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Not playing the game?

18th April 1981, Page 23
18th April 1981
Page 23
Page 23, 18th April 1981 — Not playing the game?
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THE GOVERNMENT has re• minded Coach operators anc tour organisers that the ruler governing international coact operators are not likely to br enforced in some Europear countries this summer.

A recent Department of Trans port booklet Taking a Coac Abroad outlines all th operator's requirements and a ligations.

The DTp says that driver hours and records in particulE are coming under close scrutin and documentation is bein checked to ensure that unauthc rised services are not bein operated. Last autumn, it say: several British operators wet fined by the French authoritiE and coaches were detained un1 fines were paid.

The DTp warns that wher there is evidence of abuse of if regulations, other governmen may refuse to issue authori ations required for some typ( of journeys.

To stay out of troubh operators should ensure th drivers hours are fully observ( and correctly recorded on tachograph. Remember, ea( driver must normally take a dai rest period of at least ten hou but these must not be taken the moving vehicle itself (even a bunk is fitted).

They should also ensure th on a "closed-door tour" deta of the whole journey includii any excursions are entered the waybill before the start of t trip and that no trips other th those specified on the wayt are undertaken.

On a shuttle service only, jai neys listed on the authorisati may be operated and operatc should keep to the authoris route and not run local exci sions at the resorts. They shot also ensure that all shuttle s vice passengers have a reti ticket and have booked accon dation through the to operator.

Finally, the DTp issues a minder that at the end of a tc and every shuttle journey British-registered coach must turn to the UK.

British coaches may not stationed at Belgium, Dutch, French ports without spec authorisation from the authorities.