The Great Motorvan Parade.
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(Patron : H.M. the King.) 308 Vehicles Entered. Big Championship Prizes and Numerous Other Cash Awards for Careful and Competent Drivers.
Preparations for Whit Monday Well Advanced.
Keen Struggle for THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR Challenge Cup.
The sixth annual parade of motorvans is drawing near. It is fixed for Whit Monday, the 27th prox., 111 London. Next week, we hope, an important announcement will be made in regard to the venue. No fewer than 308 vehicles have been. entered, as by the following list :— Drivers and owners in and around the Metropolis are becoming increasingly keen, and there have been general expressions of satisfaction concerning the new arrangements for inspection and examination. Since the beginning of January, the engineer appointed to carry out th's responsible task has been hard at work, early and late. His duties are well in hand.
Big Prizes to be Won.
A written examination, which has been fixed for Saturday afternoon, the 27th inst., between the hours of 5 p.m. and S p.m., will settle who is to receive the three championship prizes of 210, 27, and £5. There are 90 entries.
A cup (or cups) will be given for competition amongst engineers-in-charge, for the vehicle or group of vehicles showing the best condition on parades. There are 20 entries.
The handsome silver challenge cup, presented by the proprietors of THE CommEacrAL MOTOR, will be awarded to the entrant whose "team," in the opinion of the Judges Committee, is in the best condition having regard to the class of work upon which the units are employed, the ages of the machines, and the total distances run by them. The judging will he based on the result of the inspecting engineer's report, with a percentage of marks for method of presentation and general appearance of the " team " on parade. It will subsequently be delivered to the holder for the year, on the due completion by him of undertakings for its safe custody. its insurance against loss by burglary or fire to a value of 230, and its return to the Association in May, 1913. There are 22 " teams" of six vehicles entered in this section, and it may be recalled that the cup is now held by the Sun Flour Mills Co., Ltd., of Bromley-byBow (Foden wagons). List of Donations.
Apart from the general fund, to which various generous donations have already been made, it is open to makers of particular vehicles or supplies to contribute to the special prize fund. An equal sum must be given to each account, in order that the Association shall not be put to expense out of its own funds, but the object of the special prizes is to enable makers and others to avail themselves of the opportunity to put up extra awards for "competition within a competition." This provision has been successful in past years, and it is much appreciated by the men. The following are the donations to date to the expenses and prize funds. The lists are open for additions.
Moat. of the above donations, as well as those to the special fund which are given in the next column, were made several months ago. Owing to the necessity for early notice, the conditions were published in September; the entries, without fees, closed four months ago. A list of additional contributions will be issued soon. The General Committee will also set aside an amount of not leas than 200 from its revenue account, for allocation between the above funds. The total cost of the parade will be in excess of 2600.
Analysis of Entries.
It is now possible, with the records of previous years available for the establishment of comparisons, to present interesting data bearing upon : (a.) The relative changes that have taken place in respect of petrol and steam entries ; (b) The amount of support accorded to the parade by owners of vehicles of particular makes. Steam took the lead at the outset, when Sir John Thornycroft arranged the first parade, on the Thames Embankment, in the year 1903. Gradually, however, petrol has forged ahead, and the proportion of steam has diminished. None the less, this year, steam makes a good showing, and this will be evident from a perusal of the analysis which we proceed to give. Next week, the names of the makers, with the totals of vehicles of their respective manufacture in parentheses, are to be given.