Motorbus World.
Page 7

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The 20 h.p. Thornycroft char-abanes, which has recently been placed in service between Llangold and Menai Bridge, is doing good business during the present holiday season.
A Service in Corsica.
The British Consul at Corsica reports the establishment of an automobile company with a reliable service of motor omnibuses, which make a complete tour of Cape Corso, carrying both mails and passengers.
From the Station Yard.
The first motorbus service into London Bridge Station appears to be a huge success. The vehicles in the morning are crowded with would-be passengers, long before they are ready to commence their next westward jcurney.
An Umbrella to the Rescue.
During an Eistedfodd gathering at Goodwick, in Pembrokeshire, on August Bank Holiday, a motor chara-bancs of considerable size, and of unknown origin, arrived in the town with a party of competitors from a remote country district. Unlike all other parts of the kingdom on that day, it poured with rain in Western Pembroke. The char-h-bancs in question was a covered one, but the roof was in poor repair. Some ingenious passenger had, however, climbed outside and had inserted the stick of an open umbrella through a bad hole in the roof. By holding the stick from inside the vehicle, the elements were successfully defied. The curious appearance of the vehicle caused much amusement to a large holiday crowd. WooIton Motorbus Debentures.
A notice appears, in the " Sundry Advertisements" columns of this issue, demanding the lodging of particulars, with the receiver and manager of the Woolton Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., of all " debentures or other incunibrances" which have been made by the company.
Military Transport.
During the recent Territorial encampments in various parts of the country, a considerable number of... petrol chassis has been doing good ser vice as combined baggage and passenger wagons between the concentration camps and the nearest towns or railway stations.
A New Type of Touring Body for Bavarian Motorpost Lines.
Our Berlin correspondent writes:" Bavarian postal officials are steadily extending and improving their automobile services in various parts of the kingdom. They pay special attention to the needs of tourists, who swarm, over the country in the summer. Frr the tourist class, they provide an open carosserie, with transverse seats, arranged tierwise, and protected by glass screens at the back and in front, as well as by a wooden roofing and waterproof side curtains. The new type of body, of which I forward an illustration, will probably interest the coachbuilder. [Reproduction on page 492.-ED.] It presents an artisticappearance, and has much to commend it from a practical standpoint. Four passengers can sit abreast, the middle section of the chair-seating and backs being semi-detachable with a view to providing a gangway from end to end. Both body and chassis were. supplied by the Daimler MotorenGesellschaft. The chassis has an engine of 28 h.p., and is equal to tackling gradients of 16 per cent. T understand that the Gesellschaft has delivered 35 chassis of this type since the beginning of the year."