Cold-starting of Diesel Engines
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QUIPMENT to assist the cold starting of diesel engines has been sold in the U.K. by Start Pilot, Ltd., 27 Ashley Place, London, S.W.1, for some five years. It is claimed that cold chamber tests have shown its efficiency down to —40° F., at which temperature engines of up to 15-litre capacity have been started successfully.
To cater for small capacity diesel engines, Start Pilot, Ltd., have now designed Unit No. 6. This model costs about one-third the price of the original model and uses an 18 c.c. capsule of Start Pilot fluid that is already available on the market. The capsule is attached to the pump body and is punctured by a built-in piercer. The single-acting air pump is then operated to pressurize the capsule, atomizing the fluid which is then discharged into the engine air intake through tubing and a nozzle.
It is claimed that on tests with engines up to 5-litre capacity, excellent starts have been made down to —25° F. and that a single capsule has provided four daily starts at —15° F., on an engine of 2-litre capacity, which makes it suitable for most current diesel engines.
Workshop Equipment
rOMPLETE details of the full range of
garage, workshop and transport service equipment made by Harvey Frost and Co,, Ltd., DU =OW Road, Bishop's Stortford, Herts, are contained in the new 100-page illustrated catalogue issued by the company.
The catalogue is in loose-leaf form with heavy plastics covers and is made up of sections covering the various types of equipment with each section printed in a different colour for easy reference.
Warning of Obstructions A DEVICE intended to be carried on 1-1 vehicles and used to warn following traffic in the event of a breakdown is now made by the Notek concern. It is called the Rearguard and is a triangular-shaped reflector 1 ft. 44 in. high and 1 ft. 6 in. wide, with its surface faced with Scotchlite reflective sheeting.
The triangle is made up of three 2-inwide aluminium strips permanently hinged at the base and with a rubber press-stud fastening at the apex. A channel-section bar forms a rigid stand into which the triangle clips when in use.
When not in use. the Rearguard is folded flat and is kept in an 18-in. by 3-in, plastics container. The unit costs El 2s. 6d. complete.
City and Guilds Courses 4-1 A PAMPHLET entitled "New and Revised Schemes for the Session 1961-62" has been published by the City and Guilds of London Institute, 76 Portland Place, London, W.1. Alterations in the regulations and syllabuses of existing subjects are detailed in the pamphlet. together with information on new schemes to be introduced in the 1961-62 session.
Polish and Filler TWO new items have been introduced by Holt Products, Ltd.. New Addington, Surrey. One is called Hi-Speed car polish, the other Plastic Alloy.
Hi-Speed is a combined cleaner and silicone wax polish. It is best applied to dry and dean paintwork and produces an excellent shine without hard rubbing, "
bloom" arid traffic film being removed in the process. Two sizes are available priced at 9s. 6d. and 5s.
There will he many applications for Plastic Alloy, which is a metallized epoxy resin cornpound. Its main use will be as a filler but it can also be used to repair by .moulding and rebuilding and also for bonding. The compound can be applied to any rigid surface, such as metal, glass, wood and plastics, and when set hard, can be filed, drilled or tapped.
Plastic Alloy is supplied in separate containers of metallized resin and hardener, which are
mixed together in equal quantities immediately before use. The mix is applied with a knife and, at a temperature of 70° F., hardening begins after 3.0 minutes and is complete within five hours.
Two sizes are available, a 2-1b. indus trial pack costing 5s. and a small retail pack costing 5s. Rd.
Stronger Tyre Yarn AN improved yarn intended primarily for the tyre industry has been introduced by Courtaulds, Ltd. The new yarn will be known as Tenasco Super 140, and it is claimed to be substantially stronger than any other viscosebased yarn in commercial production, so that the construction of lighter and stronger tyres will be possible.
Thames Van Manual ARECENT publication by The Sunday Times, 200 Gray's Inn Road London, W.C.1, is the P. Olyslager Motot Manual dealing with Ford Anglia Prefect and Popular cars, Escort and Squire Estate cars and Thames 5anc 7-cwt. vans produced between 1954 and early 1961.
The manual costs 4s. 6d. and deals quite comprehensively with the specifica tion, performance and maintenance of the Thames series of light vans whiel have recently gone out of production The manual betrays its Dutch origins however, by the number of drawing! showing left-hand-drive vehicles, but thi is a minor criticism of an otherwise corn prehensive publication.
Plastics Handbook THE fifth edition of their Polyestei Handbook has just been publishec by Scott Bader and Co., Ltd., Wollaston Wellingborough, Northants.
Although similar to earlier editions till latest has been extensively revised an rewritten to include details of the lates Crystic resins made by the concern.
The 128-page handbook deal thoroughly with the use of polyeste resins for reinforced plastics and include full descriptions of techniques an methods of fabricating all types o reinforced plastics mouldings. There ar also chapters on quality control, desigi considerations and common defects an' their cure.