In the Money
Page 31

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Gaudy,. Ltd., made a profit, before Providing for taxation, of £92,466. •An ordinary dividend of 19 per cent. is to be paid and £21,357 carried forward.
Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £217,792 in 1946. Reserve receives £50,000 and a dividend of 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares is to be paid. A balance of £218,544 is carried forward.
Tynemouth and District Transport Co., Ltd., worked, last year, at a net profit of £19.229. A dividend of 10 Per cent.. tax free, is to be paid on the ordinary shares, with a tax-free bonus of 10 per cent, A balance of £22,037 Is carried forward.
International Harvester Co. of Great lkitain, Ltd., made a trading profit of £228,369 in the year to October 31 last. After providing for E.P.T., tax reserve, and other charges, the net profit was £76,294. The carry-forward is *258.527.
Steriol, Ltd., reports a trading profit of £45,424 and a net profit of £41,951. Accounts include a dividend of 4 per cent, on lite participating preferred ordinary shares for the six months to June 30, 1942, and additional 12 per 'cent, for the 18 months to December, 1943. A balance of £3,657 is carried forward.
'Gateshead and District Tramways Co reports that revenue last year totalled £210,792. Expenditure on power was £88,377,general items £15,732. repairs,. etc.. £22.741, deferred repairs £4,595, renewals £10,000, E.P.T. £20,000, and income tax £24,903. Nee'profit was £20,971. A dividend of 10 per cent, is to be Paid and a balance of £54,005 carried forward.
Skean Ban Bearing Co., Ltd., last year worked at a trading profit, after providing for depreciation and taxation, of £167,385. A sum of £25,000 has been allocated to replacement of plant and machinery and 430.000 to general reserve. The accounts Include an interim dividend of 3d. per unit and a final dividend of 7d. per unit, A balance of £142,025 is carried forward.
Wilts and Dorset ISIotor Services, Ltd., reports a trading profit for 1946 of £145,540 and a net profit of £29,660. Fuel tax and licences took 437,827, other taxation 03,059, depreciation £13,495 and reserve £10,000. A final ordinary
dividend 'of 41/2 per cent. is to be paid, making 10 per cent. for the year. with a bonus of 10 per cent., an tax free. A balance of £27.1135 is carried forward.
Lancashire United Transport and Power Co. Ltd., last year earned receipts oil its bus services
and other income OM expenses) throning £193485.
After providing for directors' fees, PenSiOnS, and grants to employees in the Forces, 4/88.518 remained, Investments brought in 4;39,720. A
sum of £40,000 is devoted to depreciation, £32,200 to deferred repairs and £69,001 to taxa
tion. A final ordinary div■dend of 6 per cent. is proposed, making 10 per cent, for the seer. and a balance of £61,851 zarried forward. Enatneering components, Ltd.. and its Subsidiaries made a profit of £114,331, before
charging depreciation, in ttyear to December 31 last. After providing for depreciation, directors' fees, pensions, employees welfare, and taxation, a combined, net profit of £37,277 remained, of which 430.561 lepr seated the net profit of Engineering Component's. Ltd. An interim dividend on the ordinary shares of 10 per cent. was paid, and a final eividerd of 15 per cent., with a bonus of 5 percent., is proposed. A balance of £28,930 is carried forward. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd.. -eports that Li 1949 total net sales amounted to £19,839.66'7, and that the trading profit, before providing for
depreciation, .pensions,, taxes andspecial items, was £1,535,378_ S_yrPlus n disposal of plant, provision for E.P.T. refund, settlementS of Government contracts and, cFedits raised the balance to £2.422,233 Depreciation accounted for £390.171, employees' profit-sharing fund £57,982, pensions fund £292,890, post-war rehabilitation and deferred repairs £201.971: and ' provision for taxation £649,658. An ordinarydividend of 20 per .cent, is to be Paid; and £3,763,601 carried forward,