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short while ago I was involved in accident with my

18th April 1969, Page 69
18th April 1969
Page 69
Page 69, 18th April 1969 — short while ago I was involved in accident with my
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car. The other was a double-deck bus and I have rying to determine at what speed going. It travelled 36ft with the locked, the road surface being dry ell metalled. Could you offer any s to how fast it probably was moving?

ifortunately no one could give you ything approaching a reasonable e of the speed of the bus, You do not was loaded or empty but presumably

t that the wheels locked means that mpty.

road conditions you mention suggest bus was decelerating at about 0.75g ift stopping distance would indicate al speed of something like 25 mph. t be stressed that this is only an pn and dependent entirely on the s characteristics of the road and the n of the tyres. With an adhesion )f .5 which is not uncommon for a wheel on dry tarmac, the initial speed ve been 20 mph or less.