News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
The sole representative in this country for the P,R.A.M. vehicles, which are built in the shops of Messrs. Paitre and Co., of Paris, and of which we illustrate examples on page 355, is Mr. Conway Jenkins, of 175, Piccadilly, W.
The annual report of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, submitted during the Smithfield Show, showed that the net profit on the Bristol Show was 23115. The total expenditure at Bristol was £31,507, compared with 229,216 at Norwich, £29,25S at Liverpool, and 22(1,814 at Gloucester.
North of England Show.
It is our intention to publish two enlarged issues of THE COMMERCIAL 1410TOR, in order to deal adequatelywith the North of England
Show. This exhibition, so far as it is of concern to commercial-motor owners, will be held at the City Hall, Manehester, from the 30th prox. to the 7th February, inclusive.
The New Year's Eve celebrations at the RAG., at which it is likely that many owners of commercial motors who are also members of the Club will be present, will)consist of a gala supper at 11 p.m., in the restaurant and the great gallery, when souvenirs will be presented to the ladies. After midnight, a ball will take place upon a special parquet floor which has been fitted in the swimming bath for the occasion, and there will be other minor entertainments.
Christmas Arrangements.
Readers are reminded that they will find the contents of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR up to the usual standard during the holidays. The next issue, dated the 25th inst., will be on sale early on Wednesday morning next, and our regular supporters should have no difficulty in obtaining a copy, in any part of England, before they go home on Christmas Eve.
Advertisements for our issue dated the 25th inst.., owing to our intention to go to press early, should reach the manager not later than first post. to-morrow (Friday). It will be impossible, in any event, to use any prepaid line advertisements that come to hand by a later postal delivery, and any such miscellaneous announcements will be held over, and included in our issue of the. 1st January.
3rd " 81"1
Jan., 1914. Scottish Motor Show.
Seth Jan. to commercial Motor Show, at 7th Feb.,
1914. Manchester.
The Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., is now accommodated in its new offices at St. Helen's Court, Great St. Helen's, E.C.
Traction Engine Owners and Users Association.
The annual meeting of the National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association was held at the Agricultural Hall, during the Smithfield Show, on the 10th inst., when Mr. George Arnold presided. The intention of the Association to combat certain proposals oft the County Councils Association was approved and confirmed.
New Registrations.
The Birmingham Motor Express Parcel Delivery Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 22000 in 21 shares, and with its office at 3, Warwick Passage, Birmingham, to
carry on the business indicated by the title. :First directors : Charles Thomas Burgess and H. William Morley.
Yandle and Sons.. Ltd., with an authorized capital of .E5000 in £1 shares, and with its office at Silver Street, Ilminster, Somerset, to acquire the business now carried on by E. Yandle at Ilminster under the style of Yandle and Sons, and to carry on the business of motor dealers, and dealers in wagons and commercial vehicles, etc. The London agency for the Wall paroelear has been transferred to the depot of Sydney Westall and Co., Ltd. 143-145, Great Portland Street, W.
Arthur Guinness, Sons and Co., Ltd., having bought a special steamer for service between Dublin, Manchester and Liverpool, has hired, through the Irish Motor Lorry Co., Ltd., a further fleet of 10 motorvans for transport in connection with this steamer at Manchester.
More About Insurance.
Messrs. Harold Townend and Co., of 13 and 14, Abehurch Lane, King William. Street, E.G., are one of the pioneer firms of brokers who have specialized in commercialmotor insurances. The Townend firm does not limit its activities to mere brokerage work, but has at its command suitable organization for the investigation and settlement Of claims, throughout the country, the object being to secure to clients immunity from delay or trouble when accidents happen.
Motor Mails.
The surveyor for the Northeastern District, G.P.O., Leeds, desires to receive early tenders for the conveyance of mails between Darlington and Midatle.sbyough, via Stockton, in each direction, and between Stockton and West Hartle
pool. The first service involves the conveyance of a maximum load of 32 cwt. of mails at a time, at a speed of not less than 15 m.p.h. ; the second service involve the conveyance of a maximum load of 10 cwt. of mails at a time, at a speed of not less than 13 m.p.h. Each contract will be let for three or five years, and the latest. date for tendering is the 31st inst. News and Comment con.
We have been notified of tho change of address of Dagnall's, Ltd., haulage and general contractors, to Temple Road, Cricklewood, N.W. This well-known company is agent for Easter's " Wellington" tractors and road locomotives. The new telephone number of the company is 1181 Willesden.
New Registrations.
National Motor Carriers, Ltd., with an authorized capital of .E5 in Is. shares, by Thompsons, Quarrell and Jones, 3, East India Avenue, E.G., to carry on the business indicated by the title. Signatories include F. S. Jarvis, Winseot, Albert Road, Wimbledon, S.W. Fore Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £6000 in 5s. shares (8900 preference), and with its office at Corbyn's Hall' Works, Kingswinford, Staffs, to carry on the business of makers of motor wagons, motorvans and other vehicles. First directors : H. B. Vogel, L. Worth, and II. T. Williams.
Manslaughter Verdict.
We regretted to observe that a verdict of manslaughter was recently returned at the Southwark coroner's court against a driver named George Clevett, in the employ of Messrs. Hoare and 0o., brewers. According to the evidence, the vehicle was being driven at too high a speed to enable it to pull up, on its endeavouring to pass a stationary tramcar on the off side when another tramcar was going in the opposite direction, in consequence ot which combination of circumstances the lorry mounted the pavement, killing two people. The evidence as to speed was conflicting.
Christmas Holidays.
The S.E. and C. Ry. announces its usual special holiday bookings to Paris, Switzerland, and other places on the Continent. Details can be found on the small handbills which are issued by the company, or they may be obtained by direct application to Mr. John Avis, Continental Manager, at London Bridge Station, S.E.
1914 Calendars.
One of the neatest, handsomest and best-arranged pocket-books for 1914 is to hand from Messrs. G. Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd. We trace the organizing hand of Capt. J. Sealy Clarke, that company's London manager, in the compilation, which is a veritable gem 'of conciseness in conjunction with sufficiency.
Three-wheeler Moves a House.
A 45 hp. tractor, one of the threewheeled variety, was recently used with success in Los Angeles in moving a house for a distance of several miles. It operated by means of a steel cable, 1000 ft. long, which was fastened to any convenient telephone post in the street ahead, while the other end was passed through a pulley on the 'house and connected with the rear of the tractor. A speed of about three miles an hour was made without diffi
culty by the sturdy little machine with its excessive and unusual load. The incident is illustrated on the previous page.
Progress in Burnley.
We congratulate Mr. T. A. Napier Leadbetter, the engineer and manager of Utility Motors, Ltd., Burnley, upon the opening of his company's new premises, and upon the excellent work which it is getting out of its fleet of 14 five-ton Halley wagons. A dinner and concert were given, to mark the occasion, on the 29th ult. This company does the majority of its carrying between Burnley and Manchester.
Agricultural Organization.
The annual report of the Agricultural Organization Society shows that satisfactory progress has been made by this body since it was successful in obtaining a handsome Government grant towards its annual expenditure. In its earlier days, the Society had to be financed by a guarantee fund, and that fund was siapported for several years by the Editor of this journal. We observe that one of the standing committees is the Transport and Telephone Committee—an interesting combination.
Copies of the report, which is priced at Is., may be obtained from the Stepney Press, 33. White Horse Lane, London, E. It includes lists of various agricultural co-operative and other societies. We think that some of our country readers will care to write for one.