darlaston, E. Hunt. Exhall. new B lic. I 1. (60. Building and road-making mats. for Man-Abell Holdings Ltd.. as required by Man-Anell.
Superior Petroleum Products (Kidderminster) Ltd., Kidderminster. new B tic.. 5 sch. (401O (tankers). Petroleum products, within 120 miles to cover Immingham. Dagenham, Ellesmere
. K. Newman :tort W. H. Newman. !tier, new B lie.. 2 T (c“,', to be actiiiiied making and excavated nuns. and she clearwithin 25 miles
MO Express Ltd., Birmingham. B var.. add . (2010 (vans) It, Os hired). Cash bank urrency notes, securities negotiable instruand valuables. within 120 miles.
logy Waste Disposal Ltd.. Coventry, B var. vets. ( lot) (tankers). Liquid and sludge within 60 miles.
r. Patemita, Coventry. B var.. add I veh. Goods on behalf of F.MG Air Services within 40 miles
lam Dowde Ltd., Tipton, B vat,. add L 510. (OOdS for Tudor Shearing Co. lid.. 3arnfield Engineering LO., (associate com). within 120 miles. or and Smallwood, Wellington, B var.. add (510. Gunds for Ternhill Sand and Gravel rd... and huildinz mars. far Kenlite 11310egs within 100 miles. Lyeelt. Willenhall, B var., add 2 vets. Tlspori goods and return loads nri the inxirueof Howard Shipping Se vices to and front as required. Also good; from nuerns' es in the dock areas
APPLICATIONS iSeptemher 7. 1965) lol Trucking Ltd., Weston-super-Mare, A add 4 veh, (120; 4 trls. (WO (hiring allow
Mainly paper and paper products for 'de Corrugated Cases Ltd. on outward ys. within 250 miles.
ers Transport (Weymouth) Ltd., Weymouth, .. add 2 art. (160. Mainly timber, fruit and product and requisites ex-Weymouth quay, 200 miles.
I. M. Palmier. Avening, Clot,. new B lie.. Mt 3e) Road and building mats, and for Gilbert Rimes (Averring) Lid., within les, (If granted, C lie, will be surrendered.) Randle and Son Lid., Bridewarer, Som.. new I veh. (711) Return toads of timber, solid and building requirements after delivery of , holder's own timber, within 210 miles and igoiland, (Veil, at present sPecified ir C lie.) Fitzgerald. Westbury, Wills., new B lie,, (St 14c). Road and building mans., within es iVeh. at ()resent specified in C lie.) L Webber. Exford. Sum:. B sac.. add I T. 9 (dumper). Road-making mats. for Forestry ission. within SOuth-srest England.
emet Concrete Co_ Ltd., Taunion. B var. T. t410. Excavated mars. from subsidiary ay (Somerset Bulldozing Co. Ltd.), within
A PPLICA TIO NS ISentember 13. 19651 iFaley. Barrington. Cambs. new A lie.. 1 veh.
General; England, 1. King. Kempsion. Beds. A sar. . add 3 yen.
11. Fox and Son (Chemical Engineers) lid.. ersley. Essex. A tar,, add 2 yell. i 10.0 rat, 1. Betts. Wit. new B lie.. I T. (70. Sand Utast. builder's mats., excavaritIns and. dotter within 25 miles.
louldIng :1111-1 Son. Tolleshuni D'Arcy. B var.. veh. 140 rwith rang.). Livestock, any distance. 'I. and L. A. Johnson., Great Yarmouth. B 1dd 1 T. (3)1).
t. and C. W. Valentine, Pentney„ Norfolk, , add I yell. (4o.
VPPLICS.TIONS trientviither 9, 19(15) 'netts Transport. London. NW2. A var., add (1511.
an Transport Services Ltd.. Harlington. . new B lie.. 2 veh. (SO. Military stores :lets for Trans World Airways Inc.. between n airport and Mildenhali (Suffolk) USAF ey Tipper Service. Aycley, Essex. new 13 lie.. [61). Building mars,, plant, ruishiS11, :sand and within 60 miles.
ess Haulage (Rayleigh) Ltd.., Waltham Crow. new B lic,, 2 yeti. (6t 2c). Coke in sacks stern Gas Board. within 20 irides or Ponders ;as Works.
I. Ruder, South Rtodin. Middx., new B tic.. . Olt). Building mats, and road-making within 30 miles.
Y. Havre% Pound Hill. Crawley, Sussex. new 1 art. (4'it). Goods for C.F.G. Timber Co. Ilitson and Pierer Ltd.. IL E. G. Torte and td.. T1Igatc Pallets Ltd., any distance. RIMER. Kentish Town. NW5. new 13 lie., 170. Bricks for the London Brick Co. Ltd., 25 miles of Kings Cross.
F.. Wass. South Minims, Potters Bar. Middx.., tic.. 1 veh. G.g.. within 50 miles. J. C. Winter, SE9. new B lie., 1 veh. (70; 2 T. 1150. Sand, ballast and muck, within 30 miles of Molting/tam, K. A. Boatwright. Kings Langley, Herts., B var., add 1 T (30 J. Brixton. likkmansworth. Herts., B var.. add veh. (61 Sc). Smokeless Nei in sacks for Eastern Gas Board, within 20 miles of St. Albans Gas Works.
Dawes and Bidewell Ltd., Orpington, Kent, B var., add 1 veh. (2t 14c) (Autobagger). House coal for Wm. Cory and Son Ltd., Rochester, within 50 miles.
H. J. and T. P. Hurley. Tottenham, NH, R var., add 3 yeti. (10t Itic). Solid fuel in sacks for the Eastern Gas Board. within 20 miles.
Stuart Lane Ltd., Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks, B var., add I T. (4t 14c).
C. E. G. Leadsham. E16. B var., add I veh. 1340. G.g., within 10 miles: canned fruits, within 1511 miles of Canning Town station.
C. Oxley. Gravesend, Kent. B var., add 1 T. (510. R. Russell, Holloway, N7, 13 vat., add 2 veh. (71.). Potatoes and market garden produce. within 50 miles of Kings Cross.
Hi A. Williams, Cheshunt, Herts, B var.. add 1 veh. 1410. Smokeless solid fuels in sacks. for the Eastern Gas Board, within 211 miles of Ponders End Gas Works.
A PPLICATIONS (September 9, 1965) Cattails Bros. (Portsmouth) Ltd., Portsmouth. A var., add 2 'f, (140. Scrap and salvage. within 21111 miles.
C. A. R. Pickup, Aldershot, new B lie., 1 veh. (210. Goods to and from auction rooms, odd items of household goods, an within 50 miles.
North Hants Grain Drying and Storage Co. Ltd., Basingstoke. new B lie., 1 veh. (340. Grain, fertilizers, rubber and paper, within 40 miles.
S. M. Tidy (Public Works) Ltd.. Brighton, B var., add 1 T. (100 and 1 veh. (6i0 (Demnster Dumpster).
Pinner (Eastbourne) Ltd.. Eastbourne, B var., add 1 T. (70.