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Fire-Brigade Matters.

18th August 1910, Page 13
18th August 1910
Page 13
Page 13, 18th August 1910 — Fire-Brigade Matters.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

The new Merry-weather motor fireengine for Northampton arrived in that town a little more than a week ago. It has been named the " T. L. 'Wright."

County Development.

A county firemaster is to be appointed by the Upper and Lower District Committees of Renfrewshire, after several conferences, at an inclusive salary of 7f;200 per annum, on trrms and conditions as regards his duties to be hereafter determined.

A Daimler First-Aid Fire-Engine for Berlin.

Our Berlin correspondent writes:— "As your readers are aware, the Berlin fire-brigade is developing mainly on uniform electric lines. Brand-director Reichel makes no secret of his preference for electric propulsion, and gives sound reasons for the faith within him ; still, as a practical man, he is ready not only to recognize the advantages of the petrol system for certain purposes, but also to throw out sug

gestions for its application. The latest instance of his activity in this branch has been carried out by the Daimler Motoren-Gesellsohaft of Marienfelde. It, is a first-aid vehicle for service at a great distance from the station of call. It carries a Pittler rotatory pump, mounted under the platform bearing the reel-carriage, and driven through gearing from the upper shaft of the gearbox. The chassis represents the company's 30cat, type, with a four-cylinder motor developing 33 b.h.p. Under the rear seat is a tank holding sonic 66 gallons of water. At 675 revolutions, the Pittler can deal with 1,600 cubic feet of water per hour. The advantrwe of this type of body is that, in cold and rainy weather, t It men dcr not arrive at the scene of the fire with saturated clothes

n d benumbed limbs, but dry

and ready for prompt action. At a pinch, eight men could travel in the wagon, but the normal number is four including the driver."

At Glasgow.

Firemaster Waddell of the Glasgow Brigade is now requiring tenders for six new motor fire-engines, in accordance with our earlier references to his intentions. On the 10th inst., in company with Bailie M'Millan Convener of the Glasgow Fire irigade Committee, he received a deputation of the Belfast corporation.

Grimsby's Mind.

The Town Council has decided to retain its old horse-drawn steam fireengine, but to purchase a self-propelled engine as well. The matter has been under discussion for some months, and it was at one time believed that a decision as to the type to be purchased had been reached. Now, however, it appears that fresh opportunities are to be afforded ti various makers to re-submit quotations.